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Massacare of the Necromites [OOC/Started/ Not currently Accepting]

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[quote name='Hinagiku Katsura' timestamp='1305581249' post='5213330']

Is there a reason my guys appearance isn't recopied into the application? I can start without it. I'll post the link to his appearance in the first post. Would you recopy it into the application, please?
oh crap I thought I forgot something XD sorry I'll fix that in a jiff.
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Hey guys because school is almost out, and my computer was given to me by the school, I doub't I'll be able to post as frequently as I used too. I may be able to get on my mom's computer(like I am now) or post on my phone (Which will take a good while to finish the post). But either way, my posting will be spotty at best.
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Name: Anthony Zeron
Age: 35
Weapons: An electro-magnetic whip. A whipe that has three balls in between to magnetic tips. Anthony can set these down to surround someone, or can flip them out, creating electricity whip. Thunder gun. He channels lightining into the gun, whis makes lightning hit inside. From there, He amplifies the sound waves to fire a high sound blast at a specific target. He also has magnet, which he can use for multiple things


Talent:Disguise, Loves football, and Climbing

Personality:(At least a five line description)
Special Ability:Can control electricity, and create his own, to some degree. He can store electricity in his body from electricity from other items. His control of electrecity is growing, and he is learning how to use it.
Abiilities So far...

Lightning ball- Can be thrown or slammed into body

Discharge- A last resort power. He uses all the electricity in his body to let out a blast of electricity.

Lightning Fist_ Charges fist with electricity, making a fist enveloped with lightining.

other: Luke's dad, dating someone named Jessica....

Name: Anthony Zeron
Age: 35
Weapons: An electro-magnetic whip. A whipe that has three balls in between to magnetic tips. Anthony can set these down to surround someone, or can flip them out, creating electricity whip. Thunder gun. He channels lightining into the gun, whis makes lightning hit inside. From there, He amplifies the sound waves to fire a high sound blast at a specific target. He also has magnet, which he can use for multiple things


Talent:Disguise, Loves football, and Climbing

Personality:He found out he had this power only 5 years ago, at the same time as his son found out. Because of this, he likes messing around with his powers. Sometimes he can be very irratinal, though he only does it to protect his son. He does not like seeing people or animals being physchally, verbally, or mentaley abused. He is very stressed about owning the cafe, and he has outburst sometimes. Despite his son, his temper is very slow to rise. He stills mouns after the death of his wife, but is dating. He is generally nice, and has an interesting choice in clothes. He loves music. He had his iTouch personally made so there was no volume setting, so he could practice using his skill. You can constantlly listenning to music.Nickname(s):(Optional)
Special Ability:Can control electricity, and create his own, to some degree. He can store electricity in his body from electricity from other items. His control of electrecity is growing, and he is learning how to use it.
Abiilities So far...

Lightning ball- Can be thrown or slammed into body

Discharge- A last resort power. He uses all the electricity in his body to let out a blast of electricity.

Lightning Fist- Charges fist with electricity, making a fist enveloped with lightining.

Drain- can drain electricity from a near by object

Sound enhancement. Can amplify sound.

Sound Focus- He can focus into one sound, and hear it very well, though he can't hear anything else

other: He requires electrecity to live. Luke's dad, dating someone named Jessica....

Sorry bout the double post, the thing accidentally posted when I didn't tell it to. Sorry
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Name: Ignus Farein
Age: 17

Weapons: Scythe made from phoenix feathers so he Ignus can put it on fire without burning it.
His hands and feet


Talent:Combat, Running, Restless

Personality: Ignus hates when someone give up or thinks of giving up. He is always restless and if he stops moving he might burst into flames since he does not have full control over his powers. Ignus is most excited in the heat of combat. When he gets into combat he forgets almost everything else unless his comrades are hurt. He prefers to use hand-to-hand combat He can be very inconsiderate of other people's feelings and says whatever he wants even when no one is listening. He can be very oblivious of situations even when it has been explained to him. His motto is Keep burning brighter.

Nicknames: Flame head

Special Abilities: Heat Resistance
Flame Absorbtion - Can absorb fire into any part of his body (feet increased speed or stronger kick, fist stronger punch, eat flame breath, etc.)
Fire Manipulation
Fire body - He changes his body into pure flames that can't be put out after this technique he returns to his original state in a seared body
Friendly Fire - Strengthens an ally with a fire with the same color as there aura

Other: When he was a kid he was best friends with Akio before he moved. He has had no contact with any other of his relatives except his parents.
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Name: Lexandra Climante
Age: 17
Appearance: http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://celebrityimg.com/photos/NaoOikawa127488-display.jpg&imgrefurl=http://celebrityimg.com/%3Fview%3Dimg%26search%3DNaoOikawa%26imgid%3D161724%26page%3D1&usg=__rU2rtllkPxJJ5FFtJdcpP_MqGXw=&h=571&w=500&sz=37&hl=en&start=104&zoom=1&tbnid=02e3_k_UpwCNTM:&tbnh=143&tbnw=131&ei=Zs3VTfDoCcfLgQeQyfGMBw&prev=/search%3Fq%3Danime%2Baura%2Bgirls%26hl%3Den%26biw%3D1362%26bih%3D638%26gbv%3D2%26tbm%3Disch0%2C2448&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=1109&vpy=189&dur=530&hovh=240&hovw=210&tx=112&ty=173&sqi=2&page=6&ndsp=23&ved=1t:429,r:6,s:104&biw=1362&bih=638
Weapons: a voice- activated sword that can also form a shield
Aura: Gold
Talent: Hacking and intelegence gathering
Personality: Lex is moody to put it mildly. You never know what may or may bot set her off the deep end so tred with caution. Still she is very loyal and adventerous. Allthough this adventerous and her risk-seeking attitude often leads to her getting into trouble. She also has problems with authority and is a little bit spastic.
Nickname(s): Lex
Special Ability: unknown
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@the first Mohicon: it looks fine to me and I dont see anything wrong. So its accepted from my pov.

@ryujin: a good app. Accepted.

@auralady: can u remove the parenteses? it makes the app hard to read. Also, I wont say its accepted or not due to the aura you chose. So wait for MKS to get back on.
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[quote name='Hotaru987' timestamp='1305897819' post='5220460']
@the first Mohicon: it looks fine to me and I dont see anything wrong. So its accepted from my pov.

@ryujin: a good app. Accepted.

@auralady: can u remove the parenteses? it makes the app hard to read. Also, I wont say its accepted or not due to the aura you chose. So wait for MKS to get back on.

It rpobably isn't my place, but I believe that if somebody makes a Gold aura character, they should have an actually [i]good [/i]and [i]well detailed [/i]application to prove they have the skill and intelligence to lead. I'm not following the orders of somebody who makes one to three liners every post, if you understand how I feel.
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Okay guys lol I'm on. Now we won't be accepting any more after these.

Auralady, I will let you have the gold aura as long as you follow a strict set of rules for this aura.
[*] You will NOT discover your power with the gold aura until I pm you saying its okay.
[*] You will NOT create a power that I did not PRE APROVE for the gold aura once we get to that point.
[*] You will NOT act as though you are the main character, I know you probably wouldn't anyway but I just had to point out that the gold aura characters are not the main focus of the series and will NOT overshadow the other characters.
Break one rule and you will be on two day suspension from the RP.
Break it again a week.
Break another one and its permanent suspension.

Now, all I ask is you make the app a little more detailed and then you will be accepted.

oh and everyone else is accepted.

Also, should I
1) move on and have the new characters introduce themselves later or in the middle of the meeting,
2)or wait for them before Gor lets you guys in.

Vote 1 or 2. If we wait I won't be able to move forward until Sunday since tomorrow I'm going to my friend's Sweet Sixteen.
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