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Pokémon--Eighteen Orbs of Light [PG-16/Not Started/Accepting/ Co-hosted by ƒ Spaz ƒ and Codename: Lady]

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[spoiler=Plot] "The Legendary Dragon Pokémon...The Legendary Musketeers...The hidden elemental type...The death of Arceus...
Welcome to the Paragma Region, a region filled with mystery and intrigue...Lately, the land of Paragma has been troubled by massive natural disasters and large outbreaks of powerful Pokémon...And the news of a terrible tragedy.
Arceus, the Alpha Pokémon was killed and destroyed by the six Legendary Dragons: Dialga, Palkia, Giratina, Reshiram, Zekrom, and Kyurem. However, they were weakened after the battle and were driven off by the Legendary Musketeers: Cobalion, Terakion, Virizion, and Keldeo. However, in the wake of the seventeen-day battle that took place, a single sphere was left, which is said contain the essence of an eighteenth elemental type, one said to be only spoken of in legends from long ago...
This sphere was taken to the Paragma Region, where it rests at the heart of the Temple of Elders, fiercely guarded by the ancient Fossil Pokémon. Many thieves have tried to steal it, but all have failed...But now, they are banding together, to form the October Knights. Will you chose to defeat the October Knights, or join them? Or will you take the Gym Challenge? The choice is yours, and yours alone..."[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Rules]1. All (And I mean ALL) RP rules apply.
2. Moves and such may be combined, and the amount known by any Pokémon is unlimited. However, weaker Pokémon should have trouble using more powerful moves.
3. Pokemon have access to all possible abilities at once (including Dream World), so long as they do not contradict eachother (like Inner Focus and Steadfast, in which case you may only have one of those, plus the DW ability.)
4. Everyone has a "Mark," each one being a single Pokémon (usually the starter or a Legendary Pokémon). The design is located anywhere on the body you see fit and is designed like that Pokémon. It is similar to the Signer Markings in 5D's. They often respond to intense situations and heighten the user's focus, changing their eye color to the color of the Pokémon's. Also give the user additional influence over certain Pokémon groups.
5. To prove you understand these, please know that the passwords are "October" for October Knights apps, "Righteous" for Gym Leaders and Four Heavenly Kings, and "JustifiedAbsol" (yes the entire thing IS one word) for regular trainers/coordinators.[/spoiler]
Character Name:
Bio: (optional, but it does increase chances of acceptance)
Mark: (See Rule 4)
Team: (Pokémon Team, mainly for Gym Leaders and other major trainers. For bigger trainers who change Pokémon a lot, you should just put "Varies" or the Pokémon used most often.)
[spoiler=My App]
[spoiler=Jacob Emerson]
Username: Dharc the Dark Charmer
Character Name: Jacob Emerson
Age: 23
Personality: Very calm and collected, he rarely lets anything get to him. He's a friend of Alexander's, and the differences between them are almost night & day.
Bio: Jacob never really lived a huried life. He was just told to take things easy, and so he did. Because of this, he quickly forms bonds with Pokémon that take a lot of patience to raise and undergo metamorphic evolutions. When he moved near Alexander, he was shocked that someone could be so energetic, but he quickly grew to know him well. The two began training together when Alex befriended Absol, and Jacob always prevailed due to his use of strategy, as opposed to an all-out attack. When he was offered the position of Increloss Town, he gratefully accepted. This is his first year as Gym Leader...
Mark: Caterpie--Takes the form of Caterpie's antennae in red. Gives him an added influnece over Pokémon that undergo metamorphosis-like evolutions.
Starter: Caterpie
Team: Butterfree, Beedrill, Beautifly, Dustox
Gym #: 1 (Increloss Town)[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Alexander Thornton]
Username: Dharc the Dark Charmer
Character Name: Alexander Thornton
Age: 14
Personality: Very excitable and energetic, your typical ADHD kid. He is often incredibly optimistic and never lets anything get him down. While some call Alexander strong-willed or persistent, most call him "stubborn as a Snorlax."
Bio: To be added later.
Mark: Absol--Takes the shape of Absol's blade-horn and face in black. Gains a violet outline when it glows. Gives him added influence over Pokémon related to disasters, Pokémon with the Justified ability, and Pokémon with high Attack.
Starter: Absol (Technically only befriended, not owned)
Team: Absol
Password: JustifiedAbsol[/spoiler]
(Info to be added later.)
Gym Locations (In order): 3 (Increloss Town), 4 (Manutic City), 7 (Portsula City), 8 (Decarin Grove), 12 (Shiport City), 14 (Susperia Town), 15 (Coroast City), 21(Fossiqua City) [/spoiler]
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Aaand here's my app.

Username: Grandt
Character Name: Allen Injuna
Age: 16
Personality: Allen is on the quiet side. He prefers to let his actions speak for him unless the situation demands it. However, while this does make him look unfriendly, he's actually a loyal friend and an overall good guy. You just have to cut through his tough exterior.
Bio: will probably be put up later
Mark: Lucario, or at least its head's silhouette. It's colored the same as the Pokemon, but lacks features such as eyes. It glows blue when activated. It also gives him more influence over Fighting-type Pokemon and Pokemon with strong auras.
Starter: Riolu
Team: Riolu
Password: JustifiedAbsol
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Username: Tuatha De Dannan
Character Name: Edern Pearce
Age: 22
Personality: Blunt, kind, and pushy, often full of energy.
Bio: Edern Pearce is a Gym Leader in Fossiqua City He had worked in the mountain-area as a child with his father, the former gym leader; because of which Edern and the many trainers from that area had access to many fossilized pokemon, which Edern would base his team on, after a fateful event which brought his very first fossil pokemon to life (Lileep) Replacing his father as City Gym leader around the age of 19, Edern became known for being a Gym Trainer which uses "Ancients" where as normally it would simply be a "Rock" gym leader. The only exception is his Crustle, which is not an Ancient Pokemon but is still part rock. Edern eagerly awaits a Trainers challenge however, he is often found somewhere in the city rather then at the gym, a trainer must find him to challenge him.
Mark: Lileep - Positioned on the back of his Neck. When influenced, Edern's eyes turn yellow, and he becomes filled with an odd aura, which leeks an awful energy in the form of a scent.The scent gives him the ability to to control and communicate with Rock types or pokemon of the earth more easily.
Starter: Lileep
Team: Cradily, Aerodactyle, Armaldo, Kabutops, Carracosta, Crustle
Password: Righteous
Gym # 8 Fossiqua City

I will add more as we go along, i hope this will work.

Edit: Appearance - Edern stands around six-feel tall, with wide-broad shoulders. He has a well-built, body but not too bulky, possibly from working in the mountains. Hazel-nut colored-eyes and small slick-black hair sitting atop of his head. His facial features are rough and has a few scars, again probably from working. He often wears slim-jeans with a plain t-shirt, as to not cause too much heat to him self. He speaks in a rough, but loud and enthusiastic voice. He is slightly dark-skinned.
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[quote name='Dharc the Dark Charmer' timestamp='1303175008' post='5150204']
Erm, not accepted quite yet. Please specify what abilities other than the normal heightened focus your mark entails (please refer to My App).
I'll try as soon as I get out of the hospital. I had brain surgery on Wednesday. Besides, I've RPed with you before. Remember I cohosted "Shattered Earth and Broken Sky," your previous RP.
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Username: Christian Exodia
Character Name: Tyron Riqua
Age: 15
Personality: He is a chatterbox who doesn't listen to anyone, a rebel, of sorts. He gets frustrated easily, but Loces his Pokemon. He is always into fine tuning the Pokemon like they were well oiled machines. He hates watching Pokemon abuse. He has an old mind- loving multiple things from a different era, not just fossils.

Bio: He was born in Mauville City, to Breeders, in the Hoenn region. He moved to Unova, more importantly,
Opelucid City, a place more to his tastes, which he loved. When he was 9, a trainer dropped off an egg with his
family. It hatched into a Rufflet, which he named Victor- for Victory. He was transferred to the Paragma region, where he fought his way through the Gym Leaders, with many Pokemon, with Victor always sitting in the team front. He found his way into the Four Heavenly Kings after one retired, becoming the youngest.

Appearance: He is a pale skinned boy with long dark hair, to the base of the neck. He is a rather skinny, not toothpick thin though, person. He wears a Crown on his head to signify his position. It's the smallest, but he's fine. He wears a black Jacket with a Braviary pin on the left breast pocket, over a white shirt, with a Black Hakama and no shoes.

Mark: A Braviary, on his back. When provoked, usually when Tyron is just down to Victor, it will eminate energy that's almost in the form of wings. His eyes flash red & blue at the same time. Flying-Type moves are boosted.

Starter: Victor(Braviary)

Team: Victor, Vulcan(Garchomp), Ace(Linoone), Salamance, Darmanitan, Metagross

Password: Righteous
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