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YCM's Official Deck Request Thread

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I have something right now, but I want to see if Someone can make it better. Rock stun, $75 budget, no Rai-Oh, I have 2 Guardian and 3 Sandman. No extra (Unless there's something needed), No side. If at all possible, Find room for 2 each of the 3 magnets, and 1 Valkerion.(These Don't count to the budget if Included.)[spoiler=The Staples I have]x2 Granel x2 Cydra x1 PSZ x1 Gale x1 Trunade x2 MST x1 Rebornx3 Smashing x1 Dark Hole x1 Judgement x2 D-Prision x1 BTH x1 Mirror Force x1 TT x2 Trap Stun



3 guardian

3 sandman

3 wall

3 elemental hero neos alius

1 stratos

1 gale

1 neo-space grand mole



3 gemini spark

2 mst

1 dark hole

1 rota

1 reborn

1 trunade

1 book of moon



3 d-prison

2 hero blast

2 bottomless

2 seven tools

2 black horn of heaven

1 torrential

1 hero blast

1 mirror force

1 solemn judgment



rock heroes.


when you get more money. add in miracles and e-hero gaia.

Ohhhhh, then make it a $100 budget.

mmm, thats a little better. did you want fusion based heroes or stun?



so need more people doing this....... my brain hurts.

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Fusion. And can I request a specific card in the deck?

Yes. What one?


I want a nice Agent Deck able to keep up with Sams. I have 2 Rai-Oh, and have a majority of the staples. 60$ budget.


Mmmm, almost impossible. If you want to be as competitive as Samurai are, you need Kristya. Try and scam some people out of them.






3 Thunder King Rai-Oh

3 E-Hero Neos Alius

3 Naturia Cherries

2 Cyber Dragon

2 T.G. Striker

2 Spirit Reaper

1 Dandyion

1 Stratos



3 Pot of Duality

3 Gemini Spark


1 Scapegoat

1 Reborn

1 Trunade

1 Dark Hole




2 Tyrant's Temper

2 Tyrant's Tirade

2 Solemn Warning

1 Torrential Tribute

1 Hero Blast

1 Mirror Force

1 Solemn Judgment



stun with tryrant's.

You goats and dandylion to provide fodder for Tyrant cards. Win with Stun cards.


or something like that.

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