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YCM's Official Deck Request Thread

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3 Dark Mimic Lv1

2 Dark Necrofear

2 Darkness Neosphere

2 Dark Mimic Lv2

2 Mystic Tomato

2 Snipe Hunter

2 Newdoria

2 Caius the Shadow Monarch

1 Night Assailant

1 Sangan

1 Gorz the Emissary of Darkness

1 Dark Armed Dragon


2 Creature Swap

2 Forbidden Lance

2 Mystical Space Typhoon

1 Book of Moon

1 Fires of Doomsday

1 Dark Hole

1 Allure of Darkness

1 Monster Reborn


2 Solemn Warning

2 Seven Tools of the Bandit

1 Torrential Tribute

1 Mirror Force

1 Solemn Judgment

1 Call of the Haunted


If you need a playbook, let me know.


Short Playbook: Drop Neosphere/Necrofear; win. Be careful not to do this when your opponent has a bunch of backrow. Flip Summon Lv1 When you have backrow because they'll think you have something to stop them like Lance. Creature Swap is sexy.


This is a rough build, it may need to be tweaked a bit.


Thanks for that. I have most of those cards, but no deck is exactly 100% cheap. I'll see what i can do to lower the cost (Starting with Solemn Warning =/).

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Mmm, you'll need more money.

Dojos, Shien's, Kizan and Gateway all cost some money. If you can increase your budget to around 250. I can build you a good six samurai build.




Look, just tell me what cards I need and what one's I don't need and I'll get the cash to get the ones that I do need. Just give me a list of cards to get and tell me exactly which cards to remove from my deck and I'll do it. Assume I have no budget.

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mmm, Jurracs ill give a miss, i'm still in the process of thinking of them.

Worms i can do


2 Worm King

3 Worm Xex

3 Worm Yagan

3 Worm Cartaros

1 Worm Linx

2 Genex Ally Birdman

1 Honest

2 Effect Veiler



2 Mystical Typhoon

1 Book of Moon

1 Dark Hole

1 Reborn

1 Forbidden Lance



3 W Nebula Meteorite

2 Dimensional Prison

2 Solemn Warning

2 Offerings to the Snake Deity

2 Bottomless Trap Hole

2 Seven Tools of the Bandit

1 Royal Oppression

1 Torrential

1 Mirror Force

1 Solemn Judgment



Extra Deck to include


2 Genex Triforce

2 Stardust (you'll be siding Starlight Road)




Can you suggest a substitute for the 2 warnings?

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Look, just tell me what cards I need and what one's I don't need and I'll get the cash to get the ones that I do need. Just give me a list of cards to get and tell me exactly which cards to remove from my deck and I'll do it. Assume I have no budget.


If you have no budget.


3 LSS - Kizan

3 LSS - Kageki

3 LSS - Kagemusha

2 Grandmaster

1 Hand of the Six

1 Elder of the Six Samurai



3 Six Sam United

3 Shien's Smoke Signal

2 Shien's Dojo



1 Giant Trunade

1 Dark Hole

1 Monster Reborn

1 Gateway of the Six

1 Book of Moon



2 Solemn Warning

2 Double Edged Sword Technique

2 Musakani Magatama

1 Torrential

1 Mirror Force

1 Call of the Haunted

1 Solemn Judgment

1 Reinforce Truth





Can you suggest a substitute for the 2 warnings?

Black Horn of Heaven does the job ok.


I have just purchased a "Great Shogun Shien" card, is this good?

No. Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En is 4530022x better.


If you want to have a six samurai deck, you will need him. Most likely 2-3. But overall, its ok. Have fun spending $44 on Shi En


No you do not.

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Macro deck, no Monarch/EB variant. Infinity budget.

Include at least 2 'Genex' monsters in the main deck(Birdman doesn't count towards this, but he can be in) OR LSD OR 2 FIRE/WATER Reptiles OR 2 LIGHT/FIRE Thunder monsters

or all of them but that's pushing it

It's for an RP I play on...kinda.

I'm proably stupid to want this till, but It would be cool to have it.

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and it needs 2 light/thunder or 2 water reptiles...


2 coelacanth

3 d.d survivor

2 royal swamp eel

2 golden flying fish

2 genex undine

2 gravekeeper's spy

2 genex controller

2 thunder king

1 genex ally birdman

1 gravekeeper's guard



3 dimensional fissure

2 d.d.r

2 mst

1 trunade

1 dark hole



2 solemn warning

2 oh f!sh

2 seven tools of the bandit

2 dimensional prison

1 torrential tribute

1 macro cosmos

1 return from the different dimension

1 solemn judgment



would not have a clue if it works, but eh, give it a whirl.


undine dumps swamp eel or flying fish to fuel oh fish

coelacanth makes made synchros and then the materials get removed.

rftdd brings em back for more shenanigans

oh fish capitlizes on the removed fishies

spy and survivor provide tribute fodder

birdman and controller provide additional synchro options.

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You only needed 1.(I said OR)(You could have stuck with the genex)I'm just saying because It might change because of it.

ah well, Thunder King is a good card regardless, if you want, you can just drop it for a 3rd spy and an allure of darkness.

but, T-King provides some nice negation


Does anyone have a build for this?


I've got not relative experience with Watts i'm afraid. Hence why i havent replied till now


SHAMPOW!!!!Well >> Just to see if it's possible, just Shinanigans using Ido the Supreme Magical Force. >> If you can make it Anti-Meta o:! If not just through me what you got. No specific budget, I can spend as much as I wantzzz :3. Use TCG March '11 pluz!Texas


3 ido the supreme magical force

2 gravekeeper's spy

1 gravekeeper's guard

2 snowman eater

3 thunder king rai-oh

2 doomcaliber knight

3 beast king barbaros



3 pot of duality

2 mystical space typhoon

2 forbidden lance

1 dark hole

1 monster reborn

1 trunade

1 book of moon



2 skill drain

2 solemn warning

2 dimensional prison

2 bottomless

2 seven tools

1 torrential tribute

1 solemn judgment

1 mirror force



skill drain with ido.

tribute fodder + beaters.

snowman and spy create fodder + destruction

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you'll need two more Structures.

but if not.


i think a basic agent build is:


3 hyperion

3 mystery

3 venus

3 shine ball

2 zeradias

2 genex ally birdman

1 honest

1 kristya



3 upstart goblin

3 sanctuary in the sky

2 cards from the sky

2 white elephant's gift

2 mst

1 trunade

1 dark hole

1 reborn



3 divine punishment

1 torrential

1 mirror force

1 solemn judgment

1 call of the haunted



or something like that.

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