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YCM's Official Deck Request Thread

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NOTE: Most decks I post are found using google.


Dark Simorgh Deck (Lockdown)


Monsters: 18


3 Dark Simorgh

1 Greenkappa

2 Spirit Reaper

1 Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind

3 Dekoichi Battlechanted Locomotive

2 Black Salvo

3 Reborn Tengu

3 Fortune Lady Wind


Spells: (10)


1 Dark Hole

1 Monster Reborn

3 Gold Sarcouphagus

3 Fortune's Future

1 Forbidden Chalice (In Testing)

1 Allure of Darkness


Traps: (12)


1 Torrential Tribute

1 Mirror Force

2 Bottomless Trap Hole

2 Dimensional Prison

1 Call Of The Haunted

3 Anti-Spell Fragrance

2 Xing Zhen Hu






3 Amazoness Tigers

3 Amazoness Paladin

1 Amazoness Queen

3 Amazoness Swords Woman

2 Amazoness Chain Master

2 Amazoness Sage




3 Amazoness Village

2 Gold Sarco


1 Monster Reborn

1 Dark Hole

1 Mind Control

1 Foolish Burial

1 Cold Wave

3 Book of Moon

3 Pot of Duality




2 Amazoness Willpower

1 Amazoness Shamanism

2 Bottomless Trap Hole

1 Torriential Tribute

1 Mirror Force

1 Solemn Judgement




Monsters: 17

3. Test Tiger

2. Elemental Hero Prisma

2. Gladiator Beast Laquari

2. Gladiator Beast Darius

1. Gladiator Beast Retiari

1. Gladiator Beast Samnite

1. Gladiator Beast Murmillo

1. Gladiator Beast Equeste

1. Gladiator Beast Bestiari

1. Gladiator Beast Hoplomus

1. Gladiator Beast Secutor

1. Elemental Hero Stratos


Spells: 8

2. Mystical Space Typhoon

1. Book of Moon

1. Dark Hole

1. Giant Trunade

1. Monster Reborn

1. Reinforcement Of The Army

1. Forbidden Lance


Traps: 15

3. Gladiator Beast War Chariot

2. Bottomless Trap Hole

2. Solemn Warning

2. Dimensional Prison

2. Trap Stun

1. Solemn Judgment

1. Call Of The Haunted

1. Mirror Force

1. Torrential Tribute


Extra: 15

3. Gladiator Beast Gyzarus

3. Gladiator Beast Heralinos

3. Chimeratech Fortress Dragon

1. Stardust Dragon

1. Scrap Dragon

1. Colossal Fighter

1. Brionac, Dragon Of The Ice Barrier

1. Red Dragon Archfiend

1. Ally Of Justice Catastor


Side: 15

2. Thunder King Rai-Oh

2. Wiseman's Chalice

2. Effect Veiler

2. Cyber Dragon

3. Dimensional Fissure

2. Mask Of Restrict

2. Chain Disappearance


Google is a great source guys.

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The maker of that deck was going to YCS with it so he must have been confident. Oh this is a better list I think.


Counter Glads



1 Gladiator Beast Bestiari

2 Gladiator Beast Equeste

2 Gladiator Beast Laquari

1 Gladiator Beast Murmillo

1 Gladiator Beast Darius

3 Bountiful Artemis



3 Upstart Goblin

3 Gladiator Proving Ground

3 Pot of Duality

3 Gladiator Beast’s Respite



1 Mirror Force

2 Solemn Warning

3 Seven Tools of the Bandit

1 Solemn Judgment

2 Compulsory Evacuation Device

3 Drastic Drop Off

3 Gladiator Beast War Chariot

3 Safe Zone

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I shall.



2 Thunder King Rai-oh

1 Neo-Spacian Grand Mole

2 Laquari

2 Equeste

1 Darius

1 Bestiari

1 Murmillo

1 Hoplomus

1 Retiari


3 Proving Ground


2 Forbidden Lance

1 Reborn

1 Dark Hole

1 Book of Moon


3 Dimensional Prison

3 War Chariot

2 Dust Tornado

2 Seven Tools

2 Warning

2 Bottomless

1 Compuls

1 Solemn J

1 Torrent

1 Mirror





3 Reborn Tengu

3 Scrap Chimera

3 Scrap Beast

1 Scrap Goblin

1 Summoner Monk



3 Scrapstorm

3 Scrapyard

3 Pot of Duality

2 Mystical Space Typhoon

2 Forbidden Lance

1 Mind Control

1 Giant Trunade

1 Monster Reborn

1 Dark Hole



3 Fiendish Chain

2 Dust Tornado

2 Solemn Warning

1 Call of the Haunted

1 Mirror Force

1 Torrential Tribute

1 Solemn Judgment

1 Royal Oppression



3 Scrap Dragon

2 Stardust Dragon

1 Scrap Archfiend

1 Thought Ruler Archfiend

1 Dark End Dragon

1 Red Dragon Archfiend

1 Black Rose Dragon

1 Arcanite Magician

1 Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier

1 Scrap Twin Dragon

1 Steelswarm Roach

1 Number 39: Utopia

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Counter glads was found on the Konami site.

I don't give half a fuck. Konami told me to play Gale in X-Sabers so I could use Underground Arachnid awhile back. Haven't checked the blog since.


Thanks Jesus, I'm praying to you tonight

I prefer it if you pray to the aliens that planted their genetic seeds into apes to create humans. I don't really believe in my father.

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Ether that, or a Machine Emperor deck.


x3 Meklord Army of Wisel

x3 Meklord Army of Skiel

x2 Meklord Army of Granel

x2 Meklord Emperor Wisel

x2 Cyber Dragon

x3 Ryko

x2 Chaos Sorcerer

x2 Effect Veiler

x1 Dark Armed Dragon

x1 Sangan



x1 Monster Reborn

x1 Dark Hole

x2 MST

x1 Giant Trunade



x2 BTH

x2 D-Prison

x2 Trap Stun

x1 Torretial

x1 Judgement

x1 Mirror force

x2 Chaos Infinity



x1 Chimeratech Fortress Dragon

x1 Scrap Archfiend

x1 Mist Wurm

x1 Decisive Armor

x1 Catastor

x1 Stardust

x1 Gaia Knight - Force of the Earth

x2 Disigma

x3 Pearl

x3 Hope


Meklords need Xyz or they die, so hey, be patient or use proxys.

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