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PS3 is down. OHNOES


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[quote name='Yin' timestamp='1305053839' post='5201185']
Just hope they learn to secure it up in future, giving away so much information and placing it in the cloud is very dangerous. I do hope no one here has had any issues other than not being able to access it.

None for me ;) On the flipside, It's given me the time to watch Yugioh 5ds again.

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[quote name='J-Max' timestamp='1305422897' post='5209134']

Going back up as I speak.

Why are you not linking to the official websites? [b]External Websites are not reliable sources of information during a crisis situation such as this.[/b]

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[quote name='Phantom Roxas' timestamp='1305585921' post='5213466']

Definitely getting inFAMOUS and LittleBigPlanet.

Wipeout and Deadnation for me.
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[quote name='Aesirson' timestamp='1303582101' post='5162105']
I play Xbox, but I'm not saying its better.

[i][b]Anyway, why did Anonymous do it?[/b][/i]

For the lulz. This should be obvious.

Hint-hint, Anonymous is a collection of people that usually reside at the site called 4Chan and Encyclopedia Dramatica, both are horribly biased against things and enjoy suffering.

I do find ED funny at times, though.


My friend had a PS3, he got pissed when PSN went down. I'm kind of glad I have an Xbox because of this, but it'd be nice to have a machine that plays Blu-Ray and my old PS2 games. :'(
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As an owner of both a PS3 and Xbox, and being more of an Xbox player than a PS3 one, I'll admit I am a bit worried about the whole "personal info stolen" part. But, for the most part, my PS3 has collected dust and a few months of unplayed status, so I really don't care. My credit card info on there doesn't matter as my card expired.

Sucks for you PS3 users, though. PSN is being kicked while it's down, again and again. Who knows when it'll become stable again?
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[quote name='J-Max' timestamp='1305423447' post='5209160']
Gee i'm sorry..... Kotaku is my favorite Blog so it was only Natural for me to Link from there.

I don't really trust Kotaku...[url="http://psoneclassics.com/miscellaneous/kotaku-shows-its-journalistic-integrity/"]especially after this.[/url]

inFamous and LBP. =D

Edit: Sixty2Zero: Umm...Psn is already back on. Well for me though. Not sure about others.
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[quote name='Twig' timestamp='1305596087' post='5213866']
Edit: Sixty[b]3[/b]Zero: Umm...Psn is already back on. Well for me though. Not sure about others.

My friend told me it crashed again. I heard it was back up, but after my friend's news, I've lost hope.

But, I haven't been bothered to check if it was true...

I'll go boot up my PS3.

EDIT: turns out it was on. Huh, cool. Back to Xbox.
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