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Vanilla Heart Stall Exodia

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This deck utilizes the unusually high defensive stats of Normal Monsters. But you simply can't win with just defense alone. With the addition of Exceeds in the game, the Level 4s in this deck get even more threatening. By overlaying two lv4 monsters, Aspiring King Hope can jump in and help control the field.

[spoiler=Monsters(26)]The 5 Parts of Exodia($12)
3x Aqua Madoor($1)
3x Soul Tiger($1)
3x Battle Footballer($1)
3x Chamberlain of the Six Samurai($1)
3x Giant Soldier of Stone($1)
3x Gatekeeper of Dark World($1)
3x Flamvell Guard($1)[/spoiler]

The spells in this Deck are also vital. Heart is the drawing engine of course. Should any limbs be discarded, Dark Factory will pick them up. And if I have a Set monster I don't need on the field, I can tribute it with White Elephant and draw 2 cards. And surprisingly enough, I teched in 2 Symbols because I have 25 targets for it and infinite possibilities as to what I can bring out.

[spoiler=Spells (17)]3x Heart of the Underdog ($7.50)
3x Magical Mallet ($3)
3x Dark Factory ($2)
3x White Elephant's Gift ($1)
3x Hand Destruction ($0.01)
2x Symbols of Duty ($0.50)[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Extra Deck so far]1x Catastor ($4)[/spoiler]

I'm not sure about running 3 Decree just so Traps are stopped, but it seems like a good thing. Sure, anyone can use this deck, but it takes a real player to utilize it to the fullest. Discussion and constructive criticism is welcomed. Also, what should I add into my Extra Deck?

EDIT: Added prices for what I have. I'll tell you, $30 for this Deck was VERY cheap compared to other Tiered decks. Most popular cards are MORE than that.
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I dunno, there's no real room for it, but if you could find a spot for One for One, you could run it with Guard.

As for your extra deck, I can't think of anything much, bar X-saber Wayne simply because you can, and possibly some level 9s, just because there's a slim chance you'll get Trishula or Mist Wurm off, not part of the deck's win condition, I know, but it can't hurt, right? Also, brionac has a tonne of potential here, with the size of the hands you'll have, Not that Brionac shouldn't be played everywhere.
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Chimeratech Fortress Dragon for when you opponent utilizes machines with cydra.
EDIT: and btw why no reload? if you have a normal monster in hand and you do not draw a normal monster in the draw phase you can play reload during the draw phase, if any amongst the drawn cards is a normal monster you can draw again.
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[quote name='Donvermicelli' timestamp='1302939209' post='5142294']
Chimeratech Fortress Dragon for when you opponent utilizes machines with cydra.
EDIT: and btw why no reload? if you have a normal monster in hand and you do not draw a normal monster in the draw phase you can play reload during the draw phase, if any amongst the drawn cards is a normal monster you can draw again.

I have used Reload in this deck before, but I had little to no luck with it. If I had 4 Exodia parts in my hand and I used reload, that's what I'd get back. With Magical Mallet, I can keep those 4 parts of Exodia in my hand and hopefully pull the fifth one.
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[quote name='Boss Z' timestamp='1302919386' post='5141835']
Very simplistic deck... not truely a fan of
it... but its decent I guess... could be fun for incredibly relaxed play

I'm glad you think so. It's not like Infernity or Dragunity decks in terms of autopilot-ness, but this $30 deck can have potential. I beat a Six Sam deck with this one. It was a terrible Deck, but still, Six Sams are classed as Tier 1 here in America.
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