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*Sees Jaxcob come through the window.*
Ah, the old fireworks targeting another building gag. Classic.
My alter-ego and I share eye-to-eye. I see what he sees and vice-versa, that way we can communicate between threads. ;)

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*constructs a wooden rocket-shaped cart, ties a rope to the ends of two fireworks, lights it, and rides the rocket around the hotel until his alter-ego sees him as he says "that boy.... always looking for the thrills. :)"*

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[quote name='☽☖☠☗☾JAX☼COB☽☗☠☖☾' timestamp='1318110998' post='5568713']

Damn, It doesn't help that the bus stop and the school are btoh 4 miles apart. .-.

Last year I was only a mile away from the school. What sucked was I was at the first stop.

This year I can't take the school bus because I live outside the city now. So I have to take the normal bus with transfers and everything.

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