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POLL: Should Treeborn Frog be Banned next list?

Should Treeborn Frog be Banned?  

2 members have voted

  1. 1. Should Treeborn Frog be Banned?

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The noobness oozing out of this topic is astounding. Treeborn is pretty good' date=' but it definitely doesn't deserve to be banned. By using Treeborn's effect, you cannot protect yourself with Spells and Traps, making your opponent and their Monarchs they got via Frog's effect very vulnerable. Frog is also perfect food for Hydros. Attack it with one, get another and attack directly for 1600 damage. They won't have any Traps or anything down because they're hoping to use Frog's effect. There are more things you can do to Frog that can screw with your opponent, but I won't mention them all. I only mentioned the first few that came to me first. So before you (the thread creator) go around and say "ZOMG, Treeborn Frog iz teh overpoweredz banzzzzz", realize that Treeborn has just as many weaknesses as it does advantages. Well, not exactly, but it does have some weaknesses.



I see no explanations why it shouldn't be banned in that post except "you can't protect yourself with spells and traps" which is wrong to begin with. You speak about weakness and advantages yet you don't name any.

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Guest PikaPerson01
Needless to say its more lack of a need to respond to a topic with no relevance than illiteracy, though I'm sure he himself could tell you that.


Then he really has no business responding. He's clearly not even on-topic.


Treeborn will not be banned. They would have done it long ago if it was to happen.


This topic is not about what will happen. It's about what should happen.

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Needless to say its more lack of a need to respond to a topic with no relevance than illiteracy' date=' though I'm sure he himself could tell you that.[/quote']


Then he really has no business responding. He's clearly not even on-topic.


Treeborn will not be banned. They would have done it long ago if it was to happen.


oh, but I do, I simply read the topic's title, and the first post, then posted my opinion, so therefore, I am on topic, and you saying that i did not contribute, is not on topic

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So having no Spells or Traps is a justifiable argument that prevents Frog from being prohibitted right?


That's like saying we should unlimit Jinzo because he gets beaten by Double Snare.


Frog is one of the biggest advantage engines in this game. If anyone stops to look at the many uses of Frog, you'd actually see it's deadliness. Very few cards in the game can offer you the raw advantage that frog does at essentially no cost.

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Treeborn will not be banned. They would have done it long ago if it was to happen.


The question was not "Will it be banned?"' date=' the question is "Should it be banned?"



Why does it matter? If it won't, then why even argue it?


Irrelevance to reality makes an argument pointless, and this is no exception.

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Treeborn will not be banned. They would have done it long ago if it was to happen.


The question was not "Will it be banned?"' date=' the question is "Should it be banned?"



That's probably close enough, though.


I mean, I was probably a lot further off topic with that roshambo comment.

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Guest PikaPerson01
The noobness oozing out of this topic is astounding.


From certain posters yes.


Treeborn is pretty good, but it definitely doesn't deserve to be banned.


O rly? A card that provides instant tribute fodder shouldn't be banned?


By using Treeborn's effect, you cannot protect yourself with Spells and Traps, making your opponent and their Monarchs they got via Frog's effect very vulnerable.


Vulnerable to what? Brain and Smash and stuff? Hey! Guess what!? You get a Free frog next turn, and a free direct attack with Raiza.


Frog is also perfect food for Hydros. Attack it with one, get another and attack directly for 1600 damage. They won't have any Traps or anything down because they're hoping to use Frog's effect.


If you played an opponent that let his Frog out during his opponents turn, then he pretty much deserves to lose, as he's already hit top decking mode, and just needs ANY little 100/100 wall of defense. Try dueling an experienced duelist, 'kay.


Also, lol, Hydrogeddon.


There are more things you can do to Frog that can screw with your opponent, but I won't mention them all. I only mentioned the first few that came to me first. So before you (the thread creator) go around and say "ZOMG, Treeborn Frog iz teh overpoweredz banzzzzz", realize that Treeborn has just as many weaknesses as it does advantages. Well, not exactly, but it does have some weaknesses.


... Such as?

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Why does it matter? If it won't' date=' then why even argue it?


Irrelevance to reality makes an argument pointless, and this is no exception.



A simple question was asked. If you deem the matter irrelevant and of insignificant importance, why the need the speak your mind?

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I see no explanations why it shouldn't be banned


Why do you think it should be banned?



"you can't protect yourself with spells and traps" which is wrong to begin with.


Let's look at Treeborn's effect...


If this card is in your Graveyard during your Standby Phase and you control no Spell or Trap Cards' date=' you can Special Summon it. This effect cannot be activated if you control a face-up "Treeborn Frog".




You speak about weakness and advantages yet you don't name any.


Weaknesses: Unless you're putting your traps down after you've used it's effect, your back field is empty. And if they're still there once your Monarch (or whatever tribute summoned with Frog's effect) is destroyed, you won't be getting back next turn.


It's very weak. Again, I'll mention how you can kill it with one Hydrogeddon and just attack directly with the next one. It happens pretty frequently whenever I'm dueling HORUS and he's using whatever kind monarch deck he's using now.


Macro Monarch Decks rape Frog. D.D. Crow can too. And I guess Zombies could too with Book of Life and stuff.


Is that enough? I could go on.


Advantages: Well, it's recyclable. Very recyclable. I think you know the advantages, so I just won't get into them.


Now I ask what kind of deck you and you're little friend Pikaperson are running?

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Haha, hell no. It has so many weaknesses, seriousley. Yeah it comes back, only if you're stupid enough to recycle it without using it as a tribute, but for defense.


To all the noobs, stfu. Stop getting off topic talking about the video games and that crap.


Jib, Redsceptile, PikaPerson1, and all the others who post exactly after eachother and complain about the same things are ALL THE SAME PEOPLE in my opinion. Wow, they don't have the same I.P. adresses, that doesn't prove they're not. How can you post not even a minute after the last post, saying the exact same thing. To get people to think you're right. Stop being retarded. Saying Treeborn Frog should be banned is idiotic, and you want that because people play it in Monarch Deck's.


You play Video Games? Me too, just because a banned list on a Video Game comes out means NOTHING. The banned list on Yugioh GX Duel Academy for the GBA changes all the time, does that mean that the real banned list changes just as much? I don't think so. So just stfu and stop complaining because you get angry when somebody beats you with a card.


If you lose to let's say.... Dark Magician of Chaos...

"IT SHOOD B BANZDED!!!1111!!!ONE!111ELEVEN1!!!!"


Jesus Christ.

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-Nothing stops you from setting S/Ts when you use Frog

-D.D. Crow stops the Envoys too, is that a reason to unban them?

-Macro stops Monster Reborn, do you want that unbanned?

-Torrential is monster removal, it stops monsters

-Wtf as CotH anything to do with Frog?

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Let's look at Treeborn's effect...


If this card is in your Graveyard during your Standby Phase and you control no Spell or Trap Cards' date=' you can Special Summon it. This effect cannot be activated if you control a face-up "Treeborn Frog".





You bolded the wrong part.


If this card is in your Graveyard during your Standby Phase and you control no Spell or Trap Cards, you can Special Summon it. This effect cannot be activated if you control a face-up "Treeborn Frog".


That doesn't stop you from using STs

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if you want treeborn don't use CotH


why? it is self explanatory


go read a book......


Ok so because you can't use CotH is a reason no to ban a card?


And you dodge an awful lot of questions there, go read my post.

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