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YCM's Official Deck Request Thread

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3 Blue-Eyes White Dragon

3 Broww, Huntsman of Dark World

3 The Legend Of White Stone

3 Thunder Dragon

1 Mystic Piper



3 Upstart Goblin

3 Into The Void

3 Momentary Truce

3 Cards of Consonance

3 Trade-In

3 Dark World Dealings

3 Hand Destruction

2 Magical Mallet

1 Card Destruction

1 Pot of Duality



1 Wall of Revealing Light

3 Self-Destruct Button

And with that out of the way. I would like a deck made specifically for DN that's specifically designed to screw with the programming (eg. Convulsion of Nature and the like) :D
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And with that out of the way. I would like a deck made specifically for DN that's specifically designed to screw with the programming (eg. Convulsion of Nature and the like) :D

3 Reborn Tengu

3 Effect Veiler

3 Deep Sea Diva

2 Maxx "C"

2 Summoner Monk

2 Spirit Reaper

2 Ghiski Diviner

1 Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning

1 Blackwing Zephyrus - The Elite

1 Sangan

1 Guldfaxe of the Nordic Beasts


3 Convulsion of Nature

3 Archfiend's Oath

3 Pot of Duality

1 Pot of Avarice

1 Heavy Storm

1 Monster Reborn

1 Dark Hole

1 Mind Control

1 Creature swap

1 Book of Moon


2 Mind Crush

1 Trap Dustshoot


And whatever you want in the Extra.

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I think he meant a deck consisting of stuff like Convulsion, Parasite Paraside, Alien Infiltrator and stuff that doesn't work on DN.


Which I refuse to provide for self respect reasons.

Hmm.... I'll have to work on that...


So, I heard you like Mudkips Dark World decks are pretty good.

Could I have a standard Dark World build, using only what can be found in the new Structure Deck, and of those cards, using only Dark World monsters?

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Monsters: 28


Doppel x2

Grimro x3

Krus x3


Cerburrel x3

Chawa x3

Ganashia x3

Tengu x3


T.G. Warwolf x2

Tour Guide x3


Spells: 8

Card Destruction

Dark Hole

Heavy Storm

Monster Reborn

Monster Reincarnation

MST x2

Pot of Avarice


Traps: 4

Solemn Trio






Crimson Blader/Ancient Sacred Wyvern

Ragin x2


Scrap Dragon









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Hmm.... I'll have to work on that...



I don't think that that's right...



Monsters: 28


Doppel x2

Grimro x3

Krus x3

Cerburrel x3

Chawa x3

Ganashia x3

Tengu x3


T.G. Warwolf x2

Tour Guide x3


Spells: 8

Card Destruction

Dark Hole

Heavy Storm

Monster Reborn

Monster Reincarnation

MST x2

Pot of Avarice


Traps: 4

Solemn Trio






Crimson Blader

Ragin x2


Scrap Dragon









Grací, Black.
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Monsters: 28


Doppel x2

Grimro x3

Krus x3

Cerburrel x3

Chawa x3

Ganashia x3

Tengu x3


T.G. Warwolf x2

Tour Guide x3


Spells: 8

Card Destruction

Dark Hole

Heavy Storm

Monster Reborn

Monster Reincarnation

MST x2

Pot of Avarice


Traps: 4

Solemn Trio






Crimson Blader

Ragin x2


Scrap Dragon










please learn how to play before commenting.

ganashia is dead at more than 1 copy.

krus is always at 2. ask anyone.

it's amazing, but can be dead alot of the time.


i have played fabled the last 3 months and that the most consistent build i have played.

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please learn how to play before commenting.

ganashia is dead at more than 1 copy.

krus is always at 2. ask anyone.

it's amazing, but can be dead alot of the time.


i have played fabled the last 3 months and that the most consistent build i have played.

I've been playing and editing this deck =/


Ganashia is never @1, you're thinking of Kushano. It's not dead, you want a HIGH monster count, low S/T count.

Krus is 3, always. It's hardly ever dead now, cause Tour Guide.

You've been gone, it's changed completely.


Don't call me Black, pot, unless you are my friend, or you actually know what you're talking about. Tricky? Zephyros? Instant Fusion? ADREUS?


Tricky is n00b level for Fableds, 'cause Discard is in it, Zephyros has no way to get to the grave except Tricky (Or Normal Summon to Sync, which your deck has a real problem of runnign monsters that need to be NSd, and have no other means of summoning), Instant Fusion clogs and wastes Extra Space (Noting I always forget Wyvern), and Adreus is subpar, next to Volca and Tiras =/


Hell, the only card you threw in that "Run of the mill" Fableds don't run that was ANY Good was Birdman, and that's one I'm toying with to see how well it does. Your other choices are atrocious. Utopia? With what, Revived Grimro and Tengu? Zephyrus? LEvel 4 is not this deck's thing. I'd rather Sync. And Utopia's not even a true staple anymore, 'cause Chain and Emeral. On top of all this, Instant Fusion doesn't even WORK on Dark Balter, if you read it. See: The First Line. Granted, almost any Level 5 fusion will work, but not Dark Balter.

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I know. And I don't think that that DW deck is right.


You would be correct. That's not how you run good DW. Unnecessary Level 2 and lower DW monsters, Gold and Silva, no Duality, no Dragged Through the Grave, no Tour Guide, and BROWW AT F***ING 1, ARE YOU SERIOUS?

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I've been editing this deck =/


Ganashia is never @1, you're thinking of Kushano. It's not dead, you want a HIGH monster count, low S/T count.

Krus is 3, always. It's hardly ever dead now, cause Tour Guide.

You've been gone, it's changed completely.


Although Kushano is easily pulled by the sexiness, I'd prefer to run him @ 2. Also, Cerburrell, from what I've played, seems to clog at 3 and I prefer him @ 2.


Ganashia is @2 for me, also. Chawa always @ 3.

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Although Kushano is easily pulled by the sexiness, I'd prefer to run him @ 2. Also, Cerburrell, from what I've played, seems to clog at 3 and I prefer him @ 2.


Ganashia is @2 for me, also. Chawa always @ 3.

Ganashia at 2 I can say is fine, but Cerb? What?

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Photon Deck plz unlimited budget for dn

Alternately, from that other build:




Sabre Tigers didn't really help, and having the warriors opens up a lot more plays, considering how easy it is to get them. GEPD is purely fanboy, though.


Also, this is an old pic, where I'd forgotten Roach, so Kachi Kochi -> Roach.


And don't fall into "Name = Good in here" with Archetypes. Cerberus is terrible, and Sabre Tiger barely functions as a Photon.

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You don't want a too high monster count in fabled. the reason is you can't summon too many times per turn. and some monsters will clog in your hand thus limiting your Ragin plays.

You can only discard so much in a turn.

Adreus is personal preference over Tiras.

It removes threats like D-Fissure and Macro and things like BLS.

Tiras does not.


The Tricky provides additional discard of dead monsters like Zepyhros. instant Fusions is basically running more monsters. Except

you can set them. Snipe Hunter can also discard Zephyros and you can also normal summon it....


Players have different play styles and this build suits mine. Maybe your luckier with your Ganashia. But if i play more than 1. I'll open

them all and lose.

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And I often open 2 Tour Guides, but the deck is still more consistent overall with 3.


Tiras DOES kill fissure and macro, and Volca kills BLS plus burn. Adreus should only be run after those 2.


You can discard a ton, and there's not

Much of a limit. The Tricky is extraneous as he'll, an you admit Zephyrus is dead. And Extra Deck has NO room for Fusions clogging it up =/


You want a high monster count, low Normal Summon monster count IE Tengu and Tour Guide.


Could have found room for a snipe in my build, but that's really it. The deck special summons enough to keep Ragin going, especially with his book leaning.

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