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[Finished]3 Vs 3 Tag Team Contest

Who do you think will win?  

  1. 1. Who will win?

    • Team 1
    • Team 2

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-All YCM Rules apply.
-Two Teams of Three People will Compete using 1 Card each, making a Total of 6 cards.
-Each Contestant will need to pay at least 10 points. This will form the prize of, at least, 60 points.
-The winning team then have a choice
a)Split the prize = 20 points each
b)Compete for it all. ( In this case, the Contestants must make new cards. )
-Judges will measure cards on the following criteria:
1) OCG (official card grammer)
2) Picture (Detail, matches card, etc...)
3) Effect (Overpower penalty, balance)
4) Team Work (How cards suit with eachother)
-Naming the teams are optional
-If the Prize cannot be shared by 3, the team member with the worst card score will receive the least.


[spoiler='Team 1']

[spoiler='Team 2']

If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

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