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:lol: Nice life' date=' gentlemen.





I can't say I'm entirely okay with those, and like, comments.


You're stepping past the topic of Yugioh and directly attacking their egos.


I really don't think it's very nice :(


Regardless of their comments.


What? They've come here to argue about Yu-Gi-Oh. Not talk, argue.

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If people don't respect other members and get hated for no apparent reason' date=' or will that mean they just leave because new members are joining and just hate newbies? Oh Kay so the New guys in, the Old guys out, sorta like the old saying, what goes in must come out?



Totally off topic but this thread is anyway, out of pure randomness


fantastic sig and avatar, i fancie John sooo much ^_^ muwhaha

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Correct me if I'm wrong (I very well might be)' date=' but isn't this entire topic off-topic and therefore a violation of your own board's rules?



The topic is defined in the first post, not in the title.



I should have been more clear. I didn't mean that the contents of the topic is off-topic in terms of whether it deals with the title, I meant that it's off topic on the basis of the actual nature of the board. This is a Yugioh board. Aside from the title of the topic, this topic has nothing to do with Yugioh. It seems to me that that qualifies as off-topic... Again, correct me if I'm wrong.


Well, you are wrong. This topic originally concerned moderation an announcement made by the moderation. Now, it is just amusing.


By all mean, I understand if you think that means I'm violating my duties, but honestly, it's not the first time, and it won't be the last.


Deal with it.



So moderators need not abide the rules? Don't take this the wrong way, I'm just trying to understand the way things work around here. On other sites, I've seen mods get banned for not following the rules. I only assumed this forum would function the same way. Normally, if a mod wishes to talk to you or a specific group, they PM that person or group instead of making posts such as these.

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so what is the meaning of this argument? you will never meet me. you will never know who i am. it doesnt matter. what is the meaning?


Argument in its purest form is but a logical analyzation.


Using your logic of it being rational to disapprove reason on the mere basis of acquaintance, or lack thereof, between two separate entities, then by the definition of your own logic, your logic is disapproved and therefore nulled. What fun conundrums.

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Correct me if I'm wrong (I very well might be)' date=' but isn't this entire topic off-topic and therefore a violation of your own board's rules?



The topic is defined in the first post, not in the title.



I should have been more clear. I didn't mean that the contents of the topic is off-topic in terms of whether it deals with the title, I meant that it's off topic on the basis of the actual nature of the board. This is a Yugioh board. Aside from the title of the topic, this topic has nothing to do with Yugioh. It seems to me that that qualifies as off-topic... Again, correct me if I'm wrong.


Well, you are wrong. This topic originally concerned moderation an announcement made by the moderation. Now, it is just amusing.


By all mean, I understand if you think that means I'm violating my duties, but honestly, it's not the first time, and it won't be the last.


Deal with it.



So moderators need not abide the rules? Don't take this the wrong way, I'm just trying to understand the way things work around here. On other sites, I've seen mods get banned for not following the rules. I only assumed this forum would function the same way. Normally, if a mod wishes to talk to you or a specific group, they PM that person or group instead of making posts such as these.


It's quite funny really, I found the card maker on August 30, '06. I became a mod after about three days, and a Super Mod pretty much right when this site started. With the absence of Danilus, and YCMaker seemingly a backgrond figure, I am pretty well top-of-the-food-chain, so to speak. I enjoy arguments like these to no end.


You missed the purpose of this thread, though, it was originally intented to be an announcement that addressed you and your friends, allowing you to post your side of the story, and a place for any complaints to be posted. Much more practical and democratic, so to speak.


Naturally, it is impossible for everyone to follow all the rules, I respect that, and I am no different. Due to you just being new, you don't know why I act so irrationally in my position. From about the end of June (when Danilus left) up until the end October, I was practically modding this forum on my own. I left for a little while, and now that I have two other Super Moderators on the team, I can have a little bit more of a laid back role, where I am allowed to have fun, so to speak, while still keeping the forum in tune.


Currently, the argument seems to have re-confined itself to this thread so I think it will be quite good to leave it open for a little while.

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Are we arguing about something different other than Yu-Gi-Oh! or is it the forum were surposed to talk about?


Currently Alex' date=' we are arguing about arguing. :wink:


Awesome, so I guess long-time-users such as the very mature HORUS are free to attack our sexual preferences through calling us homosexuals, whereas we are not allowed to criticize his ability to excel at a card game... on a website focused around said game? That sounds fair.


Hello, a new player! Welcome, and please direct me to these comments if you wish to get anywhere at all.

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Wait... So you gave me plus rep because I'm a random transvestite? Thank you...?


In the Hawaiian Culture "Mahu" Simply means homosexual' date=' or gay, or drag queen. "Mahu" is a word that is commonly used in the Hawaiian islands to subject a person of homosexuality.[/quote']
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