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[center]Long time since I posted anything here...

[b]Card requirements:[/b]
Make a DARK monster that changes the Attribute of monsters.

Votes need explanations. No 'card 1 is kewl, i vote for dat one'.
First to 3 votes win.
Winner gets 3 reps from loser.

When this card is Summoned, choose 1 Attribute. As long as this card remains on the field, all monsters in your opponent's hand, on their field and in their Graveyard become the chosen Attribute. Each time a monster with the chosen Attribute is Summoned, you can draw 1 card.

Once per turn, you can change the Attribute of 1 face-up monster you control to either LIGHT or DARK. This card gains 100 ATK for each LIGHT monster on the field. When this card destroys a monster by battle, you can Tribute 1 LIGHT monster and reduce this cards ATK by 1000, to have this card attack your opponent directly. If a DARK monster you control is destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard, you can increase this cards ATK by 100. If this card would be destroyed by battle, you can Tribute 1 DARK monster you control instead. When this card is destroyed, all monsters on your side of the field is changed to their original Attribute.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Before I begin I must say that these are two solid cards so you should feel pleased with your efforts:

"Changer Machine Utoz" - With a DNA Surgery effect built in that targets your opponent's hand, field and graveyard a wealth of tactical possibilities are available, as your own cards are unaffected too. I do however believe that there is a risk of this card being OP'd due to the fact that whenever your opponent summons a monster you can draw a card. You must ask yourself, with an effect like this would this card be legal, especially in an Exodia deck hmmm?

"Demon Slayer Angel" - Like the previous card the fact that it has the ability to affect the field in a serious way however unlike "Changer Machine Utoz" this card targets only your cards and only one per turn. I like the idea that you have the choice of either LIGHT or DARK and the choice has a bearing on how aggressive of defensive you want to play. There is in fact a slight problem with the wording of the card:

"When this card destroys a monster by battle, you can Tribute 1 LIGHT monster and reduce this cards ATK by 1000, to have this card attack your opponent directly"

Does this mean that when you destroy a monster by battle you can tribute a LIGHT monster to attack your opponent's LP immediately? If so, then this card could be classed as OP'd.

I now have to pick a winner and my winner is: "Demon Slayer Angel" due to its more creative effect and due to the fact that "Changer Machine Utoz is slightly OP'd IMO due to the drawing effect.

As I said before these are two respectable cards and it was hard to pick a winner so well done.
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