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Living Spell Book


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I'm sorry to tell you but this card is broken, searching Spell cards (and from the deck!) is extremely powerful, not to mention 2 of them. MoF was banned for searching from the Grave and this is still technically faster and more versatile than it.

It could *possibly* be balanced by preventing it from being Special Summoned at all, and only adding 1 Spell Card.
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Consider: It's a tribute monster, yes it's faster to search the deck, however MOF allowed the re-use of things like Reborn, Dark Hole, Storm, hell possibly in it's time regeki and duster, not to mention things like pot. At least this way you still only gain the use of the card once. I will say you're right about not allowing Special Summoning, however, searching two from the deck still prevents one from re-using limited cards as if there was no issue, which is basically with MOF did. Searching two does give nasty deck thinning and can allow for draw power, however Mof was a potential +1, this is still, in it's self a +0. MOF could set up for things almost as well, and allowed for crazy recovery. so if I prevent Special Summoning entirely, I'd still think this wouldn't be quite as bad as MOF.

Edited for balance.
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