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J-Max & Yin's Free Pokemon Trade Center!


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Can I trade you my Seadra (With Dragon Scale) so you can Level Grind it to Level 100 with Rare Candies? I'm no good at level grinding >.>


Just so you all know,

red is the strong stat, blue is the weak stat.

My natural thought is the opposite of that. Wow, that explains it :P

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Not right now, but later and when I feel like trading, Could you change my Absol's Nature from Relaxed to Hasty? I hate his lack of speed which is a must EV for me...

Also...probaby would help if I added my friend code...


1420-7829-4734 Joseph

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  • 2 weeks later...

J-Max I have a couple orders. If you can trade me just the pre-evolution of the Pokemon I'd be happy but if you can get me the actual Pokemon I order I would love you.



Nickname: SweepInStyle

Level: 100

Nature: Timid

Item: Leftovers

(Again if you can just get me the Treecko with the name, item and nature I'd be really happy. ^-^ I really don't care with the level to be honest.)



Nickname: 88SYMMETRY88

Level: 100

Nature Timid

Item: Leftovers

(Same goes with the Sceptile but if you can manage to get the Starmie a shiny one I would absolutely love you ^-^)


Also I'd like you to change the nature of my Meinfoo to Naive.


Pokemon White Username - King

Friend Code - 0390 0122 9128


I am still a bit of a nooby at trading using friend codes though, so if you could help me with that I'd really appreciate it ^-^

I'm also patient so you don't have to worry about time just as long as the orders are what I've asked for I'd be happy ^-^

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Well, I wouldn't mind giving out parts of our supply of EV/IV'd pokemon. I have 1 of each legend so far except for Victini who I have multiple of. Currently the Genesect, Melloeta, and Keldeo are legit through the GTS exploit but I have only one of each. I've got several shinies, couple hundred pokemon with their EV/IV's maxed and they are legit. I can fill the above orders right now but I need to import them.

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All Right. DS is back for good! (My friend got his own one XD) So i'm back for trading. Before I start I would just oike to say that all Trades above are NULL & VOID! It's confused me :P So anything after this I will look into :)

lol, Sorry to mention that my DS has been lent to a friend for a Couple of weeks :P I will deal with all orders after that :)



Just need to ask, do you know how to change abilities? Because I think my Seadra has Sniper instead of Poison Point, so when it evolves, it will still have Sniper instead of Swift Swim.

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