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Pokemorph Legends! (Started, Accepting)

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Don't argue with Akarui logic!


You might end up with a slight concussion and with electricity coursing through your veins :/


Akarui's logic is that of an impulsive, non-sensical, illogical 13-year old boy.


Ren would've just vanished anyway with a Shadow Force if Akarui tried to punch him.

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Rayquaza dodged and used *insert a giant version of a super effective move against Giratina here* >8D


I'm actually sick of the constant Shadow Force thing there >_<


I'm sick of (and yes, I have a list):


1. Akarui not doing anything in the fights.

2. James fighting with OPed Pokemon.

3. Oversized Rayquaza.

4. The overuse of Protect.


Shadow Force is the only way the Legendaries can bypass your spam of Protect. It's also good as Instant Transmission >:D

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I'm sick of (and yes, I have a list):


1. Akarui not doing anything in the fights.

I was about to let him fight, but he was ignored

2. James fighting with OPed Pokemon.

Not OP'd if accepted

3. Oversized Rayquaza.

Live with it

4. The overuse of Protect.

They call it Protect for a reason


Shadow Force is the only way the Legendaries can bypass your spam of Protect. It's also good as Instant Transmission >:D

Your arguments are invalid

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1. You were just too lazy to get him involved at all. Tyrone and Edward stepped in to help, and they weren't ignored; if you had done the same, Akarui wouldn't have been ignored. It was your own fault, SSD.

2. Ubers should not be on par with Legendaries.

3. We have to now.

4. Protect is the stupidest move I have ever seen. It's a coward's move.


Your arguing is invalid. Moving on.


I feel like taking (yet again) another Legendary. What's left?


I'd know sooner, but a certain RP host *coughcrystalcough* is too lazy to update the first post, so we don't know what's taken or not.



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I'd like to join.

Username: Blue Eyes White Dragon777

Name: Zane (no last name)

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Pokémon: Darkrai

Appearance: d3396163.jpg

Zane has pale skin, and long grey hair. He wears a flowing black shirt, and a blood-red cloak (Not on pic, but wears it). His hands are claws and has one blue eye and one black eye.

Personality: Zane keeps to himself and doesn't communicate much. He has a big personality, loves to eat and likes to joke around, but he doesn't show it until you know him well. Zane hates anyone who disturbs his idea of the "natural balance" of the world. He belives that the world should be kept clean, and nice for the pokemon and people. He also says that pokemon should not be used for work, but battling is fine.

Bio: Zane's parents were killed in an explosion when he was about a half a year old. He escaped without harm, except for losing one eye. That day, Darkrai spoke in his mind. He told him to live on the streets, and fend for himself. He grew up on the streets of Opelucid City, and watched it progress very quickly. Zane's mind has progressed much faster then his body. He has the mind of a 35 year old, in a 17 year old body. When zane was 12, he was told by Darkrai to travel to Ilex forest. He traveled for 2 years, and when he finally arrived, Silver Mist welcomed him. He joined forces with Darkrai to save the pokemon world.

Move: Ominous wind, Dark Pulse, Dark void, Dream Eater, Nightmare

Ultimate Move: World of Darkness 0 damage, 100 accuracy

Effect: Brings everyone to a world of darkness where move 1/2 times as fast as normal, and are treated as asleep, but not asleep (e.g. Nightmare can hit). Also, Dark Void's accuracy rises to 100. Can only use this every once in a while.

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1. You were just too lazy to get him involved at all. Tyrone and Edward stepped in to help, and they weren't ignored; if you had done the same, Akarui wouldn't have been ignored. It was your own fault, SSD.

He was injured anyway from a battle that you probably know nothing about

2. Ubers should not be on par with Legendaries.

Tell that to those 6 pokemon on par with them

3. We have to now.

You're the only one that has a problem with it unless I missed a post

4. Protect is the stupidest move I have ever seen. It's a coward's move.

So is running to the Reverse World all the time

Your arguing is invalid. Moving on.

No, yours is



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1. You were just too lazy to get him involved at all. Tyrone and Edward stepped in to help, and they weren't ignored; if you had done the same, Akarui wouldn't have been ignored. It was your own fault, SSD.


2. Ubers should not be on par with Legendaries.


3. We have to now.

If I didn't have any morals, I would neg SSD right now.

4. Protect is the stupidest move I have ever seen. It's a coward's move.

Doesn't the chance of failing RISE if used in succession?

Your arguing is invalid. Moving on

I'm kind of taking sides right now.

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