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[Req] Render and Card Image


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So... I want to make a card... yeah, exciting, isn't it?

Edit: Plan scrapped, it just doesn't work with those renders... let's try this instead:
[spoiler=Need a Render of this][img]http://chungkingangel.files.wordpress.com/2010/02/so4_welch_art.jpg[/img][/spoiler]

If somebody could render it, that would be really nice. And if [i]then[/i] somebody could make a card image out of that, that would be even nicer. Card image should be 600 x 600 or larger. Paying up to 1000 points for good results ;)

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[quote name=' Kuroda Kaito' timestamp='1303572571' post='5161804']
OK i'll try this one ^^ as i am a custom pic maker too beside a tag maker :lol:

EDIT : oh and 600x600 is kinda too big as a normal card image but since you want that way to fit with Touma'card template right ????[/quote]
You got it ;)
Looking forward to the result :)

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[quote name=' Kuroda Kaito' timestamp='1303603330' post='5162821']
Here is my try for the first render, hope you like it, change can be made :
[spoiler=Too big so i'll put it in spoiler][img]http://i1195.photobucket.com/albums/aa394/KurodaKaito/New%20Image%20Archive/hiuwerf.png[/img][/spoiler][/quote]
Urgh... too... much... pink... too... many... hearts... That's not a card image, that's the cover of a beauty magazine :mellow: Thanks for trying, but no thanks :unsure:

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[quote name='Spoon' timestamp='1303630074' post='5163651']
Urgh... too... much... pink... too... many... hearts... That's not a card image, that's the cover of a beauty magazine :mellow: Thanks for trying, but no thanks :unsure:
OH sorry about that cause when i look that render, i think it should be girly so i made it like that, if you dont like, i'll try again ^^

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[quote name=' Kuroda Kaito' timestamp='1303657831' post='5164282']
OH sorry about that cause when i look that render, i think it should be girly so i made it like that, if you dont like, i'll try again ^^[/quote]

Well, if you look at actual card images, the backgrounds are pretty simple, most of the time. As you can see in my signature, blue-ish stuff seems to work pretty well, then just... make it look cool (however that works :lol: ). I'm glad you tried it, and you may try again as many times as you want ;)

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[quote name='Daemon' timestamp='1304203415' post='5180080']
I finished the first one. If you like and you want me to make more give me the heads up.
In a few minutes it will be posted.
EDIT:[center][spoiler=NUMBER 1][img]http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/120/e/5/custom_image_rq1_by_deathfiendofmagic-d3f9w5l.png[/img][/spoiler][/center][/quote]
Aside from that purple boarder around Welchy, which just looks ugly... don't know how to describe it with the limited English I know, the background just doesn't fit. Of course, the color is perfect (how couldn't it?), but the chiseled pattern in combination with the anime-like character... not really what I was going for, even though it's a lot closer than Kais attempt (nothing against you Kai) :lol:
Still, I'd like to see the other attempts, if you don't mind and can affort the time :) +Rep is definitely assured, if you want some points as "allowance", please let me know.

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I'll fix it.

[quote name='Daemon' timestamp='1304203415' post='5180080']
I finished the first one. If you like and you want me to make more give me the heads up.
In a few minutes it will be posted.
EDIT:[center][spoiler=NUMBER 1][img]http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/120/a/1/custom_image_rq1_by_deathfiendofmagic-d3f9w5l.png[/img][/spoiler][/center]
[b]Edited the image[/b]
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This looks pretty good already, guess I'll take it for now :)
Not quite perfect (I think it blends in a little [i]too[/i] well, you can barely distinguish the character from the background at times), but it goes in the right direction, and if there won't be more, this could work.

How many points do I owe you?

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[quote name=' Kuroda Kaito' timestamp='1304246244' post='5181342']
Here is my try for the 2nd render, hope this is good as you want :
Solid stuff, better than the last one definitely, but those shiny stars still bug me :(
Simple forms are fine, but stars just don't fit into the theme.

[quote name='Daemon' timestamp='1304263877' post='5181687']
You can have it for free!
Do you want me to work on others, I can![/quote]
Thanks a lot :)
I don't want to be a bother, but if you have the time and patience, please feel free to try again :D

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[quote name='Daemon' timestamp='1304445942' post='5186101']
More practice at it, I might make an archive. Ideas?[/quote]
Again, I don't like those borders around the character... it makes it look rather cheap, don't know. Again, thanks for spending time on this, but I doubt I can get a perfect picture with those renders :unsure:

[quote name='≈ƒizz≈' timestamp='1304446055' post='5186104']
ok sorry spoon got to much to think about after hearing a project on John Lennon :([/quote]
Don't worry about it :)

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[quote name='Daemon' timestamp='1304454228' post='5186279']
Definitely getting closer :lol:
Once my PC is running again (hopefully tomorrow, currently operating from my netbook), I'll try it on the template. That shouldn't stop you from trying again though, it looks a little... a screw it, I don't know why it's not perfect it just isn't :( Still, I'll see how it looks on the card itself.

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I tried both pictures... and I'm not really happy with the results :(

It just doesn't look right... need to get other renders with a little more going on.

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