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Lamias aren't weak to silver actually, it's some kind of urban legend that has spread around though so people are shocked when they attack them with silver and they go: lolufail now get in mah belly!

too bad it's magical, Lamias aren't exactly magical creatures. If they had magical talent as a human and could wield magic before being turned they can use it but Rhett doesn't have magical talent (as I haven't intended for him to be using magic anyways) and as such he can't use magic. If the scythe has magical properties that he doesn't need to bring out himself it will work of course, but I don't really see a scythe being able to shoot fire or something on it's own accord :P

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@ Red: Actually, you get to make the powers on said scythe, but what I would imagine is that if you twirl it in front of yourself once, you appear like you're the opposite sex, which in fact iit rather does itself, which WILL be an advantage to Rhett... Veirnars picture Silver Scythes as something that can spawn Illusions without bringing it's magic out, Except for Runic Crescent Scythes(The one Fiera has), A Runic Crescent Scythes' Shape tends to Amplify magic, Rather than spawn magic by itself.
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@ Christian: Rhett's Scythe creates illusions in general by changing the appearance of whoever holds it, however, The Blessings only work with whoever it is given to (I.E. If Lucifer tries to use Rhett's Scythe to create illusions, it will not work)

Speaking of Blessings:

My Interpretation of the prediction:

The skies of dawn,
Will meet what is drawn,
Return of the new
Fall off the blue.

[b]The skies of dawn[/b]

It references that whatever predicted will come at Dawn rather...

[b]Will meet what is drawn[/b]

1. It is a Summoned being or beings that will attempt to destroy Kerulia, possibly referencing to the weakening of the Boundary
2. It's some sort of Blessing or punishment, Possibly both, from Viemvear

[b]Return of the new[/b]

if it is 1, It's the souls of the sinners that will have come to exact revenge for their deaths/banishments. If it is 2, The Spirit council would grant "The Blessing of Silver" (Which is several meteorites of pure silver landing in several places)

[b]Fall off the blue.[/b]

Viemvear is in fact located above Kerulia, therefore if the boundary does tear, it will be visible in the sky rather than in the ground, and blessings from the Spirit council to Kerulia itself tends to fall from the sky (I.E. "The Blessing of Silver")

EDIT: @ Red: Be sure to make that YEOUCH! nice and loud so Fiera can hear ya XD
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I regret that I, like DK, am pulling out of this RP.

1) I have lost the guy who is terrified of my special, possessed book. Without him, it's no fun. :(
2) I am completely lost, and after being away for the last 2 days, along with the many RPs I have going on, I'm to busy to catch up.
3) I have no-one to interact with.
4) Twig ignored me.(And I so wanted to make the uptight talking horse :'( )

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I smell no shipping for FieraxSavas if she keeps acting the way she does B|

Or who knows maybe I'm wrong and my character will develop a short of emotional attatchment towards her, who knows.
What do you think Savas?

[font="Comic Sans MS"]Not really sure right now myself[/font]

Yeah see? there you go ^^
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[quote name='Rarity' timestamp='1303772788' post='5168133']
Meteors that spew spawn chickens that explode into blinding acid.

Make it happen.

Alright. It has to be space chickens though.

Details: Meteors vary in sizes. A boulder sized meteor contains one space chicken. Anything smaller can't have a chicken. The bigger it is, the more space chickens it has.

When I say "THE SKY IS FALLING" in the IC, the chickens shall fall.
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