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Okay. I just didn't draw the cards I wanted. Of course I wouldn't. I only have three copies of each of them in my deck.

When we duel again, which deck should I use?

My best decks (decks I actually won with):
-Jack cards mixed with Counter Traps and random Fiends
-A deck I made to get a draw with
-Iron Chain

Guess which one I won the most with on DN?

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Username: Kuroko Shirai
[spoiler=Funniest Video IYO:]Second Funniest IMO because my first was already posted... Well, Clannad is my second favorite anime.

What can you offer to the club?: My presence, and posts because I'll talk about the topic.
Will you be active?: I'll be active

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Yeah, but they did duel. Hmmmm... The deck I won most with and lost about 4 times and won about the same amount with was a stupid Psychic with Archfiend soldier and Falling Down.

Second would be a Rock Type deck, where I won twice and lost once.

On DN I mean.

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I should get rid of my Dark Resonators and Synchros in my Rock deck though. To make it completely Rock, and it's almost pointless to have anyway for it.

The decks I tested on DN are:

Slightly Yusei





Fusion Heroes (The rental deck from Reverse of Arcadia)

and a stupid normal deck that lets me normal summon without tributing water monsters with 2600+ ATK (Though only 4 of them are so)

As you can see, most of that is what I think to be not meta. I don't really know how much Vylons are used though. They could be at some point.

and as you can see, I also just make random decks most of the time.

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