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Yugioh: The 2nd WRGP [Started/Not Accepting/OCC]

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Ok. As i say, either Team Rebirth or another team who join.

Username: Elemental Dragon
RP Name: Alexis Phoenix
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Appearance: [IMG]http://i54.tinypic.com/ev6qlc.jpg[/IMG]
Bio: Alexis was always a talwented duelist. However, at the age of 6, she died. Her house burned down to the ground and she was severely burnt. The doctors couldn't help her and everyone grieved. But, although the reason is unclear, she was born again. It was considered an absolute miracle, her face was posted on every magazine. She became extremely well known worldwide. Ever since that day, she changed her deck to one revolving around phoenix's. Birds which burn and are then reborn. They reflect her, and she holds them dear to her heart. She started a team, team rebirth. She is a kind and gentle girl, with lots of friends and a loving family. However, she can be extremely competetive and has high goals.
Team: Team Rebirth
Other User’s in Team: None yet. [feel free to join]
Deck: Phoenix. Based around cards like Sacred Phoenix of Nepthys. Resummons cards.
Ace Card: Divine Phoenix of Light
Duel Disk Appearance: [url="http://oi54.tinypic.com/118gdvl.jpg"]Disk[/url]
Duel Runner Appearance: [url="http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.deviantart.com/download/187709996/starfire__s_duel_runner_by_violetrosedragon14-d33r9yk.png&imgrefurl=http://violetrosedragon14.deviantart.com/art/Starfire-s-Duel-Runner-187709996&usg=__wIjGG2fDKBTLCRtbHYksCyZRwIw=&h=358&w=800&sz=24&hl=en&start=30&zoom=1&tbnid=4yTL-RVbxyj7rM:&tbnh=81&tbnw=182&ei=UIjBTea0PMe48gO2hrjHBQ&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dduel%2Brunner%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26biw%3D1003%26bih%3D551%26tbm%3Disch&um=1&itbs=1&iact=rc&dur=406&page=3&ndsp=16&ved=1t:429,r:2,s:30&tx=87&ty=60"]runner[/url]
Post bio later
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ED you got to remeber that if someone has to many apps they might end up Verusing themself which wouldn't work so i would say make a third app for your own team and Trimage can make a third app for his team

Username: No. Card Master
RP Name: Tim Brooks
Gender: M
Age: 16
Appearance: Black long hair and green eyes. He has pale skin with many scars. He is average height
Bio: Tim was born into a loving family where he was taken care of. He loved his parents and they gave him whatever he wanted. He asked for a great deck and they gave him that. Then one day they vanished and were never seen again. He was then rasied by his families butler who treated him with alot of respect. One day he wanted to do the WRGP so he went and found someone called Ark who let him join his Team. They trained together until the beginning of the WRGP
Team: Junk Yard Crew
Other User’s in Team: Trimage
Ace Card:
Duel Disk Appearance: Just a general Duel Disk
Duel Runner Appearance: Looks exactly like Crows except its main colour is Silver and its secondary colour is black

Here is my App though i am trying to think of a good deck

The RP starts when we have 8 full Teams
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[quote name='No. Card Master' timestamp='1304540252' post='5188126']
ED you got to remeber that if someone has to many apps they might end up Verusing themself which wouldn't work so i would say make a third app for your own team and Trimage can make a third app for his team

Username: No. Card Master
RP Name: Tim Brooks
Gender: M
Age: 16
Appearance: Black long hair and green eyes. He has pale skin with many scars. He is average height
Bio: Tim was born into a loving family where he was taken care of. He loved his parents and they gave him whatever he wanted. He asked for a great deck and they gave him that. Then one day they vanished and were never seen again. He was then rasied by his families butler who treated him with alot of respect. One day he wanted to do the WRGP so he went and found someone called Ark who let him join his Team. They trained together until the beginning of the WRGP
Team: Junk Yard Crew
Other User’s in Team: Trimage
Ace Card:
Duel Disk Appearance: Just a general Duel Disk
Duel Runner Appearance: Looks exactly like Crows except its main colour is Silver and its secondary colour is black

Here is my App though i am trying to think of a good deck

The RP starts when we have 8 full Teams
Actually, Versing themselfs would work out better if you ask me... not quite good enough for an rp if everyone is doing so... but it'd be the first riding duel that I've ever seen completed... <_<

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Username: YRPOtaku169
RP Name: "Itsu"
Gender: Female?
Age: Unknown
Bio: Legend tells of a powerful duelist who travels through time and space and saves different versions of the Earth on a regular basis. She has copies of the most powerful cards in Duel Monsters, and is in all of human history, if you know where to look. Her name is Itsu Solace.
This person...might be her?
Team: Team Rebirth
Other User’s in Team: Alexis, Zarleun
Deck: /AR Deck (Uses upgraded versions of signature cards from the show)
Ace Card: Blue-Eyes White Dragon/AR
Duel Disk Appearance: "She" uses a customized Battle City Duel Disk.
Duel Runner Appearance: "She" uses a Duel Runner that looks shoddily cobbled together from parts belonging to both the Yusei Go and the Bloody Kiss.
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