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[quote name='Desperado Finale' timestamp='1309678986' post='5329912']
I understand that April is the Gunner but what exactly you mean by that would be interesting. I'm guessing guns but how does he get them and blah blah blah.

Techi, look like 2 pages back. Jeez. <_<
I already did. I'm not that bitchy normally. I read two whole pages back already (considering this to be a page) and got not even a new clue closer as to what this rp is about. But I don't really want to know anymore.

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[quote name='trinitySOUL' timestamp='1309589137' post='5327479']
[spoiler=Plot]1 Year is total of 12 Months.
12 Childrens of God were born.
Named after the 12 months.
Year 2012, The Year said that the world will be destroyed. More men are starting to lose faith. Scientist started to find a planet where they can reside with. But God was with them all the time and he decided to send 12 of his Childrens which were named after the 12 Months. They are now the New Messiahs. They must show that God has still faith in men and they must have faith in God as well. But 1 diety is pushing men to lose faith. It was Satan. Satan is spreading temptation and forcing them to lose faith. But the 12 Children’s of God won’t lose to Satan. It is now Satan and his temptations against the 12 Childrens of God. Who shall prevail? Will Men still have faith on God? Will the World really End?[/spoiler]
[spoiler=The Children]January the Priest
Febuary the Archer
March the Knight
April the Gunner
May the Maiden
June the Sorcereress
July the Sorcerer
August the Doctor
September the Researcher
October the Hunter
November the Fallen
December the Savior[/spoiler]
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......God Techi. I'll explain it.

Basically, there are twelve children/teenagers/whatever, each named after a month of the year. It's 2012, and many people are believing that God is going to destroy them. That iswhy these 12 are here, to tell everyone that God has faith. Meanwhile, Satan is being a sore loser and trying to actually destroy the world.

And each "month" has different powers, like Archer, Gunner, Socerer, Maiden etc.

And we have to defeat Satan and show the world that if they have faith in God, God will eep them safe.

Such heavy Christanity. Yet I joined. AND I'M SHINTO OR SUMFIN.

That says something.
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[quote name='Shooting Star Dragon' timestamp='1309679595' post='5329928']
*re-reads club rules to double check something*

we're entering the 3rd month b****
The clubs Co-host was gone for like 2 of the months we were in office and this club was dead for at least 1/8th of the time I've hold my position. Over-ruled.

@Everyone else: I'd have to say, before I was interested in December. But since it's so religiously based, I probably won't be able to stomach it.
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[quote name='Shooting Star Dragon' timestamp='1309679980' post='5329938']
being dead for a little bit doesn't matter, and fair is fair, we should only elect a new host then :3
How is that even remotely fair?

Why are you targeting me, if we need a new anything it's a Co-host. That kids been out of here for most of the time it's been up. I had to revive this thing at least 2 times now(I think I just skimmed or probably necro-bumbed to keep this around)

[quote name='Desperado Finale' timestamp='1309680137' post='5329943']
Card already called December.

Chance of my joining now: Not even a chance.
You guys will have fun without me XD
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[quote name='Shooting Star Dragon' timestamp='1309680274' post='5329947']
necro bump is a month or two, and okay, both new

edit: who said I'm targeting you? >_>
No one needed to say it. It was obvious.

If you want me gone so badly, I'll put it up to vote and more than likely leave. If it would mean you'd just get off my back already.

Rp related= Sorry soul, I'm not going to be able to be a part of your rp.=P
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I don't want you gone. ^^

Cuz, you know, I hate losing anyone in my favourite clubs. *shrugs*

If we need anything, we need a new co-host. Because I haven't seen card in a short while.

And if card returns, we could just have TWO co-host, you know? Him and someone else.

So how 'bout we take a vote?

A. Fire both (Hope not) and appoint new
B. Fire Card and appoint new co-host.
C. Appoint ANOTHER co-host
D. Do nothing.

Is that fair for all of us? Take a vote, and we can act accordingly once everyone still active has placed their vote.

I vote B. ^^
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[quote name='Shooting Star Dragon' timestamp='1309681187' post='5329960']
I'm not targeting you >_>

I'm just trying to be fair, and I think that the club rules should be followed
You can say it all you want, doesn't mean it's true.

And I believe club rules should be followed as well. But not used by some tard to purposely target someone.

I'm not going to fight with you over whether or not you are targeting me. But for some reason you are and it is really starting to give me a head-ache. So seriously, do something that doesn't involve me losing something for once. Try a Honest Rp discussion like everyone else was (what the club is for)

(Voting B )
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[quote name='Shooting Star Dragon' timestamp='1309681816' post='5329975']
do you seriously think I have nothing better to do but personally target someone I don't even know irl? AND OVER THE INTERNET TOO!?


I didn't say it was Smart. I just know you are doing it and it's annoying.

To stay on topic:

Anyone else have current Rp plans they want to share? Maybe planning to join one that sounds promising? Plot changes etc.
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*Looks at who technically made the first post and therefore controls the title and all that other crap.* Yeah we kind of need to keep him high ranking. *Looks at last page.* Hey look. I think Card is there. He was here like 24 hours ago. sheesh people. <_<

So far I'm leaning with C but there's always E. Fire Techi and hire new host. Honestly though I haven't read the rules and have no idea what you guys are talking about.

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Me neither. I have no idea what "rule" is going on.

On Topic:

I've been planning at LoD: DC RP. For those who don't understand abbreaviations, I mean a Legend of Dragoon: The Dragon Campaign RP.

Rather than being set in the past, like the game is, its set in modern times. So all 6 Dragoons have guns and stuff :D

The Winglies have arisen after centuries of inactivity, each one brandishing weapons enchanted with the highes magic. They have taken over several major human cities, and the small ones live in eternal peril.

One young person (yet to acsertain gender fr said person) has rediscovered the 6 Dragoon Stone, which, when used, will grant one person the power of a certain element. Each stone is the solidified soul of a long slain dragon.

So 6 people, including myself and maybe 1 or two baddies (Wingies man) will be doing cool stuff. The Dragoons and I (I am your general dammit. Or maybe I'm a Dragoon as well. DUN DUN DUN) will be marching on the Wingly controlled cities, along with armies of Human, Gigantos and Minitos.

What do you think?

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