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YCM's Official Deck Request Thread

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Monsters [Total - 19]

3x Ojama Red

3x Ojama Blue

3x Ojama Yellow

3x Ojama Black

3x Ojama Green

2x Green Baboon Defender of the Forest

2x Snipe Hunter


Spells [Total - 14]

1x Fusion Recovery

1x Fusion Weapon

1x Monster Reborn

3x Ojama Country

2x Ojama Delta Hurricane

3x Ojamagic

3x Polymerization


Traps [Total - 7]

1x Solemn Judgement

1x Torrential Tribute

2x Solemn Warning

2x Dimensional Prison

1x Mirror Force


Extra Deck [Total - 6]

3x Ojama King

3x Ojama Knight

3x Gachi Gachi Gantetsu

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Macro Obelisk plox


This is mine, it's pretty fun, and works pretty well.


Monsters x19

x3 D.D. Survivor

x3 Cyber Valley

x3 D.D. Scout Plane

x3 Caius the Shadow Monarch

x2 Battle Fader

x2 Obelisk The Tormentor

x1 Cyber Dragon

x1 Necroface

x1 Spirit Reaper


Spells x12

x3 Dimensional Fissure

x2 E-con

x2 MST

x1 Sarco

x1 D.D.R.

x1 Reinforcement of the Army

x1 Allure of Darkness

x1 Dark Hole


Traps x9

x3 Marcro Cosmos

x2 Solemn Warning

x1 RrtDD

x1 Mirror Force

x1 Torrential Tribute

x1 Solemn Judgment


Total = 40

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Dark Worlds, infinite budget.

Watts, infinite budget.

Ojamas, infinite budget.

Warriors, infinite budget.


I'm testing decks on DN BTW.

Dark Worlds:

Monsters (15)

3 Beige

3 Snow

3 Broww

3 Grapha

1 Sangan

3 Tour Guide of the Underworld


Spells (14)

3 Pot of Duality

3 Dark World Dealings

3 Gate to the Dark World

2 Mystical Space Typhoon

1 Monster Reborn

1 Giant Trunade

1 Dark Hole


Traps (11)

2 Skill Drain

1 Royal Oppression

2 Solemn Warning

1 Solemn Judgment

3 Dimensional Prison

1 Mirror Force

1 Torrential Tribute



Monsters (14)

3 WattKingCobra

3 Wattgiraffe

3 Watthopper

3 Wattdragonfly

2 Wattfox


Spells (11)

3 Pot of Duality

2 Recycling Batteries

1 Monster Reborn

1 Giant Trunade

1 One for One

2 Mystical Space Typhoon

1 Dark Hole


Traps (15)

3 Wattkeeper

1 Solemn Warning

2 Solemn Judgment

1 Royal Oppression

1 Mirror Force

3 Dust Tornado

1 Torrential Tribute

2 Destruction Jammer

1 Call of the Haunted



Monsters (16)

3 Junk Synchron

3 The Immortal Bushi

3 Doppelwarrior

3 Armageddon Knight

2 Salvage Warrior

1 Plaguespreader Zombie

1 Necro Gardna


Spells (16)

3 Pot of Duality

3 Solidarity

2 Tuning

2 Mystical Space Typhoon

1 Dark Hole

1 Monster Reborn

1 Giant Trunade

1 Foolish Burial

1 Allure of Darkness

1 Reinforcement of the Army


Traps (8)

2 Deck Devastation Virus

2 Solemn Warning

1 Solemn Judgment

1 Mirror Force

1 Torrential Tribute

1 Royal Oppression



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Two decks I would like to request:


1. Vylons focused mainly on the Xyz (DT and OCG, doesn't matter)


2. Synchro deck, basically about anything not a specific archetype.


Both have unlimited budget since I'm just testing those out.

Area of the world would be PR, US territory so English TCG cards are the main cards like any actual State.


Hope there is no problem with my request and that I did not make any mistake.

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