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top 5 most classic boss fights

Hi-Def Legacy

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5. darkness yugioh duelist of roses <BR>omg he is so easy all you need to hope for is a drag magicain plus 2 book of secret arts<BR>4. cloud'n'candy yoshis story<BR>whats so classic is he is the final boss yet he is so retardly easy he makes a statement saying he so swet you cant lick me yet you make it a false statement <BR>3. jasper batt jr no more heroes 2 <BR>he may be annoying but his death is still utterlly clasic cause he dies after he gets sliced in the head! <BR>2. egg dealer shadow the hedgehog <BR>ok a slot machine really eggman this is the only battle where he never talks the same phrase over and over again yet land the granade or rockets and you get a classic hit and at the ending shadows breaks his skull <BR>1. final hazard sonic adventure 2 battle <BR>this is both epic and classic you play as super sonic and super shadow the controls may be awkward but during all of that jazz my favorate crush 40 song of all time plays in the background this deserves a spot in the list as number 1 and this boss is reletivley easy except when double lasers chase you but still easy
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