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YCM's Official Deck Request Thread

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So, can I get a Synchron deck?


It doesn't have to be super good....

Monsters: 23

3x Junk Synchron

3x Ryko

2x Quickdraw

2x Doppel

2x Caius

2x Card Trooper

2x Veiler

1x Sangan

1x Spore

1x Glow Up

1x Lonefire

1x Debris

1x BLS

1x Dandylion


Spells: 12

2x Duality

2x MST

2x Tuning

1x Heavy

1x Allure

1x Dark Hole

1x Avarice

1x One for One

1x RotA

1x Reborn

1x Charge of the Light Brigade


Traps: 5

2x Warning

1x Judgment

1x Torrential

1x Dustshoot


Extra: 15

1x Catastor

1x Armory Arm

1x Black Rose

1x Brio

1x Drill Warrior

1x Formula

1x Junk Destroyer

1x Junk Warrior

1x Nitro Warrior

1x Orient

1x SSD

1x Starderp

1x Librarian

1x Trish

1x Turbo Warrior


I can't find where to put Maxx C in here so see if somebody can help there.

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Monsters: 23

3x Junk Synchron

3x Ryko

2x Quickdraw

2x Doppel

2x Caius

2x Card Trooper

2x Veiler

1x Sangan

1x Spore

1x Glow Up

1x Lonefire

1x Debris

1x BLS

1x Dandylion


Spells: 12

2x Duality

2x MST

2x Tuning

1x Heavy

1x Allure

1x Dark Hole

1x Avarice

1x One for One

1x RotA

1x Reborn

1x Charge of the Light Brigade


Traps: 5

2x Warning

1x Judgment

1x Torrential

1x Dustshoot


Extra: 15

1x Catastor

1x Armory Arm

1x Black Rose

1x Brio

1x Drill Warrior

1x Formula

1x Junk Destroyer

1x Junk Warrior

1x Nitro Warrior

1x Orient

1x SSD

1x Starderp

1x Librarian

1x Trish

1x Turbo Warrior


I can't find where to put Maxx C in here so see if somebody can help there.

Hypothetically, if I didn't want to use Lightsworns, what could I use instead?

Other than that it's fine

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I would like a FLIP spamming Deckout deck for DN.


Unlimited budget, obv.



3x Needle Worm

1x Morphing Jar

3x A/D Changer


3x BoT

3x BoE

1x BoM


Dem books.


I just need it to do what it is supposed to do.


Oh you mean this deck I've had sitting around on DN for the past month?


3 A/D Changer

3 Deep Sea Diver

2 Giant Rate

1 Morphing Jar

2 Needle Worm

1 Sangan

3 Swift Scarecrow


3 A Feather of the Phoenix

3 Book of Eclipse

1 Book of Moon

3 Book of Taiyou

1 Card Destruction

2 Cup of Ace

3 Dark World Dealing

3 Gold Sarcoph

3 Hand Destruction

1 Heavy Storm

3 Magical Mallet

2 Magical Stone Excavation

2 Shallow Grave

3 Upstart Goblin

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