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Meklord have instant TRISHULA.

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Cards Needed: 2 "Meklord Army Of" Cards(any will do), Mobile Fortress Fortissmo, Unknown Synchron, Trishula or any level 9 synch, TEH POWA OF NEEXXXUUSS

1) Special Summon Unknown Synchron with it's effect.
2) Normal summon a "Meklord Army Of" Monster
3) Activate Fortissmo
4) Special Summon the second one with it's effect.
7) Instant.Level.9.
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They can also easily make Level 8's, and Level 7's, and Level 6's, and Level 5's!

it r troo

EDIT: No one pointed out that there is, in fact, no Nexus Belief in this combo, despite the fact that Invalid Argu[s]e[/s]ment says there is.

EDIT EDIT: It's hard to say the strikethrough through the 'e' in his name, there.
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