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Yugioh: The 2nd WRGP [Started/Not Accepting/OCC]

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That's very bad. It's supposed to be:

The top team = 1st place
The team who lost to the top team= 2nd place
The winner of the two teams who lost to the two above = 3rd place
The loser of the two teams who lost to the two above = 4th place

The top winner of the teams who lost to the four teams above = 5th place
The team who lost to the the team above = 6th place
The winner of the two teams who lost to the two above = 7rd place
The loser of the two teams who lost to the two above = 8th place
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Username: AngryBird
RP Name: Sigma
Gender: Female Robot
Age: Robot
[spoiler='THE LOOKS'][img]http://www.instablogsimages.com/images/2010/02/27/bandai_dorosseru_robot_55KOo_22974.jpg[/img][/spoiler]
Bio: Sigma was made by a unknown scientist who wants to help in the community. He was the 1st robot to be functioning after it was made. It was then copied into clones for the community to be used. But the clone robots gone haywired creating chaos to the world. Sigma, the original copy, destroyed the robots and freed the unknown city to peace. But all was lost, destroyed and forgotten. He then joined the RP for a last minute sign-up because of the history rewritting.
Team: Team Cyberion
Other User’s in Team: Unknown
Deck: The Shadow Knight
Ace Card: Shadow Knight - Tristan
Duel Disk Appearance: Its left wrist will appear a white Duel Disk.
Duel Runner Appearance: Uses a White Duel board that appears from its foot.
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