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Yu-Gi-Oh! The DiaDhank Days [PG16][Not Accepting][Started]

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Btw, I've timeskipped a bit so that the RP can really move forward - there'll be a chance for character interaction after these next few posts. I'm going to send the thieves to the Village as well, but they'll be going in later (so as to give Lazarus and ElectricKirby more time to get their apps submitted). So for now, the thieves are just going to have some interaction time with each other.
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Ah, that ... well, that is my "secondary" RP technique, in that I break the fourth wall and, under the guise of the omnipresent narrator, directly communicate as myself. To put it this way, if you've ever read Tom Jones by Henry Fielding, it's sort of similar to his style - nay, was actually influenced by him. Example:

I have told my reader, in the preceding chapter, that Mr Allworthy inherited a large fortune; that he had a good heart, and no family.


And true it is that he did many of these things; but had he done nothing more I should have left him to record his own merit on some fair freestone over the door of that hospital. Matters of a much more extraordinary kind are to be the subject of this history, or I should misgrossly mispend my time in writing so voluminous a work; and you, my sagacious friend, might with equal profit and pleasure travel through some pages which certain droll authors have been facetiously pleased to call [i]The History of England[/i].

I don't really use that type of RP technique unless I'm using a more satirical character (Regiana was a very aristocratic girl from a Pokemon RP, and I sorta kept mocking her on purpose, hence the use of the omnipresent narrator in my posts), so it's highly unlikely I'll write like that again.
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From Wikipedia:

Speaking directly to, or otherwise acknowledging, the audience through the camera, in a film, play or television program, is referred to as "breaking the fourth wall."[/quote]

Btw, anybody gonna post?
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@Rarity - sure, if you re-write the deck part of the app, I'll fix it for you

@Lazarus - to be honest, literally nothing has happened, so there is still time for you to get your app in (you're an Accomplice, right? I'm currently stalling the thieves' movements, mainly because we're still missing our final thief). Well, if you feel like you really want to quit, then I guess I can't stop you; I hope we get to RP again sometime in the future, and thank you for your interest =)
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It's been almost a week since someone last posted on here to the RP.... If those guys don't have their apps done my now nor have posted anything on here, I don't think we should wait for them. If we wait too long to continue on, we're going to lose interest in the rp... I think we should continue on
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