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Yugioh GX: Tourmant of Vengeance [ NOT STARTED/ ACCEPTING]

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[color="#FF0000"][size="7"][center]Yugioh GX Rp:

Tourmant of Vengeance[/center][/size][/color]

[center]Co-Hosts: Pokefanatic and ♠Decietful King♠[/center]

Here is my First Rp and i am a GX fan. So hopefully this goes well.

[Spoiler= Rules]1. No spamming
2. No trolling
3. Posts need to be at least 3 lines long.
4.No joke cards or posts.

Rules Breakings
1-short post- it happens to everyone
2 short posts ok you need to qork on it
3short posts ok last warning
4 short posts- get out for a day(and -rep)
5 short posts get out and never come back(-3 reps)

[Spoiler=Summary/Begining]Slowly but surely Central Academy has begun its decent into the back of peoples minds. The number of Pro Duelists to come from this area have decreased dramatically over the years. An evil organization within KiabaCorp has begun its take over of the schooling department of the company. These people have chosen the path to tear down the once prestigious school to build a new one, one that shall serve their purpose of creating an academy to raise evil duelist to form an army and take over the word. But as fail safe designed be Seto Kiaba, the Academy cannot be destroyed without nine keys of fate to prevent coups from destroying the academy. Nine students have been choosen to protect these keys and each one of them have been invited to take part in a new tournament that will pit the best duelists in the world against one another. Many other duelist have entered this tournament but not for the same reasons as the children from Academia Island. These Nine Keyholes as depicted by the Organization trying to take over the Island, have been a troublesome bunch to be defeated. Were you chosen by the Academy or have you decided to help the Organization take over the one game every person in the world holds dear?
Character name(first and last or just first):
Character Gender:
Age(Student 13-17)(Non- 20+):
Bio(3-5 lines min.):
Best cards in deck(up to 3):
Deck type(1-3 sentences describing your deck):
Student or Non Student:
Appearance(pic. or 2-6 line description):
Custom Cards(Me or Co hosts Will Approve of them if not, i am Sorry):
[Spoiler=Hosts/ Co-Hosts Apps]
[Spoiler= V4 ]
Username: V4.
Gender: Male
Character name(first and last or just first): TheServine
Character Gender: Female
Age(Student 13-17)(Non- 20+): 17
Bio(3-5 lines min.): As a young girl, she had no family. She was left at a orphanage at 5 weeks. She forgot her name. So now she goes by her own name, TheServine. Servine in very gothy but determined and powerful. She gets bad grades, but still goes on. She is a expert at deuling witha Zombie and Fiend type decks.
Best cards in deck(up to 3):
Red Eyes Zombie Dragon
Zombie World
Doom Kaiser Dragon
Deck type(1-3 sentences describing your deck): Zombies and Fiends
Student or Non Student:Student
Key Holder(Student only): Yes
Custom Cards(Me or Co hosts Will Approve of them if not, i am Sorry): No.
Username: Pokefantic
Gender: male
Character name(first and last or just first): Chenea mortia
Character Gender: Male
Age(Student 13-17)(Non- 20+): 16
Bio(3-5 lines min.): He is one of the "good kids in the class as the teachers say. once he heard about the school being torn down he knew he had to do something and so he set out to do that very thing. he is starting to recruit members of his class to help save his school. his teachers are making him head of the student body fr being a goo kid.
Best cards in deck(up to 3): Dragaunity lavatin
Deck type(1-3 sentences describing your deck): a dragaunity deck has an effect that brings monsters from the graveyard back to the field equiping the to monsters already on the field
Student or Non Student:Student
[Spoiler=Appearance] http://img840.imageshack.us/i/55297130.jpg/ [/spoiler]
Custom Cards(Me or Co hosts Will Approve of them if not, i am Sorry):n/a

Plz Join If not just Read It
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[b]Username:[/b] Kyng of Ice
[b]Gender:[/b] Male
[b]Character name:[/b] Arsalan Tigris
[b]Character Gender:[/b] Male
[b]Age:[/b] 17
[b]Bio: [/b]Arsalan Tigris has been described as the school's heartthrob, because of his beautiful, tanned physique and the way he treats people. Arsalan treats everyone as if they were his friends, unless proven otherwise. It is because of this that Arsalan has became so popular to the school. Despite being Obelisk Blue, he breaks the average arrogant and obnoxious stereotype by hanging round with Slifer Red and Ra Yellow students, which Obelisk Blues find very strange. Arsalan is part Persian and his ancestors were great Tiger and Lion Tamers. He has inhereted the ancient Slayer deck his ancestors used and also the ability to see duel monster spirits and the ability to communicate with cats. Recentley he has been secretley looking for a girl-friend.
[b]Best cards in deck:[/b] ''Slayer - Tigris Nova'', ''Slayer - Tigris Blanka'', ''Slayer - Leo Io''
[b]Deck type: [/b]''Slayer Deck''. Deck of aniamls, including beast warriors, aquas, reptiles, etc, than can use a variety of effects that involve or help destroying monsters by battle.
[b]Student or Non Student:[/b] Senior Year Student
[b]Appearance:[/b] [spoiler='Apperance'][img]http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc198/ROBOKING37/hot_anime_guy-1.jpg[/img]
He wears an Obelisk Blue Leather Jacket on top of the T-shirt, which was approved by a duel. [/spoiler]
[b]Custom Cards:[/b] Most cards in deck...I'll PM them to you.
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Hey Genuine here is an edited plot, I've changed the name of the protectors and such but it still holds the same central concept:
[spoiler=Storyline][size="4"][font="Book Antiqua"]Slowly but surely Central Academy has begun its decent into the back of peoples minds. The number of Pro Duelists to come from this area have decreased dramatically over the years. An evil organization within KiabaCorp has begun its take over of the schooling department of the company. These people have chosen the path to tear down the once prestigious school to build a new one, one that shall serve their purpose of creating an academy to raise evil duelist to form an army and take over the word. But as fail safe designed be Seto Kiaba, the Academy cannot be destroyed without nine keys of fate to prevent coups from destroying the academy. Nine students have been choosen to protect these keys and each one of them have been invited to take part in a new tournament that will pit the best duelists in the world against one another. Many other duelist have entered this tournament but not for the same reasons as the children from Academia Island. These Nine Keyholes as depicted by the Organization trying to take over the Island, have been a troublesome bunch to be defeated. Were you chosen by the Academy or have you decided to help the Organization take over the one game every person in the world holds dear?[/font][/size][/spoiler]
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[b]Username:[/b] .Logic
[b]Gender:[/b] Male


[b]Character Name:[/b] Nexus Vallederius
[b]Character Gender:[/b] Male
[b]Age:[/b] 26

Nexus Vallederius grew up in the bitter wastes of outer Novia, a small village in the frozen wastelands. While he lived there he had a tough bringing up as food was scarce and not many people were qualified to be doctors. At around 6, his mother was caught in a massive blizzard that had raged on for around 3 months - she was never found. Mourning his loss, he sort revenge and forever has hated nature. When he was 11, he left his small village to Domino City to practice as a professional duelist. Quickly, he rose to the top of his class and represented his school in many international - and local - dueling championships. He later went on to train at Duel Academy and with high scores quickly gained the prestigious rank of being in the White Dorm. 2 years after he left, the dorm was shut down. When he became 20 he began to train under the teachings of a - local - business tycoon. Now he wishes for the plans to go ahead to demolish Academia Island to gain a small portion of the island for profit. He would even duel for it - and that means trouble.

[spoiler=Best Cards in Deck]
[spoiler=Overlord of the Darksworns][img]http://img12.imageshack.us/img12/7694/23357p.jpg[/img]
[spoiler=Card Lore]'Vordak, Darksworn Sorcerer' + 3 or more non-Tuner Darksworn monsters
When this card is Synchro Summoned you can offer half of your Life Points to destroy all cards on the field except this card. If you do, you may not attack during the turn you activate this effect. As long as this card is face-up on your side of the field all Darksworn monsters you control gain ATK points x200 for every card on the field. When this card destroys a monster, both players take damage equal to half of the ATK points of the destroyed monster.[/spoiler][/spoiler]
[spoiler=Deimos, Dragon of the Darksworns][img]http://img853.imageshack.us/img853/8910/23357.jpg[/img]
[spoiler=Card Lore]This card can not be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can not be Special Summoned except by removing from play 3 'Darksworn' monsters you control. When this card is successfully Special Summoned, you can Special Summon to your side of the field as many monsters in your Graveyard with 'Darksworn' in their names. The Special Summoned monsters can not attack and are removed from play at the end of your turn. While this card is face-up on the field, all 'Darksworn' monsters you control gain 500 ATK points.[/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler]

[b]Deck Type:[/b] Nexus uses a 'Darksworn' Deck. It is his own personal deck and is one of a kind - quite literally. It focuses on summoning the decks strongest monsters by using extremely strong lower level monsters. In a sense, it is more closer to a warrior themed deck than a Lightsworn Deck as probably guessed with the sworn on the end.
[b]Student or Non Student:[/b] Non Student


[spoiler=Custom Cards]

[spoiler=Overlord of the Darksworns][img]http://img12.imageshack.us/img12/7694/23357p.jpg[/img]
[spoiler=Card Lore]'Vordak, Darksworn Sorcerer' + 3 or more non-Tuner Darksworn monsters
When this card is Synchro Summoned you can offer half of your Life Points to destroy all cards on the field except this card. If you do, you may not attack during the turn you activate this effect. As long as this card is face-up on your side of the field all Darksworn monsters you control gain ATK points x200 for every card on the field. When this card destroys a monster, both players take damage equal to half of the ATK points of the destroyed monster.[/spoiler][/spoiler]
[spoiler=Deimos, Dragon of the Darksworns][img]http://img853.imageshack.us/img853/8910/23357.jpg[/img]
[spoiler=Card Lore]This card can not be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can not be Special Summoned except by removing from play 3 'Darksworn' monsters you control. When this card is successfully Special Summoned, you can Special Summon to your side of the field as many monsters in your Graveyard with 'Darksworn' in their names. The Special Summoned monsters can not attack and are removed from play at the end of your turn. While this card is face-up on the field, all 'Darksworn' monsters you control gain 500 ATK points.[/spoiler][/spoiler]
[spoiler=Zhenh, the Fusionist Darksworn][img]http://img339.imageshack.us/img339/7513/23357b.jpg[/img]
[spoiler=Card Lore]This card can only be Tribute Summoned with 'Darksworn' Monsters. This card can be Tribute Summoned with 2 monsters. This card gains the ATK points of the tribute(s) used for this card. When this card destroys an opponents monster, your opponent can Special Summon 1 level 4 or lower monster in face-up Defence Position from their hand or Deck.[/spoiler][/spoiler]
[spoiler=Drak, Harbinger of the Darksworns][img]http://img508.imageshack.us/img508/8910/23357.jpg[/img]
[spoiler=Card Lore]You can discard this card from your hand to add one 'Portal of the Darksworn' from your Deck or Graveyard to your hand. This card can not be Special Summoned. When this card is Normal Summoned or Flip Summoned and 'Portal of the Darksworn' isn't face-up on the field, this card is destroyed and removed from play. During your End Phase, you can send one 'Darksworn' monster from your hand to the Graveyard.[/spoiler][/spoiler]
[spoiler=Dredd, Darksworn Paladin][img]http://img17.imageshack.us/img17/8910/23357.jpg[/img][/spoiler]
[spoiler=Kor, Darksworn Knight][img]http://img824.imageshack.us/img824/5333/23357gc.jpg[/img]
[spoiler=Card Lore]Once per turn, you can pay 200 Life Points. If you don't, decrease this cards ATK points by 150. If 'Portal of the Darksworns' is face-up on your side of the field, you do not need to pay 200 Life Points. When this card attacks a LIGHT attribute monster, this cards ATK points become 2050.[/spoiler][/spoiler]
[spoiler=Korz, Darksworn Sabre-master][img]http://img508.imageshack.us/img508/702/23357j.jpg[/img]
[spoiler=Card Lore]When this card is Normal Summoned you can activate the following effect. You can roll a die:
- If it lands on 1, all Darksworn monsters gain 300 ATK points during your opponents Battle Phase.
- If it lands on 2, all Darksworn monsters gain 300 ATK points during your Battle Phase.
- If it lands on 3, all Darksworn monsters lose 300 ATK points during your opponents battle phase.
- If it lands on 4, all Darksworn monsters lose 300 ATK points during your Battle Phase.
- If it lands on 5, destroy this card.
- If it lands on 6, you can choose which effect to activate.[/spoiler][/spoiler]
[spoiler=Vordak, Darksworn Sorcerer][img]http://img861.imageshack.us/img861/8910/23357.jpg[/img][/spoiler]
[spoiler=Portal of the Darksworns][img]http://img805.imageshack.us/img805/8910/23357.jpg[/img]
[spoiler=Card Lore]Each time a monster with 'Darksworn' in their names is Summoned, place 1 'Darksworn' Counter on this card. For every 'Darksworn' Counter on this card activate the following effect:
1: All 'Darksworn' monsters gain 200 ATK points.
2-4: Monsters with 'Darksworn' in their names can not be destroyed by Effect Monsters.
5-7: 'Darksworn' monsters aren't destroyed by battle (damage calculation applied normally).
8-9: 'Darksworn' Monsters are unaffected by Spell Cards and Trap Cards.
10+: 'Darksworn' monsters do not require tributes.[/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler]
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Username:Dark Hero Flashman
Gender: Male
Character name(first and last or just first): Dhark (Unoriginal I know lol)
Character Gender: Male
Age: 23
Bio: Dhark's real name was lost in a fire when he torched his house. Ever since, he has been a sort of loner duelist, picking duels to study and compile data on everyone he meets. It wasn't long before KiabaCorp executives stopped him when he broke into their HQ. Dhark peaked their interest and told them of their plans to demolish the Academy. This sparked Dhark's curiosity and eagerly agreed to do anything the executives asked. Of course, his services came with a fee. He demanded access to their tech lab and in a very short period of time, he constructed his goggles, giving him almost the same power as the Millennium Eye of the old days. Departing for the tournament, Dhark promised to seek out the nine Keyholder's. However, he has his own, complicated agenda.
Best cards in deck: Dark Magician, Dark Magician Girl, Dark Magic Attack
Deck type: Dark Carnival, Dark Magician Themed Deck.
Student or Non Student: Non Student
Appearance(pic. or 2-6 line description):[spoiler][IMG]http://i1128.photobucket.com/albums/m489/ArcaneMaster23/Dark.jpg[/IMG][/spoiler]
Custom Cards: None
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Username: Randomman124

Gender: Male

Characters name: Track

Characters gender: Male

Age: 13

Bio:When Track was born his mother died, and his father had already died. All they left for him was a deck. Whilst growing up he had to fend for himself. He was always stealing food to keep himself alive. Everday he would duel people until one day he met an old man who took him under his wing. The old man trained him and put him through serious training. He would face duelist after duelist, until he would keep on winning.

Best cards in deck: Rainbow Dragon

Deck type: He uses a crystal beast deck. It bases on sending crystal beasts to your spell and trap card zone instead of the graveyard. This is so that you can special summon them from your spell and trap card zone and have them all on the field and graveyard and summon rainbow dragon.


Appereance: He has got red eyes and red hair which almost covers one of his eyes. Hes got a short sleeve, black shirt with a big red stripe around his collar. His sleevless red jacket, has four pockets two on each side. He wears black wristbands with a red stripe. His trousers are three quarters, red and a big black stripe down each side. He also wears long red boots which go up to his knees, it only makes you able to see his knees.
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Character name: Seth Kurai
Character Gender: male
Age: 15
Bio: Seth was a boy raised on the streets. He Managed to gather a deck and enter a tournament. He ended up winning the tournament and when he won he was invited to help protect Duel Academy. He managed to buy a duel disk and he went off to duel academy.
Best cards in deck: Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon,Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon,Red-Eyes B. Dragon
Deck type: Red Eyes Black dragon deck. Works on getting as many red eyes on the field and destroying opponent.
Student or Non Student: student
Custom Cards:none
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Username: Zero_WK
Gender: Male

Character name: Ryan Light
Character Gender: Male
Age: 17

Bio: His mom died when he was 16 and his dad kicked him out at 14 for failing in school. He lived with a friend who got him into the game and he started playing ever since. He was the kid that wanted to win and played what won the majority of the time. He made a Team in which he is still the only member only because he feels no one is at his level. He was sent a letter to help duel acdemy and he say it as a change to do something well with his life and to find competition for his team named Reaction.

Best cards in deck: Light and Darkness Dragon, Super Ancient Deepsea King Coelcanth, Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Deck type: An OTK that focuses on controlling and exploding when it feels it needs to.
Student or Non Student: Student
Appearance: http://www.mangacastle.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/lelouch_lemperouge.jpg
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