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Portal: All The Testing[PG-16](Started/Accepting/Co-Host: Codename:Lady)


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IC Thread: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/247712-portal-all-the-testing-icpg-16acceptingco-host-codenamelady/

[spoiler='Plot(PORTAL 2 SPOILERS)']In a year quite far from now(thousands of years), two robots found a chamber filled with Test Subjects. These robots were guided by GLaDOS, who was ecstatic to hear the news, and began giving the new Test Subjects, who had been in stasis for those many years, the equipment they would need to pass these new tests. Hell, she decided, knowing humans could not be trusted, to find out what effect Cooperative Testing Initiative would have on them. All of this is for science, of course. However, the Test Subjects might not like being stuck in there with no memory of how they got there. Freedom doesn’t seem like an option and it doesn’t seem they want cake. [/spoiler]
[spoiler='Rules']1.No godmodding, trolling, powerplaying, you get it.
2.No shortposts(under 4 lines.)
3.You may not be anyone from the existing Portal games… EXCEPT GLaDOS.
4.You don’t need to go into great detail of how you solved a chamber, just kinda explain how you doing, even if that means you’re stuck and someone helps you.
5.You can betray, deceive, and kill others, just ask for their permission about the killing, unless there is way for them to survive.
6.All things found in Portal 2, (gels, etc) can be found here.
7.You can escape without killing GLaDOS.
8.Although it’s unlikely GLaDOS will let you, there will be ways to smuggle a Portal Gun out.
9.You Portal colors work like this. If my colors are Pink and Gold and yours are Blue and Brown, I can only go from Pink to Gold and vice-versa.
10.Also, no Portal colors can be the same. Basically, if I have Pink and Gold, you can’t have Blue and Gold. There will be a list of taken colors.
11. If you start out Solo, you start out alone and do single person test. Cooperative, you start out with another person and do two people test.
12. You start out with the Longfall boots, and a Portal gun that shoots two portals.
13. You wear a testing outfit. I just want to know how you character looks.
14. Admin areas. If you can get to them, you may explore them.[/spoiler]
[spoiler='App'](Remove all brackets)
Name: (Last name optional)
Age: (Between 18 and 32. Not needed for the GLaDOS app)
Appearance: (Pic or Description)
Bio: (At least 1 paragraph)
Portal Colors: (The colors your Portal Gun makes. Not needed for the GLaDOS app)
Testing Initiative: (Cooperative or Solo. Not needed for GLaDOS) [/spoiler]
[spoiler='My App']
Name: Matthew Godfreed
Age: 23
Appearance: [img]http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3105/2628982671_5622d4c097.jpg[/img]
Bio: From the second Matthew was born, he wanted to challenge everything everyone knew. He constantly outsmarted his teachers throughout all of his school years, including college! This made Aperture Science very interested in him and, ultimately, hire him. In his year of working at Aperture, he helped develop the Portal Gun. During GLaDOS’ spreading of neurotoxin, he became unconscious and,somehow, got put into stasis. For his now deceased colleagues, he plans to kill GLaDOS.
Personality: Very outgoing, always questions what will and can be done. Usually quiet in his mouth, yet a not-stop thinker. He is considered a leader, but doesn’t feel the need to boss people around. Uses humor to ease up tension and tries not to start tension in the first place.
Portal Colors: Black and White
Testing Initiative: Solo[/spoiler]
[spoiler='Taken Colors']Black and White.
Red and Orange.
Dark Blue and Transparent.
Gunmetal and Brass.
Perrivinkle und Lavender
Neon Green and Crystal
Crimson and Olive Green
Cerulean and Saffron
Dark Gray and Light Gray[/spoiler]
[spoiler='Test Chambers']They go in the order they are shown AND you start out waking up in the same place as Portal 1. Okay, blue on a door means that's the exit point, light blue shows what butten effects what, and orange means it's a fake. ALSO, that strange blue color on co-op 4 is repulsion gel, and the outline is where it'll land.
P.S. On the first Solo I made a mistake. Just pre tend the blue dot is on the other door.
[spoiler='Solo '][IMG]http://i347.photobucket.com/albums/p454/luigi7003/chamber01.png[/IMG]
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hell yes!!! i love portal two! half way done with it!

[font=tahoma, verdana, arial, sans-serif][size=2]Name: Daniel Warren
Age: 22
Appearance: [IMG][url="http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=106229679462645&set=a.106229676129312.13305.100002268414613&type=1&theater"]http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=106229679462645&set=a.106229676129312.13305.100002268414613&type=1&theater[/url][/IMG]
Bio: [/size][/font]
[font=tahoma, verdana, arial, sans-serif][size=2][color=#474747]When Daniel was born his mother contracted a deadly disease and when she died she held Daniels hand. She prayed some prayer and passed away. Her body slowly fading away she entered Daniel's body. She has been with him ever since. [/color][/size][/font][color=#474747][font=tahoma, verdana, arial, sans-serif][size=2]Daniel is a bit of a know it all. He believes he knows anything and isn't one to cross, which is easily accomplished. He will tear through you in a second with his short temper, which is surprisingly met with his romantic side and his lust for romance. He believes no one should be alone but he feels so alone currently. In his quest for good he strives to find the love of his life. One day he woke up in a test chamber, confused and unaware of his surroundings.[/size][/font][/color]
[font=tahoma, verdana, arial, sans-serif][size=2]Personality:Depressed 24/7
Portal Colors: Dark Blue/Orange
Testing Initiative: Solo[/size][/font]
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