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YCM's Official Deck Request Thread

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Basically, the OTK revolves around Summoning CED, having a lot of cards in your hand (which can be achieved with the "Butterfly Dagger" and "Gearfried" loop), and using CED's effect to win. I would make it myself, but I suck at Deck building.

Butterfly loop is s***. Awhile ago, I tested it as a trad deck and it was terribly inconsistent.

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Best infernity build please

TCG/OCG, I don't mind(for DN)

Infinite budget

2x Grepher

3x Archfiend

1x Avenger

1x Beatle

2x General

2x Mirage

3x Necromancer

1x Stygian

2x Tour Guide


NOTE: I run 2 Tour Guides because it doesn't dead draw with Necromancer as a Target. No Sangan is just a personal preference of mine. Your choice.


1x Allure

1x Dark Hole

2x MST

1x Trunade

1x Launcher

1x Reborn

1x Reinforcement


1x Call

3x Barrier

2x Break

2x Inferno

3x Solemns

1x Torrential

2x Trap stun


2x Catastor

1x Brio

1x Gaia

2x Hundred Eyes

1x Doom Dragon

1x Wurm

1x Starfag

1x Trish

1x Leviathan

2x Leviair

1x Big Eye (Launcher and Mirage can bring out Generals :3)

1x Roach


This is what I've been testing out so far. Been working pretty decent, though remember that General only targets lvl 3 or lower.

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OCG Dark World Xyz - Illegals allowed - Infinite Budget - Giant Card Pool - Have 1 Xyz (The ant one) and some DW's already

Consistent Drawing and fast swarming and help defending its weaknesses, all in all a good DW Xyz deck without too many weaknesses

Thank you to whoever helps in advance. :D

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OCG Dark World Xyz - Illegals allowed - Infinite Budget - Giant Card Pool - Have 1 Xyz (The ant one) and some DW's already

Consistent Drawing and fast swarming and help defending its weaknesses, all in all a good DW Xyz deck without too many weaknesses

Thank you to whoever helps in advance. :D

3 grapha

3 broww

3 snow

3 tour gude

1 sangan

1 morphing jar


3 gate

3 dwd

3 dragged down into the grave

3 pot of duality

2 mst

1 reborn

1 heavy

1 dark ho

1 card destructruction


3 skill drain

2 warning

2 mind crush

1 dustshoot

1 torrential

1 solemn j



1 Number 17

1 Leviair

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3 grapha

3 broww

3 snow

3 tour gude

1 sangan

1 morphing jar


3 gate

3 dwd

3 dragged down into the grave

3 pot of duality

2 mst

1 reborn

1 heavy

1 dark ho

1 card destructruction


3 skill drain

2 warning

2 mind crush

1 dustshoot

1 torrential

1 solemn j



1 Number 17

1 Leviair

ty so much! but dwd gives dead draws ive heard but besides that awesome job and ty so much!

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September list. Unlimited budget. Counter Fairys and LSS.

Good luck in getting your deck posted.....


Please Help me with this:


Wind-Up Deck/Competitive/TCG/Advance Format please


Infinite budget lets just say for now...


Do you not have 1, it don't have to be competitive I guess, I can make it into 1....


.Dek format 2 please....

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