I'm trying to make some cards with MSE, I edited the code a bit so I could use the Matrix.
But, it messed up and it won't let me add stars. Here's the code to see if you can try and help.
[spoiler= Code]
mse version: 0.3.7
game: yugioh
short name: Standard
installer group: Yugioh/Standard
icon: card-sample.png
position hint: 01
version: 2008-10-27
depends on:
package: yugioh.mse-game
version: 2008-10-27
depends on:
package: yugioh-standard-levels.mse-symbol-font
version: 2007-10-27
depends on:
package: yugioh-text-replacements.mse-symbol-font
version: 2008-01-04
But, it messed up and it won't let me add stars. Here's the code to see if you can try and help.
[spoiler= Code]
mse version: 0.3.7
game: yugioh
short name: Standard
installer group: Yugioh/Standard
icon: card-sample.png
position hint: 01
version: 2008-10-27
depends on:
package: yugioh.mse-game
version: 2008-10-27
depends on:
package: yugioh-standard-levels.mse-symbol-font
version: 2007-10-27
depends on:
package: yugioh-text-replacements.mse-symbol-font
version: 2008-01-04
card background: white
card width: 361
card height: 523
card dpi: 152.6265
############################################################## Extra scripts
############################################################## Extra style
styling field:
type: choice
name: rules alignment
description: Should the rules text be justified? WARNING: Justification is not perfect.
initial: not justified
choice: not justified
choice: justified
############################################################## Card fields
card style:
############################# Background stuff
card type:
left: 0
top: 0
width: 361
height: 523
z index: -2
render style: image
popup style: in place
choice images:
normal monster: card-normal.png
effect monster: card-effect.png
ritual monster: card-ritual.png
synchro monster: card-synchro.png
dark synchro monster: card-dsynchro.png
fusion monster: card-fusion.png
token monster: card-token.png
obelisk: card-obelisk.png
slifer: card-slifer.png
ra: card-ra.png
legendary dragons: card-dragons.png
spell card: card-spell.png
trap card: card-trap.png
exceed monster: card-exceed.png
left: { if card.rarity=="parallel rare" then 0 else if card.rarity=="gold tech" then 0 else 51 }
top: { if card.rarity=="parallel rare" then 0 else if card.rarity=="gold tech" then 0 else 105 }
width: { if card.rarity=="parallel rare" then 361 else if card.rarity=="gold tech" then 361 else 259 }
height: { if card.rarity=="parallel rare" then 523 else if card.rarity=="gold tech" then 523 else 259 }
z index: 5
render style: image
popup style: in place
script: if card.rarity=="super rare" then "superfoil.png" else
if card.rarity=="ultra rare" then "superfoil.png" else
if card.rarity=="secret rare" then "secretfoil.png" else
if card.rarity=="ultimate rare" then "superfoil.png" else
if card.rarity=="parallel rare" then "parallelfoil.png" else
if card.rarity=="gold tech" then "goldfoil.png" else
if card.rarity=="promo" then "superfoil.png" else "blank2.png"
############################# Name line
left: 29
top : 29
width: 254
height: 32
alignment: middle shrink-overflow
padding bottom: 0
z index: 2
name: MatrixBoldSmallCaps
size: 27
script: if card.rarity=="rare" then rgb(186,220,234)
else if card.rarity=="secret rare" then rgb(251,252,167)
else if card.rarity=="promo" then rgb(207,2,74)
else if card.rarity=="super rare" then rgb(105,40,12)
else if card.rarity=="ultra rare" then rgb(207,188,130)
else if card.rarity=="ultimate rare" then rgb(180,130,0)
else if card.rarity=="parallel rare" then rgb(216,199,53)
else if card.rarity=="gold tech" then rgb(216,199,53)
else if card.card_type=="dark synchro monster" then rgb(255,255,255)
else if card.card_type=="exceed monster" then rgb(255,255,255)
else if is_nmonster() then rgb(255,255,255)
else rgb(0,0,0)
left: 295
top : 23
width: 39
height: 39
z index: 2
render style: image
popup style: in place
choice images:
earth: earth.png
water: water.png
fire: fire.png
wind: wind.png
light: light.png
dark: dark.png
divine: divine.png
spell: spell.png
trap: trap.png
left: 45
top : 68
height: 28
width: {if is_nmonster() then 275 else 280 }
z index: 2
alignment: { if card.card_type=="dark synchro monster" or card.card_type=="exceed monster" then "middle left" else "middle right" }
name: /yugioh-standard-levels.mse-symbol-font/rightbracket.png
italic name: /yugioh-standard-levels.mse-symbol-font/rightbracket.png
size: 17
color: rgb(0,0,0)
symbol font:
name: /yugioh-standard-levels.mse-symbol-font/rightbracket.png
alignment: middle center
scale down to: 1
size: 7.5
############################# Image
left: 51
top: 105
width: 259
height: 258
z index: 1
############################# Card type
monster type:
left: 39
top : 394
width: { card_style.monster_type.content_width + 6 }
height: 14
alignment: middle left
z index: 2
name: MatrixBoldSmallCaps
italic name: MatrixBoldSmallCaps
size: 12
color: rgb(0,0,0)
symbol font:
name: estar
alignment: middle center
size: 3.5
visible: script: if is_nmonster() then false else true
############################# Edition and Card ID
left: 203
top : 371
width: 115
height: 15
z index: 2
alignment: top right
name: Palatino Linotype
size: 8
script: if card.card_type=="dark synchro monster" or card.card_type=="exceed monster" then rgb(255,255,255) else rgb(0,0,0)
left: 43
top: 372
width: 115
height: 15
z index: 2
name: Palatino Linotype Bold
size: 8
script: if card.card_type=="dark synchro monster" or card.card_type=="exceed monster" then rgb(255,255,255) else rgb(0,0,0)
############################# Text box
rule text:
left: 35
top :
script: if is_nmonster() then 392 else 405
width: 289
script: if is_nmonster() then 92 else 67
name: Palatino Linotype
size: 8
scale down to: 4
color: rgb(0,0,0)
symbol font:
name: Palatino Linotype
alignment: justified
size: 3.5
alignment: { if styling.rules_alignment=="justified" then "top left justify" else "top left" }
z index: 3
padding left: 1
padding top: 2
padding right: 0
padding bottom: 0
line height hard: 1.0
line height line: 1.0
line height soft: 0.9
line height hard max: 1.1
line height line max: 1.1
############################# Attack/Defense
left: 204
top: 475
width: 48
height: 18
z index: 2
alignment: right middle
name: MatrixBoldSmallCaps
italic name: MatrixBoldSmallCaps
size: 12
color: rgb(0,0,0)
symbol font:
name: MatrixBoldSmallCaps
alignment: middle center
size: 6
visible: script: if is_nmonster() then false else true
z index: 4
left: 278
top: 475
width: 48
height: 18
z index: 2
alignment: right middle
name: MatrixBoldSmallCaps
italic name: Matrix-Bold
size: 12
color: rgb(0,0,0)
symbol font:
name: MatrixBoldSmallCaps
alignment: middle center
size: 6
visible: script: if is_nmonster() then false else true
############################# Card sorting / numbering
############################# Copyright stuff
left: 16
top : 495
width: 96
height: 18
alignment: middle left
z index: 2
name: MatrixBoldSmallCaps
size: 8
script: if card.card_type=="dark synchro monster" or card.card_type=="exceed monster" then rgb(255,255,255) else rgb(0,0,0)
left: 332
top : 492
height: 20
width: 20
z index: 3
render style: image
popup style: in place
choice images:
common: blank2.png
rare: blank2.png
super rare: blank2.png
ultra rare: blank2.png
secret rare: blank2.png
ultimate rare: blank2.png
parallel rare: blank2.png
gold tech: blank2.png
promo: blank2.png
corner foil:
left: 332
top : 492
height: 20
width: 20
z index: 2
render style: image list
choice images:
script: if card.edition!="" then "cornerfirst.png" else "cornerunlimited.png"
left: 180
top : 495
width: 145
height: 18
z index: 4
alignment: middle right
name: MatrixBoldSmallCaps
size: 7
script: if card.card_type=="dark synchro monster" or card.card_type=="exceed monster" then rgb(255,255,255) else rgb(0,0,0)
############################################extra card field:
extra card field:
type: choice
name: bar
choice: bar
editable: false
extra card field:
type: choice
name: leftbracket
choice: lbracket
editable: false
extra card field:
type: choice
name: rightbracket
choice: rbracket
editable: false
extra card field:
type: text
name: atkoverlay
default: "ATK/"
editable: false
extra card field:
type: text
name: defoverlay
default: "DEF/"
editable: false
extra card style:
left: 37
top : 474
height: 1
width: 288
z index: 4
render style: image list
choice images:
bar: bar.png
visible: script: if is_nmonster() then false else true
left: { if is_nmonster() then (314 - card_style.level.content_width) else 35 }
top : { if is_nmonster() then 75 else 394 }
height: { if is_nmonster() then 17 else 14 }
width: { if is_nmonster() then 5 else 4 }
z index: 2
render style: image list
choice images:
lbracket: /yugioh-standard-levels.mse-symbol-font/rightbracket.png
left: { if is_nmonster() then 318 else (card_style.monster_type.content_width + 40) }
top : { if is_nmonster() then 75 else 394 }
height: { if is_nmonster() then 17 else 14 }
width: { if is_nmonster() then 5 else 4 }
z index: 4
render style: image list
choice images:
rbracket: /yugioh-standard-levels.mse-symbol-font/rightbracket.png
left: 170
top: 475
width: 48
height: 18
z index: 1
alignment: right middle
name: MatrixBoldSmallCaps
italic name: MatrixBoldSmallCaps
size: 12
color: rgb(0,0,0)
visible: script: if is_nmonster() then false else true
left: 244
top: 475
width: 48
height: 18
z index: 1
alignment: right middle
name: MatrixBoldSmallCaps
italic name: MatrixBoldSmallCaps
size: 12
color: rgb(0,0,0)
visible: script: if is_nmonster() then false else true
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