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20,000 years later-Aizens return (accepting/started)

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Hey, here is my new application. I hope you all think it's chill; I drew the picture myself. Made the app short; Sorry about that.

[Spoiler=Erin Seiren]

Name: Erin Seiren

Gender: Female

[Spoiler=Appearance]Will re-upload better quality image in a bit.

Her number is on her hand.[/spoiler]

Personality: Erin is a very motherly figure, keeping herself calm and collected in even the worst of situations. She is a very keen observer, and is likely to be the one will point things out that are wrong. She easily forgives people, and this is her fatal flaw; She sees the good side of everyone, and tends to trust many untrustworthy people. Most of the time, though, she sticks to herself, not bothering any of the other Espada. Despite all of this, she has a secret love for the rush of war.

Biography: As a human, Erin led a normal life. She had many friends, a great family, and was doing very well in college. She got pregnant at the age of 23, and was extremely excited. When the baby came, however, disaster struck. She died due to heart failure when the child was born.

She wept and wept while she was a plus; It was unfair to her to die when she brought life into this world. It wasn't very long before she had hollowified, and the first person she went after was none other than the child she had bore.

She successfully killed (and subsequently devoured) her child and her husband-to be, but she was not satisfied. She started going after her other friends and family, absorbing enough souls to become a Gillian.

She dominated the mind of the Gillian out of pure force of will, and shortly after that she became an Adjuchas. She doesn't remember her time as an Adjuchas, and when asked she would just shrug her shoulders and say "I don't want to talk about it."

number: None. Not currently a Fraccion to an Espada, but loyal to Aizen. Will join an Espada if asked.

Resurrection Name & Release Phrase: Cry, Tristeza
Resurrection Appearance: Her mask turns into liquid and runs all over her body, covering all but her head. Her hollow hole moves down to her stomach. Her features become noticeably more aquatic; She has a fin on her back and on her calves, and her feet and hands become webbed. Her Zanpakutou becomes something similiar to a trident, except the prongs are not unlike that of a Zanpakutou blade.

Resurrection Abilities: Will tell when I get to it.

2nd Resurrection Appearance: Has not achieved.

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I believe my post was misinterpreted, my character said " it seems some of the espada are not sitting well with Aizen" I understand your argument, but let me explain what I ment by that post.

First of all I never gave any names nor did I plan to because my character does not know who has said what. Also, all I said was that some espada members are not sitting well with Aizen I never said that any of them were going to plan an attack on him or anything like that. All I ment is that some of the members disliked him or viewed him negatively and thats all. Another thing that I belive that you over looked was that there are currently only 7 espada members rping right now, I could be talking abount the other espada members that no one is rping as. While I am talking about the amount of espada members I would like to point out that there no law stating that a bleach rp can only have 10 espada members if we wanted we could hav 4 espada member, 100, ect... but thats up to the visser.

I want to apologize to anyone who tought that I was god moding,power playing, or what ever that was not my intensions.
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Come on guys lets not have this rp die.

For all Soul reapers, I will have my character conducting a mission. Rp wise the head captain placed my character in charge to carry out this mission. For this mission my character and a small task force ( Anyone who would like to be part of that group feel free to jump in) has been ordered to infiltrate las noches. Our main goal is to find the center of the Aizen's stronghold afterwards we are to set up a device which will allow soul society to trasport their men to the target location immediately. So all we have to do is set up a teleporter so that large groups of soul reapers can storm las noches. I already made the first post where my character has exited the portal, so feel free to jump in now. This rp is turing into an all espada rp and it seems to be on its last leg so lets pull out the defibrillator and save this puppy.
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