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Challenge Master Red [Current Challenge - versus ♫♪GoldenBoy♪♫]

Master Red

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[center][size="7"][b]~CHALLENGE MASTER [color="#FF0000"]RED[/color]~[/b][/size]
[size="1"]~Master [color="#FF0000"]Red[/color]v♫♪GoldenBoy♪♫~[/size]

So I'm getting back into card making and as I know I always improved and learned the most from contests ,I have decided that contests is something I'm going to get into once more. This thread will be 1v1 battles between me and challengers. Please read the rules before posting in the thread!

~Standard YCM and 1v1 rules~
~In order to challenge me you have to be at least a 3 star member~
~When you challenge me you get the honor of deciding what the scenario and/or restrictions for the created card(s) are (please be creative or I might decline)~
~Challenges can only be 1 round~
~A player wins when they have 5 votes~
~Loser awards winner 1 Rep~

[b]Rules for Voting[/b]
~State at least 2 reasons for WHY you vote for a card (you may not use (username) is my friend as a reason)~
~You may only vote [u][b]ONCE[/b][/u]~


[b]Current Battle[/b]
Master [color="#FF0000"]Red[/color] v ♫♪GoldenBoy♪♫

[b]Current Scenario[/b]
[i]Each player must Select 1 real Archetype and make an Exceed Monster with 3 monster requirements of that Archetype, such as 3 Level 3 "Junk" Monsters (or something of the sort). The card should be hard to Summon. Make sure that the Archetype doesn't have any Exceed Monsters already made for that specific archetype.

[b]Card Requirements[/b]
[i]The card requirements must be it supports an Archetype like no card already in circulation. The Exceed doesn't have a specific Rank.[/i]

[b]Deadline:[/b] 1st of May

[b]This Round's Cards[/b]


Here you can see the contest history for this thread. Click a Spoiler to see the cards for that round, the scenario, the card requirements and who won.

[Spoiler=1. Master Red v. ♫♪GoldenBoy♪♫]
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Hmm I'll be challenging you. I choose the scenario to be that each player must Select 1 real Archetype and make an Exceed Monster with 3 monster requirements of that Archetype, such as 3 Level 3 "Junk" Monsters (or something of the sort). The card should be hard to Summon. Make sure that the Archetype doesn't have any Exceed Monsters already made for that specific archetype.

The card requirements must be it supports an Archetype like no card already in circulation. The Exceed doesn't have a specific Rank.
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