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Final Fantasy RP NEW FEATURE!: Enemey Guide

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Miniboss Battle:Simon Foxshadow VS. 2 Kumori Assassins


Assassin 1 Turn:

Attack>Slice> Assassin 1 slices at Foxshadow causing 17 damage. (120-17=103HP)


Assassin 2 Turn:

Attack>Kick>Assassin 2 kicks Foxshadow back causing him to fly behind counter for 18 damage. (103-18=85)


Foxshadow Turn:

Magic: Demon Fire

15MP (80-15=65MP)

Target: Assassin 1 and 2

Damage: 34 Critical Hit! (70-34=36HP)

Info: Simon knew that he couldn't beat them inside the tiny restaurant so he channeled the restaurants energy then blasted both assassins with a wave of fire sending them through the restaurant doors. Simon smiled a slight grin as he ran outside. He knew that outside he could easily defeat them.


Assassin 1 Turn:

Skill>Throw Weapon> Assassin 1 reaches to his side and grabbing a knife throws it at Foxshadow slicing him and causing 15 damage. (85-15=70HP)


Assassin 2 Turn:

Attack> Slice> Assassin 2 runs up and slices Foxshadow causing 12 damage. (70-12=58HP)


Foxshadow Turn:

Limitbreak: Elemental Rush

Target:Assassin 1 and 2

Damage: 66 1: (36-66=-30 Overkill) 2: (36-34=2HP)

Info: Simon channels the energy of the earth throughout his body and begins to glow bright yellow. He then fires a blast of energy at both the assassins causing 66 damage. Assassin 2 jumping away at the last moment survives the blast with 2HP left.



As the dust cleared Assassin 2 saw the dead body of his fellow assassin. "Grr he is too strong! I must report this to the leaders! said Assassin 2 as hobbled away and out of town.


Foxshadow reached Level 3! Foxshadow gets +50HP, +10MP, and +5 to his attacks, spells, and skills! Foxshadow learned Elemental Magic:Gusty Wind and Elemental Magic: Quicksand!


ooc: Hey if someone from the evil side could take over for the Assassins report to the evil lord. I would appreciate it.

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OOC I will post this battle later because i have something to do.


Axle walked into town and headed for the inn,he went into the inn but axle didn't know that he was followed by a kumori goon,just as Axle was going to sit at the table,the goon threw a knife at him,Axle dodged the knife and unsheated his sword."do you want do die"Axle asked him,the goon said"No only you will die today"and when he said that he charged at Axle.

ooc.i will refer to kumori goon as KG,oh and i hope i didn't went over my attack range



Axle's turn

Attack>sword>Axle does 14 DMG to KG, KG HP(200-14=176)


KG turn

Skill>Assasins rush>The KG quickly moves around axle and hits him for 23 DMG Axles HP(170-23=147)


Axle's turn

Skill>Angel's blade> Axle's sword began glowing with a white light,Axle sliced the KG doing 23 DMG to KG HP(176-23=153)


KG turn

Attack>slash>The KG slashes Axle doing 15 DMG Axle's HP(147-15=132)


Axle's turn

Magic>heal>Axles heals 16 HP (132+16=148)

MP 15(40-15=25)

KG turn

Skill>Stab>The KG stabs Axle doing 22 DMG (148-22=126)


Axle's turn

Skill> slash>Axle slashes the KG and does 23 DMG KG s HP (153-23=130)


KG turn

Attack>slice>the KG tried to slice axle but he missed


Axle's Turn

Skill>Quick slash>Axle quickly slashes the KG and does 27 DMG KG HP(130-27=103)


KG turn

Attack>quick stab>The KG stabs axle and does 21 DMG(126-21=105)

Axle's turn

attack>slash>Axle's slashes the KG and does 11 DMG KG HP(103-11=92)


KG's turn

Attack>stab>The KG stabs Axle and does 15 DMG Axle's HP(105-15=90)


Axle's turn

Limit break>Samurai's Blade>Axle does 11+20=31 31*3=93 DMG to KG KG's HP(92-93=-1overkill)

target KG

Info:Axle positions himself in a dueling stance and then begins to rapidly slash the KG after he slashed him 5 times he sheats his sword


Axle reached level 3,Axle gained +50 HP,+10 MP and +5 to attack,magic and skill

Axle gained 300 Gil


After that battle Axle walked out of the inn and went to tegotea base to heal himself.

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ooc1: Don't steer away from the ATK ranges on the first post guys

ooc2: I'm considering Geomancer's as spell caster types so lvl up stats for them will also be: gained 30 HP and 30 MP! got +5 to weapons & magic!


Omushiba was about to attack Matthew when he felt a medium sized wind on his back and he saw Matthews face in shock. Omushiba turned around and saw an adult field dragon behind him.


Say: "Ah, nuts! Were gonna have to team up just this once kid to survive, so get up and lets go!


(can not flee)


Adult Field Dragon vs. Omushiba and Matthew Kid

Battle Order: Omushiba>Dragon>Matthew


Omushiba's Turn:

Skill>One Bullet>Omushiba ejects 9 bullets from his rifle, so theres only one remaining in the barrel, and takes a shot at the dragon for 38x3=114 dmg Dragons Health (1200-114=1086)


Dragon's Turn:[/b

The dragon raises it's head as to collect energy, counter (1)



Say>When it raises it's head it's planing for a big attack, but he needs to charge for 3 turns or so, make these moves count!


Mathew's turn...

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ooc: 1st some of your spells went over your magic range, not including burst flare and this is b4 the effects of your boost, your magic range dmg is 37-48 for lvl 5 which means you can't go over 48 before the effects of your boost, 2nd a boss wouldn't be able to be Possessed. So I should ask you to edit your post but ill let it slide ONCE do it again and everything is reduced to 1 on your stats for one day

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Kevin's Story :


Kevin was walking into a cave and then a huge mass of scorpions bited him costing 17 Damage = 2+1+2+1+2+2+2+2+1 [190-17=173]



Kevin vs. 9 Scorpions.


Kevin's Move :

Spell[snow Tornado]>A huge tornado hitted all Scorpions costing 27 Damage [54-27=27HP]

MP = 170-12=158


Scorpions Move :

Attack[bite]>All 9 scorpions bitted Kevin costing 9 damage [173-9=164HP]


Kevin's Move :

Spell[snow Ball]>A huge snow ball hitted all scorpions costing 24 damage [27-24=3HP]

MP = 158-12=146


Scorpions Move:

Attack[bite]> All 9 scorpions bitted Kevin costing 8 [1+1+1+1+MISS+1+1+1+1] damage [164-8=156HP]


Kevin's Move :

Spell[White Magic Attack]>White Magic ball hitted scorpions and costing 12 Damage [3-12=-9]


Kevin reaches level 5! Kevin gets +30HP, +30MP and +5 Magic,Attacks and Skills!Kevin gets 500 gil!

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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster

The point is, I'm not in this anymore, so you can take out all the stuff to do with me in the first post. My RPing style doesn't fit with this RP, so I won't RP in a way that makes me uncomfortable. Give StevenBray's character the Demon's Spear if you'd like; doesn't make a difference to me. Oh, and good luck destroying the universe. XP


Even though I'm not RPing, I can manage the enemy guide if you'd like. I think I'll do admirably, if you'd permit me.

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"What did it just do?" said Simon as he saw the bloody assassin run off his right hand still shaking from his limit break. "I better get back to the Monastery!" said Simon as he ran off out of town and towards Amarah Monastery.


"Master Ajahn! Master Ajahn!" said Foxshadow as he bolted into the monastery. "Hmm Foxshadow? What are you doing back so soon? I thought you were gathering supplies? said Master Ajahn. "I was master but then these two assassins attacked me and called me a traitor. They were tough but at the last minute i felt the power of the earth flow through me and i blasted the energy through my arm. Do you know what it was? said Foxshadow with a worried voice. "Hmm i think we need to have a talk later tonight my young apprentice. For now you need to rest." said Master Ajahn as he walked into his room closing the door behind him. "Hmm, Master Ajahn seemed strange just then. I wonder what he wants to talk to me about?" said Foxshadow as he entered his room and began to take a nap.


Later that Night


"Wake up young Foxshadow!" said Master Ajahn. Simon was groggy but quickly got up and began to follow his Master through the monasteries halls. "What was it you needed to talk with me about Master? said Foxshadow.


"Well my young apprentice it seems you are ready for a great responsibility to be bestowed upon you. You see those assassins that you told me about were part of an evil organization call "Kumori". They want to gain the power of an ancient evil in hopes of destroying life as we know it. I along with others in this world help guard this power. We each have split this power into 7 crystals in hopes that this power will never be used again. The seven crystals represent the seven elements that make up this world: Light, Dark, Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, and Divine."


"What are you talking about Master? What does any of this have to do with me?" said Foxshadow.


"Silence!" shouted his Master. "You will wait until i am finished! Now as i was saying. I am one of the Seven guardians who guards these crystals. I guard the Earth Crystal which in itself controls the vast energy of the Earth itself. I have protected this crystal for more than 100 years ever since my master passed it onto me when i was ready." said Master Ajahn both he and Foxshadow stopped in front of the golden statue in the Monastery lobby.


OOC: I hope you don't mind i came up with a way for the evil Kumori to take over the world. It involves them gathering the 7 elemental crystals and conjureing an ancient evil.

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"What are we doing here? asked Foxshadow. "Be patient my apprentice. I am about to show you something that can never be told to any of the other monks or anyone. Do i make myself clear?" said Master Ajahn. Simon nodded and his master began to quietly chant a mysterious charm.


"Donios Creasitor Nomhin." After finishing the chant the golden statue in the lobby slide to the side revealing a secret stair case. "Whoa! What the hell is this?" said Foxshadow. "There is no time we must hurry!" said Master Ajahn as they both went down the stairs and entered the secret room.


As they entered the hidden underground chamber, Master Ajahn raised his hand which lighted the small rows of torches all around the room filling the room with light. Simon gazed around the room with amazement. The room was a large chamber with golden walls and in the center there was a large statue with six arms each holding jewel encrusted blades. Both Master Ajahn and Simon walked towards the statue and towards at the statues base. Master Ajahn grabbed a small black chest and turned around and faced Simon.


"Now my young apprentice it is your turn to protect the Earth Crystal. It seems that your power has grown strong enough for me to trust you with this task. Take it and then seek the other crystals so that this evil will never be released again." said Master Ajahn as he opened the chest revealing a small brown crystal. Simon walked up and picked up the crystal but then he was suddenly flooded with the energy of the earth.


Simon Foxshadow reached Level 4! Gained 30HP, 30MP, and +5 to weapons and magic! Simon learned Elemental Magic: Local Quake and Elemental Magic: Lava Ball. Foxshadow earned an Item Slot!


"Here take this also." said Master Ajahn as he handed Simon a bag of gold. Simon gained 1000 gil "Now you must go! They will sense the crystals power and be here soon! I can hold them off for only so long." said Master Ajahn as they made there way back up to the monastery entrance.


"What do you mean Master Ajahn? You can beat anyone!" said Simon. "Without the crystals power my life force will begin to fade and with it my magic will weaken also. Now get out of here!" Simon followed Master Ajahns order and ran off into the night.


Suddenly Master Ajahn felt a dark presence inside the monastery and quickly turned around seeing a hooded figure with dark energy swirling around him. "Where is the crystal you old fool!" shouted the hooded figure. "I knew you would be here. The crystal is gone and you will never be able to get it! We will settle this once and for all!" shouted Master Ajahn as he slammed the monasteries door ready for battle.

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