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Yu-gi-oh! Duelist Diaries [OoC/Started/Accepting]

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Prepare to see some pwnage!

Ya! Let's do this!

8000 Life Points will make this a long duel :D!


Also, I think I'll go 2nd, then Natsu will go and Cyrano, or something like that.

Wait so is this a four way or two duels going on at once, because Cyrano just went and hes attacking, But Eric went and then Lian. If it was a four way shouldn't if have been Natsu after Lian.

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Oh. If it is still your turn, then I guess my last one doesn't count. I thought it said "So that is all", but it didn't.

Damn, sorry about that. You didn't finish your turn?

(or is it something else?)

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Guest Kyng of Ice

Sorry for not posting.


So what has happened?


the IC is up and running, go grab your chance while it is still there. link is on the first page

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Guest Kyng of Ice

How long should Lian and Natsu's duel last? Should it end quickly with a powerful card that takes out a lot of life points? Should it last and they slowly decrease each others' life points?


Good point, Tovee and Arthur's duel will end soon by the way. So I'll be free to accept a duel again, but not for a while ok?

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