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[YGO] Duelist's Prep [OoC Thread]

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I can try to add in more for her personality, I usually have the hardest time with that part and then develop the character more in game... but if you hold on I'll try to pull something out of my as...tronautbrain >_>

okay added a bit to her personality now, let me know if there's anything else that needs changing / fixing / blarghs ^^

[spoiler=Master Red - Gabrielle Celeste]

[b]Username:[/b] Master Name


[b]Player Name:[/b] Gabrielle Celeste

[b]Age:[/b] 14

[b]Gender:[/b] Female

[b]Date of Birth:[/b] December 8th, 1996

[b]Personality:[/b] Gabrielle is a sweet, albeit a bit dumb girl that always tries to see the best in everyone and everything. She is very gullible and naive, and as she still has a firm belief in things such as fairies many consider her weird and tease her for it. Some people find this naiveity cute and it gives her a childish innocense that people tend to either find annoying or adorable.

She is also easily hurt and has a hard time grasping things like irony and sarcasm, which often leads to her getting sad when someone was actually making a joke. When she's saddened she tends to walk (or run) away as she hates it when people see her cry. Gabrielle also tends to cry when she's angry, but in these cases she doesn't run away. Instead, she takes the arguement, tears streaming from her piercing eyes of female fury. Even if she's angry she tends not to throw punches or physical as she's mostly a pacifist. It has happened that she gets violent though, but it's not common.

Even though she's a bit of a "cry baby", Gabrielle is no coward and she always speaks her mind. This sometimes gets her in trouble though, as she tends to say [i]exactly[/i] what's on her mind and she doesn't always know when she should just keep quiet.

Due to her personality she has troubles when it comes to dueling. She's quite easy to read as she hasn't grasped the meaning of "poker face" at all and she sometimes tend to say what she sets on the field. Opponent's that know of her being gullible often use this to their advantage by tricking her and playing mind games.

People often dislike having her close by when they're dueling someone else as she tends to comment on cards they draw or play on the field, thus informing their opponent(s) about their cards.

Even though she's not an excellent duelist herself (okay to be fair, she's not much of a duelist at all) Gabrielle still loves the game, as she knows it's just that: a game. To her it's not about winning or losing, it's about having fun and making friends, and it's very unusual for her to walk away from a duel without a smile on her face (no matter the outcome of the duel).

- Height: 5'5''/170cm

- Weight: 143lbs/65kg

- Body Shape: slightly thinner than average

- Hair Color & Style: She has wavy blonde hair that reaches her waist, with a crown braid going around undeneith (being visible by the hairline in the front) and functioning a bit like a headband.

- Eye Color: Emerald green

- Clothing: When outside of her school uniform Gabrielle usually wears brightly colored sundresses with floral patterns. If the weather is too cold for that she usually just wears plain jeans along with a cute top, maybe along with a cardigan or jacket in a matching color. She tends to favor the colors green and pink in her clothing choices, although she usually doesn't wear green and pink together as it's hard to match. When it comes to shoes she usually wears sandals or tennis shoes.

[b]Bio:[/b] Gabrielle grew up in the suburbs of Domino City along with her parents and two older sisters (who are both students at the Duelist's Prep School). Her father has been absent for a large part of her life as he works in the army, but he always made time to see his family as often as possible (at least for a weekend every four months), and as such Gabrielle was raised mostly by her mother and older siblings. Her mother is a freelance writer and as such she could work from home, thus being able to keep up with both work and children with much more ease.

As she was basically growing up in a single parent household Gabrielle learned early on about responsibility and chores, something that has made her quite independent in terms of cooking and cleaning.

Gabrielle was often made fun of in school due to her innocent and naive personality. She was even brought to tears about four years ago when she was teased about still believing in santa (she still refuses to admit that Santa is not real). Even though she was teased she still had a couple of friends, so she wasn't a complete outcast.

Her older sisters, being two and three years older than Gabrielle, were the ones that introduced her to dueling and are the reason to why Gabrielle plays. To her it was never about the game itself, it was about spending time and playing with her sisters. Of course she loved the game itself too, but the love for it originated from the good times she had when playing with her sisters. However, compared to her sisters, Marie and Josephine, Gabrielle is not much of a duelist.

Gabrielle strives to become better at the game and advance in the dorms, wanting to make her sisters, who both started in Ra Gold, proud.
Gabrielle uses a deck revolving around the [url="http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/247451-angels-angels-angels-so-many-angels/page__gopid__5168589#entry5168589"]Angel Archetype[/url].

Angels are Fairy-Type monsters that cannot be destroyed by battle and who return to the owner's Deck after they've battled, much like the Gladiator Beasts. Similarly to Gladiator Beasts, Angels have their effects activated when they are "tagged out" by another Angel. However, opposed to the Gladiator Beasts, Angels can only tag out one specific Angel and their effects are only activated if they are tagged out by a certain Angel.

The key cards for the Angel Archetype, and of course Gabrielle's Deck as well, are the "Angel X" monsters, which are quite hard to summon but that wreck havoc while they remain on the field and can completely turn the tables when they appear. As of now there are only 2 "Angel X" monsters known, "Angel X1" and "Angel XO", but there might be more of them in store for the future.

[b]Schedule:[/b] [/Spoiler]
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[spoiler=14Henderson7 - Randy Kritz]

[b]Username:[/b] 14Henderson7
[b]Player Name:[/b] Randy Kritz

[b]Age:[/b] 15

[b]Gender:[/b] Male

[b]Date of Birth:[/b] 7/22/94?

[b]Personality:[/b] Randy is quite the fellow once you get to know him. He's mostly laid back, calm, and a big joke-star. As well as being known for smart a** remarks at inconvenient times. His remarks are often the reason why doesn't have any close friends. And after 15 years he hasn't changed and doesn't plan on it. During a duel Randy often gets cocky and "bored," which usually comes from his family. Though there are a few times where he has gotten to the edge of his seat and a whole different side of him appears. A side that is somewhat quiet, and filled with anger.


- Height: 5'6"

- Weight: 147 lbs.

- Body Shape: Athletic, toned.

- Hair Color & Style: Buzzed on the sides and back that fades to a short/medium length on top with it being spiked in the front. Brown.

- Eye Color: Blue

- Clothing: Khaki shorts or jeans. Along with either Polo's or flannel button ups. (What most "preps" would wear."

[b]Bio:[/b] Randy comes from a wealthy family. Them being the inventors of the best selling Duel Runner, the XC-09J (or in other words, The Jet). For his whole life he was used to getting everything handed to him. From money, all the way down to Duel Monster cards. This kid had it all. Until his parents shocked him and stopped handing him everything. This is when Randy's "other side" came into play. As his parents kept making him work and work for what he wanted he kept getting angry. His top of the line Exodia deck was even taken from him and replaced with a mix of junk. He had to keep battling the computer who varied in decks in order to earn back his deck. One problem though, he never learned the basics on how to play and just stuck with the Stall/Appropriate Exodia deck he had made for him. He kept losing every duel. So in the end his father let him have access to some of his card vault to build himself a deck and enroll in school, or else he'd have to live on his own. After getting let into the vault, 36 hours later he had came out with a deck that even his father was shocked how well it ran. Now he sets off to duel academy to prove he can be the best.
[b]Deck:[/b] The deck is based around Blackwings with the monster [url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Earthbound_Immortal_Aslla_piscu"]Earthbound Immortal Aslla Piscu[/url] and an OTK revolved around it.

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Luxray ol' chap. This seems mighty interesting indeed.

But before I apply I would like to know if my character could have a Signer Dragon? He could be a new generation Signer, although he wouldn't be important plot-wise since both the EBIs and MEs have been defeated.
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@Master Red: She's good now. Accepted. But, when you add new Angels to the deck, you must inform me first.

@14Henderson7: I think I accidentally deleted this in my purging of the Duel Shop, but there is no Sacred Cards allowed, as they have an importance in-RP, so I'm afraid you'll have to get rid of the Earthbound Immortal. I find the character a bit unoriginal, the stereotypical arrogant rich kid. Add some more depth to him. Also, please elaborate on this other, angry yet quiet side of him. Right now, it's a bit vague. Also you'll need to fix your grammar- for one thing, joke-star isn't a word. And why does bored have quotes around it?

Also, "(It's what most "preps" wear"? (That's missing the other closing parentheses) What does that mean? Doesn't he have no friends?

And why is there a question mark in the DOB?

@Shradow: Basically flesh it out more. Give him more detail, more things in his bio, more to his personality, etc. which you have basically already done. Thanks for updating this for me while I was gone, by the way. For Duel Spirits, no. There might be a time where they come into play (a lot of this I haven't planned out yet) but as of yet, no.

@Democrar: As soon as .Logic and Ki11Switch get their apps in, or, failing that, tomorrow afternoon. The two aforementioned members will get an extended deadline to turn in their apps, and then, after that, I switch this RP to not accepting.

@Ki11Switch: Alright, but be warned I check the background of applicants. So far, I'm not impressed by your work, so you'll have to try hard to get in, alright?

@Aesir: As I mentioned above, there are no Sacred Cards, which include the Signer Dragons, I'm afraid. Also, this takes place between GX and 5Ds, so I'm pretty sure the Signers have already been decided, with it being Roman's group or whatnot. I'm sorry about that.
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[quote name='Aesirson' timestamp='1304276102' post='5182188']
That's okay, I have another idea. I just have to come up with a character for the deck.

Great. I seem to notice we have a lack of males in the higher dorms; hopefully you'll submit a example post. The dorms don't matter much, as the classes are mixed; but it's always good to have a good variety among the character. Plus, there is bragging rights!

Anyways, shall I take that as a reserve?
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[quote name='Shradow' timestamp='1304361247' post='5184119']
Question, is everyone going to be forced into a Turbo Duel at one point or another?

And you're welcome, though I wouldn't call one bump very much of an update. ^.^

No, it's optional. You will have a chance in-RP to fashion a Turbo Deck (or you could simply take your regular deck and adjust it to use Turbo Spells and whatnot) or, if you don't want to, you'll simply sit out and watch (and perhaps have a Regular Duel on the sidelines), even if I don't recommend doing so. Most of our time in the classes will be spent in Duel Strategies and Practical Dueling, then in Turbo Duel Basics, and finally in the regular classes you will spent next to no time- except perhaps Social Studies, since I'm pondering a sub-plot that has the Duelists searching after an artifact with historical significance.
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Oh good - I was also getting worried that we would have to Turbo Duel. I've never been able to grasp the concept (for those of you who recall a ye olde RP called Ultima, even when the Turbo Duel option became available, I never opted for one)
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[quote name='Aesirson' timestamp='1304539208' post='5188097']
Sorry, I've been busy and probably only have time for one RP, and since I'm already in Duelist Diaries I will probably not apply anytime soon. Feel free to keep a spot open for me in the future, though.

Unfortunately, I'm of the mind that once you start an RP, you don't let people in, except in certain situations (the beginning of the second school year, for example) so you might not be able to get back in. (Only reservees are exempt to this rule; they have a couple of days after the start of the RP to apply. Just felt like saying that in the off chance .Logic was reading this thread.) Alright, well, hopefully we'll RP in the future, old buddy. See ya later.
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