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Yu-gi-oh! Duelist Diaries [OoC/Started/Accepting]

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X) He doesn't know who sent Brian to the Netherworld yet...so you still have some time XD.That really was a great duel. I can't believe I messed up that Shield Warrior thing. I just sat here for like 10 minutes trying to think of a way to stop the attack but I just messed it up. Oh well, as soon as he's accepted, I'll have another character :)

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Guest Kyng of Ice

Can I just say, Cthonian and DHF, that duel was well done, epic and great. I'm just sad that Brian's gone. Brian, I hardly knew yee!

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I fixed it, I didnt notice I short posted when I set it up, I think I posted that right as I was still waking up, I hope its better now\


Oh, and Thank your for the compliment Kyng. It actually was better than my first duels in some of the RPs here, way back when. God moding cards and everything like that.

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Thanks... and atleast it was with real cards too (except for like 1 or two from each of us). My deck is large. I like a lot of cards in my deck and the majority of those are Gravekeeper's. I also have cards like Chthonian Soldier and cards with effects to damage my opponent. For spells, it depends, mostly to boost up my hand. And traps are just to bring my restrict my opponent from doing anything without paying life points.


I'll miss Brian too X)

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It'll be tough for me to duel someone with the remembrance duel going on. I'll make sure the duel finishes somewhat quickly by posting more than 2 turns every time. After that, I'll be free with both Gato and Eric :) AND with all the weaknesses revealed, the Signers should be able to somehow devise a plan to defeat Eric, and Gato. Or they will be defeated just as easily as Eric defeated Cyrano XD

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Hmm. Well with several of my College Classes over (and with me dealing only with high school classes) I'll have more time to finish Eric and Gato's memoir duel. Gato might want to be seen dueling, but it still might take a while, soooo


Why don't you take him first Kyng?

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