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Yu-Gi-Oh! Rise of the Xaos Lord [OOC Thread/Not Started/Always Accepting/Remake/General Blaze Co-Host]


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[quote name='Merciful Iliaster' timestamp='1303723957' post='5166433']
Says who? I played WC11 earlier and it had a quick-play speed spell card.

Anyway, everyone accepted. Elemental Dragon, how on earth did your character get Cosmic Synchroes?

More anyways, we're [b]starting right now![/b] Making IC thread. . .

Oh, really? I've never played the WC games, so I did not know. So... looks like I get to mess with Speed Spell - Gishki Ceremonial Mirror.

I'll post in the IC later, when I have some free time.
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Sorry to double post, but I feel I have to comment on this duel. Specifically, on the fact that you seem to be powerplaying too much.

#1: It's great that you're using custom support for the Masked Knight archetype, but I've never actually seen more LV support than Queen's Bodyguard (for a different group). That, and the fact that Masked Tornado and Masquerade of the Dead are unfitting and OP. Masked Knights are all about a mix of offense and burn, not draw power and removal.

#2: Actually, if you have to reveal a card to me, I get to know what it does. Edit your last post to show what Maskary's Flag or whatever's effect is.
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[quote name='Ranma124' timestamp='1303833542' post='5169711']
Sorry about that ill try and stop and correct some of these things. Thanks for letting me know. I have now edited that post, once again thanks for telling me.
Much appreciated. The rest of my turn will pull up soon.
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Username: Æ’ Spaz Æ’
Name: Kyle Xando
Appearance: [url=http://tektek.org/avatar/43149195][img]http://img863.imageshack.us/img863/6316/tek64fd286.png[/img][/url]
Personality: Cocky, reckless
Bio: I'll write one when I'm all better. He is a bounty hunter though.
Faction: Neutral (Whoever pays him more)
Deck: Vairons
Signature Card: Vairon Omega
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[quote name='Merciful Iliaster' timestamp='1303916964' post='5171593']
It would also be interesting if two people with the same archetypes clashed in a duel.

Point taken, but you ain't usin none of ma customs fool! :D
I'd use TG's if he used Vairon though.....

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Vairons go in the direction of Double Tuning and Exceed so that isn't very likely; also everyone who likes them has made an Accel Synchro for them, I like mine I also Like my Synchro Tuner.

Username: Trimage
Name: Spirit Hunter
Age: 16
Appearance: He has long red hair with spiky bangs made up of three main points that are purple, His left eye is blue and his right eye is green. He wears a long blue jacket similar to Soul Hunter and uses a blade-style Duel Disk, He also has black fingerless gloves and black boots, he also wears white pants.
Personality: Spirit's only desire is to perfect his deck for that he acquired and studied a Numbers card and has been able to replicate their power with his Minus Numbers. he has no interest in anything besides his research.
Bio: He joined Discordia because they allow him to test his cards and experiment on people, with a strong enough person he can remove part if not all of their memories in order to make one of his Minus Numbers cards. His past before joining is unknown even to the members of Discordia.
Faction: Discordia
Deck: Ethereal Knights
[spoiler=Signature Card:]NO. 69 Excalibur Knight
RK 5 / Light / Warrior / Effect / Exceed
ATK 3000 / DEF 2100
3 Level 5 Monsters
While this card is on the field neither player can activate Spell Cards except the owner of this card by removing 1 Exceed Material Monster from this card.

NO. -01 Ragnarok Dragon Scarz
RK 6 / Fire / Dragon / Effect / Exceed
ATK 3500 / DEF 0
2 Rank 3 Monsters
Once per turn, you can remove 1 Exceed Material Monster from this card to Destroy 1 card on the Field. While this card has no Exceed Material Monsters, your opponent cannot destroy cards you control with card effects.

NO. -02 Ambitious Emperor Despair
RK 8 / Dark / Warrior / Effect / Exceed
ATK 4000 / DEF 2500
2 Rank 4 Monsters
When a card effect negates the attack of a monster you can remove 1 Exceed Material Monster from this card to continue the attack. When this card is selected as an attack target while it has no Exceed Material Monsters, it cannot be destroyed by battle.
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He's more a prototype for a char I want to make then I normally go with, I'm spending most of my time thinking up things for a Mortal Combat RP/Fan Fic I right now.

Oh and Mercy you can do whatever you want with No. 0 so long as it is an Exceed Monster, I figured he'd have to do something for Discordia if he was aloud in also if any other members want a Minus Number just tell me and I'll have my guy give you one.
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Watching the current duel... Can you say "powerplaying?" Both sides are going at it beyond full force. On top of that, No. 69 Excalibur Knight seems a little easy to summon for a Horus LV8 knockoff.

As a side note, these Ethereal Knights seem an awful lot like Fabled monsters. Now we just need someone neutral to use them...
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