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Klavier VS Godfather Zandaa


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You choose requirements, Written Cards only, winner gets 1 rep from loser, voters my give valid reasons for votes, fist to 3 votes wins

[b]Requirement:[/b] Choose any MTG card and transform it into a YGO card

[b]Card A
[color="#00FF00"]Prototype Portal[/color][/b]
Continuous Spell
When this card is activated, remove from play 1 Monster Card in your hand. Once per turn, you can select 1 face-up monster you control and remove it from play. Then, Special Summon 1 Token whose name, ATK, DEF, Level, Attribute, Type, and effect are the same as the removed monster's. (You must still meet all the requirements like you were Summoning the remove monster itself, Tributes, conditions etc.)

[b]Card B
[color="#00FF00"]Gitaxian Probe[/color][/b]
Normal Spell
Pay 2000 Life Points, look at your opponent's hand and select 1 of them. Your opponent returns the selected card to the top of his/her Deck, then draw 1 card. If you drew a card with the same Type as the selected card, draw 1 more card.
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Those are very awesome, so it will be hard. I'm doin by score(it is a reason)

card a.

usefulness = 7
balanced = 10
creative = 8
total =25


Usefulness = 10
balanced = 9
creative = 7

So, do you mind if you guys vote in here. it is really need a votes [url="http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/247332-nexusgrave-vs-maha-guns-start-voting-people/page__gopid__5201891#entry5201891"]My link[/url]

and here [url="http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/247409-maha-guns-v-wolf-fan-voting-has-begun/page__gopid__5201889#entry5201889"]My link[/url]

I need help too :D

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