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Portal: All The Testing[PG-16](Started/Accepting/Co-Host: Codename:Lady)


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[quote name='Codename: Lady' timestamp='1303921865' post='5171718']
though it's actually "Bring Your Daughter To Work Day" in the Portal games.
Uhh.... *acid in your face!*


[quote name='Justice Master of Spoons' timestamp='1303925308' post='5171821']
I could be that character's father, buuuuuuut, my guy's only 21,
The profile says he's 23 but okay...

[quote name='Justice Master of Spoons' timestamp='1303925308' post='5171821']
so she'd have to be adopted.
"It also says you're adopted, so that's funny too!"

... On a completely unrelated note:

[quote]Age: (Between 18 and 32. Not needed for the GLaDOS app)[/quote]
Is it at possible to have a character be younger then that? <_<

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I decided her father would probably either show up later or just not be present, for the most part.


Name: Natalia Polaris

Age: 14

Appearance: White skin. Slim build. Dark hair. Blue eyes. As she had taken the day off school at the last second, she still wears her school uniform.

Bio: The scientists at Aperture decided to start up their revolutionary new AI on Bring Your Daughter to Work Day. Taking a day off of school sounded like way more fun, even if she had to make a boring potato battery experiment. After the full time employees started up the GLaDOS experiment, they were all supposed to enjoy some delicious cake. There was the sound of celebration for about 2 picoseconds. The next thing Natalia remembered was waking up in a relaxation vault.

Personality: Very single minded and easily distracted, though she doesn't seem to quite comprehend the full gravity of the situation. Wears her emotions on her sleeve, she can easily fluctuate from cheerful to angry to sad at the slightest of provacations.

Portal Colors: Dark Gray and Light Gray?! =D?

Testing Initiative: Eh... Solo, I guess.[/spoiler]
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[quote name='Justice Master of Spoons' timestamp='1303878848' post='5171151']
Sorry for double posting, but this is a big announcement. Five Test Chambers of solo and Co-op are now on the first post and here's the link to the IC thread: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/247712-portal-all-the-testing-icpg-16acceptingco-host-codenamelady/
Can you post the link to the IC thread in the first post?
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Here! :D

Name: Abel
Age: 21
Appearance: Blond hair to his neck. Six feet tall. Blue eyes. Can't really get more descriptive than this, since his outfit is default.
Bio: Abel was one of the earliest testers for the Portal Gun. He showed tons of prowess using it, and quickly made it to the final chamber and had his party and cake. When GLaDOS started pumping the facility with the deadly neurotoxin. He quickly escaped into the more mechanical areas of the test labs. Instead of growing hate towards GLaDOS, he focused his efforts on finding a way out. Until he ended up in that chamber and waited in stasis. When found by those two robots, he was sent to be a solo tester again.
Personality: Abel does care about people, but prefers going alone. He thinks that working alone is more efficient that working with a team that would hold you back. If someone needs help, he would assist, but if he deems it would be better to go alone, he would. Because of this, he is pretty silent and inward, but he won't hesitate to make his point known.
Portal Colors: Cerulean and Saffron (Blue/Yellow)
Testing Initiative: Solo

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