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Next to Granmarg, Mobius is the worst Monarch.

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Guest Chaos Pudding

Chaos Pudding and others' date=' i'm currently joining Gamefaq to apologize to them and invite them back, assuming frunk unbans them.



Cool beans. And while you are there, be sure to look around and see what we have to put up with daily.

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lamborghini man, if you are trying to make me angry or something to oppose them, please stop. i dont see any reason you should post those.


Chaos Pudding, i registered about 10 minutes ago, but i still havent got the verification email yet, so if you could possibly tell them what has happened recently, i would really appreciate it.


but as soon as i get verified, i will post.

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Guest Chaos Pudding

lamborghini man' date=' if you are trying to make me angry or something to oppose them, please stop. i dont see any reason you should post those.


Chaos Pudding, i registered about 10 minutes ago, but i still havent got the verification email yet, so if you could possibly tell them what has happened recently, i would really appreciate it.


but as soon as i get verified, i will post.



Yeah, they already know, and they seem willing to try again.

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Guest Chaos Pudding

could anyone give me a link to their discussion? i cant find it.


I can't link right now, but it is the one with Monster Gate in the title. Be sure to read the whole thing, 'k?

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Mobius is a decent side deck card for Macro. In the main, Hell no. The standard trap lineup in this format tends be something like


2-3 Phoenix Wing Wind Blast

1 Torrential

1 Call

1 Mirror force

1 Dustshoot

0/1 The Transmigration Prophecy

1 Crush Card Virus


FAR too many chainables for mobius to be used. At the moment with Cauis unreleased in the TCG I'd say


#1 ~ Raiza the Storm Monarch.

#2 ~ Zaborg the Thunder Monarch

#3 ~ Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch

#4 ~ Mobius the Frost Monarch

#5 ~ That other Monarch that no-one's heard of.


When Cauis is out and about (April)


#1 ~ Raiza

#2 ~ Caius

#3 ~ Thestalos

#4 ~ Mobius

#5 ~ Zaborg

#6 ~ ???

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but pikaperson01 and jib' date=' i do not enjoy their company......


but I can..give them a chance as long as they don't troll again.....



no, no offense to anyone, but i would really like to keep pikaperson banned..i was and posted alot at gamefaqs with them,in my mind he is really arrogant and think he is gods gift to dueling


as for the tread, Mobius is pretty good and can save u alot of times..in my mind he is better then Thestalos, the random card he hits can be a worthless 1 too

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Okay, really, Mobius is better, what if your stuck with Gravity Bind and those cards, can MST attack for 2400 pts of damage, no, also Grammarg, is maybe, one of the worst monarchs him or thesty, why? because he destroys a useless face-down and only 1 card, the monarch ranking goes like this:







^^These are the only good ones...

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also Grammarg' date=' is maybe, one of the worst monarchs him or thesty,[/quote']


Haha. I'd love to hear this.


Okay, explain how Thestalos is bad.


the discarded card can be cards like treeborn, malicious or dasher or a card can be pretty worthless..if u could look at the hand and select what to discard, it would be awsome, however since its not its not really that good

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