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YCM's Official Deck Request Thread

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Alternately, from that other build:




Sabre Tigers didn't really help, and having the warriors opens up a lot more plays, considering how easy it is to get them. GEPD is purely fanboy, though.


Also, this is an old pic, where I'd forgotten Roach, so Kachi Kochi -> Roach.


And don't fall into "Name = Good in here" with Archetypes. Cerberus is terrible, and Sabre Tiger barely functions as a Photon.

What's the card after MST?

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Alternately, from that other build:




Sabre Tigers didn't really help, and having the warriors opens up a lot more plays, considering how easy it is to get them. GEPD is purely fanboy, though.


Also, this is an old pic, where I'd forgotten Roach, so Kachi Kochi -> Roach.


And don't fall into "Name = Good in here" with Archetypes. Cerberus is terrible, and Sabre Tiger barely functions as a Photon.


whats the card before black rose and after brio?

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If anybody would be so kind, I need a good deck that has certain card restrictions.


No budget


Such as, I can only use cards in the following sets and restrictions:


No Exodia/FTK/OTK/Burn/Stall


[spoiler=Sets]Legend of Blue-Eyes

Metal Raiders

Spell Ruler

Pharaoh's Servant

Labyrinth of Nightmare

Legacy of Darkness

Pharaonic Guardian

Magician's Force

Dark Crisis

Invasion of Chaos

Ancient Sanctuary

Soul of the Duelist

Rise of Destiny

Flaming Eternity



This is for something on another website I participate on.

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I need a Naturia deck with a low budget

It can include 1 Barkion/Beast have to choose one and other cheap synchros and not including in the price stuff like

Stardust/RDA/Ancient Fairy/ScrapArchfiend/Colossal/Black Rose/Gaia/Uruquizas/

Whatever you feel is right

And a Herald of Perfection with a low budget

same synchros as above

low budget aswell, not too low


Best decks I can pay about 1000 useless points

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