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YCM's Official Deck Request Thread

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2 Things:

1.)Semi-Competitive deck, $75, no Agennts or GK. I have all staples besides Warning, Guide, Pots, and other expensive staples(I know pot isn't expensive, but I don't have it)

2.)$50 Magnets, Have same staples, Do not include cost for the magnets, as I already have a set of each...In parallel secret XD

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I have a Vanilla Simorgh deck, but it runs 2 Duality and 3 Simorgh, so you can either run something over the Duality or buy 2 Tins, since both Duality and Simorgh are in the Leviathan tin. Let me know.


Wait, dammit, it requires Rabbit. Nevermind.

You were talking to me right?

Just making sure, I still want to see the list :>

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3x Luster Dragon 4.50

3x Mad Dog of Darkness 1.05

3x Vorse Raider 1.50



1x DAD 9.95

3x Dark Simorgh 7.47

3x Reborn Tengu/Harpie’s Brother 59.85/.60

3x Rescue Rabbit 17.85

1x Sangan 1.95

2x Tour Guide/Effect Veiler 355.90/29.90



1x Allure 2.49

1x Dark Hole 3.95

2x Forbidden Chalice 25.90

1x Trunade/Heavy .25/.35

1x Reborn 2.95

2x MST .70

2x Duality 25.90



3x Anti-Spell Fragrance 8.85

3x Common Charity 1.05

1x Judgment 3.95

1x Torrential .75


Numbers beside the cards are prices, cba'd to delete them.


And yes, I only run 2 tour guide. Mostly because i only use it once and don't care about it afterwards.

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