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Darknight Parshath's Dark Army


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I just finished it today.



Monsters x18


yubel x1

the dark creator x1

metabow globster x1

darknight parshath x1

sillva, warlord of darkworld x1

metal guardian x1

dark mimic lv3 x1

obsidian dragon x1

snipe hunter x1

brron, mad king of dark world x1

kahkki, guerilla of dark world x1

sangan x1

beiige, vanguard of dark world x1

big eye x1

scarr, scout of dark world x1

kryuel x1

the wicked dreadroot x1

the wicked eraser x1



Spells x11



spell absorbtion x1

rush recklessly x3

different dimension capsule x1

creature swap x1

ground collapse x1

axe of despair x1

megamorph x1

mystical space typhoon x1

dian keto the cure master x1



Traps x11



blast held by a tribute x1

robbin' zombie x1

robbin' goblin x2

xing zhen hu x1

spellbinding circle x1

cloak and dagger x1

no entry!!

call of the haunted x1

needle wall x1

ordeal of a traveler x1



Just tell me if there is anything I need to do to make it better.

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Darknight Parshath isn't that bad. He actually combos well with Dark Armed Dragon. If you draw into your DAD late in the game, he won't be usable because he requires exactly three DARKs in the Graveyard. Darknight Parshath can limit the number of DARKs in your Grave, and give you free draws at the same time, making it more likely to draw into your DAD. The main flaw in him, same as with Airknight Parshath, is that he's only 1900. If they decided to boost his ATK to even 2100, then he could at least suicide with Cyber Dragon.

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I won't advertise my deck on others' decks any more.


I took Metal Guardian out of the deck, and I added dark world grimoire, fires of doomsday, and dark crusader.


What cards do you advise that I use for the deck. I have been collecting yugioh cards for several years now. I should have them.

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I won't advertise my deck on others' decks any more.


I took Metal Guardian out of the deck' date=' and I added dark world grimoire, fires of doomsday, and dark crusader.


What cards do you advise that I use for the deck. I have been collecting yugioh cards for several years now. I should have them.



Dark Mimics

Giant Germs

Giant Orcs

Sillva + see below

Goldd + Card of Safe Return


Metabo Globster

Mystic Tomato

Hammer Shot


Smashing Ground

Heavy Storm

Brain Control

DW Dealings

DW Lightnings

Hand Destruction

Card Destruction

Skuretsu Armor

Mirror Force


Bottomless TH (?)

Dimensional Prison (?)


That's all i can think of...

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well, i don't know much about dark monsters, but i do know that you should focus more around the new dark monsters than just darknight parshath.


plus i agree, a lot of these cards don't fit. also, i would remove some traps because in the case of your opponent summoning jinzo, you just lost a quarter of your deck.

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Stopped at Yubel, then saw Raviel.


Take out anything with more than 8 stars, take out yubel, throw two more darknight parshath in and two of: (assuming you don't own the ones on top, use the ones below)


mirror force


Trap Dustshoot

The Transmigration prophecy


Cant think of anything else :/

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