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YCM's Official Deck Request Thread

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I have two requests mainly for a cosplay:


• a deck using only cards Yusei used in the anime (this rule applies to Extra Deck as well). While it may focus on any or all of Yusei's themes, it needs to have and be able to summon Stardust Dragon. Preferably 40 cards + Extra Deck.

• another such deck, but now with at most one of each card. Must encompass entire frame of Yusei's strategy. Can be anywhere from 40 - 60 cards, + Extra Deck.

Any anime-Yusei card that will be in America by April 2012 can be put into the deck.


I don't particularly care about the budget since it isn't for my cosplay, but I'd suggest keeping them rather cheap, especially the highlander deck (designed for fun). I don't know how much money my friend would be willing to spend.

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Tier 1-2 deck, no worms, no Machina, $100 Budget, I have:

x2 Granel

x2 Cydra

x1 PSZ

x1 Gale

x1 Trunade

x2 MST

x1 Reborn

x3 Smashing

x1 Dark Hole

x1 Judgement

x2 D-Prision

x1 BTH

x1 Mirror Force

x1 TT

x2 Trap Stun

x1 Catastor

x1 Gaia Knight

x1 ICD

x1 AFD

x1 BRD

x2 Scrap Archfiend

x1 RDA

x2 Stardust

x1 Thought Ruler

x1 Mist Wurm

x1 Field Marshal

x1 Descicive Armor

x1 Fortress Dragon


I can tell you any deck-specifics I have. I will try to not be annoying this time. Reps will be given, If you want.

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hmm.. idk if guys uses that kind of deck anymore. Classic Warrior Deck.


3 marauding captain

3 kagemusha of six samurai

3 exiled force

3 giant rat

3 warrior lady of the wasteland

1 sangan



3 creature swap

3 pot of duality

2 mst

1 trunade

1 reborn

1 dark hole

1 book of moon



2 solemn warning

2 dimensional prison

2 reinforce truth

2 bottomless trap hole

1 torrential

1 mirror force

1 call of the haunted

1 solemn judgment




Yes Angry, I'm using DN. Thanks for the deck. Now, how about a good Stun D.D. deck. I forgot the build I used when I made it before :(


3 d.d survivor

3 beast king barbaros

3 elemental hero neos alius

2 cyber dragon

2 thunder king rai-oh

2 breaker the magical warrior

1 elemental hero stratos



3 dimensional fissure

3 gemini spark

2 forbidden chalice

1 forbidden lance

1 trunade

1 dark hole



3 dimensional prison

2 skill drain

2 solemn warning

2 bottomless trap hole

1 torrential tribute

1 mirror force

1 solemn judgment

1 macro cosmos



Gonna sound Like a real noob, but its for a friend: CountDown & Defencive Rock Deck (One Deck)


why not just do countdown. it's defensive and doesn't need rocks...



Really, only those two options?Alright, then, I'll take a Worm deck.Same budget as before, of course.Thanks much! ^^


2 worm king

3 worm xex

3 worm yagan

3 worm cataros

1 worm linx

1 honest

1 genex ally birdman



2 mst

1 book of moon

1 trunade

1 dark hole

1 reborn



3 w nebula meteorite

3 dimensional prison

2 seven tools of the bandit

2 bottomless trap hole

2 compulsory

2 black horn of heaven (dummy replacement for warning)

2 offerings to the snake deity

1 torrential

1 mirror force

1 solemn judgment (if you can find a cheap one..)

1 call of the haunted



Infernity. Needed.


3 infernity archfiend

3 infernity necromancer

2 infernity mirage

2 dark grepher

1 tour guide

1 infernity avenger

1 infernity beetle



2 pot of duality

2 mst

1 rota

1 allure

1 trunade

1 dark hole

1 one for one

1 reborn

1 infernity launcher

1 book of moon



3 infernity inferno

2 infernity break

2 solemn warning

2 dimensional prison

2 bottomless trap hole

1 torrential

1 mirror force

1 solemn judgment

1 call of the haunted



Someone with a good Fabled Decklist, Scrap, KarakuriMachinaPlant, and DoppleJunk deck. lolLots of request, but reps will be giving.


3 fabled chawa

3 fabled ganashia

3 fabled grimro

3 reborn tengu

3 fabled cerburrel

2 fabled krus

2 the tricky

1 bw - zephyros the elite

1 glow up bulb

1 snipe hunter

1 gorz



3 pot of avarice

3 dark world dealings

2 mst

1 card destruction

1 one for one

1 trunade

1 reborn

1 dark hole



2 solemn warning

1 solemn judgment

1 torrential tribute

1 mirror force




KMP was posted a couple of times early on in the thread. search back for it.

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3 marauding captain

3 kagemusha of six samurai

3 exiled force

3 giant rat

3 warrior lady of the wasteland

1 sangan



3 creature swap

3 pot of duality

2 mst

1 trunade

1 reborn

1 dark hole

1 book of moon



2 solemn warning

2 dimensional prison

2 reinforce truth

2 bottomless trap hole

1 torrential

1 mirror force

1 call of the haunted

1 solemn judgment






3 d.d survivor

3 beast king barbaros

3 elemental hero neos alius

2 cyber dragon

2 thunder king rai-oh

2 breaker the magical warrior

1 elemental hero stratos



3 dimensional fissure

3 gemini spark

2 forbidden chalice

1 forbidden lance

1 trunade

1 dark hole



3 dimensional prison

2 skill drain

2 solemn warning

2 bottomless trap hole

1 torrential tribute

1 mirror force

1 solemn judgment

1 macro cosmos





why not just do countdown. it's defensive and doesn't need rocks...





2 worm king

3 worm xex

3 worm yagan

3 worm cataros

1 worm linx

1 honest

1 genex ally birdman



2 mst

1 book of moon

1 trunade

1 dark hole

1 reborn



3 w nebula meteorite

3 dimensional prison

2 seven tools of the bandit

2 bottomless trap hole

2 compulsory

2 black horn of heaven (dummy replacement for warning)

2 offerings to the snake deity

1 torrential

1 mirror force

1 solemn judgment (if you can find a cheap one..)

1 call of the haunted





3 infernity archfiend

3 infernity necromancer

2 infernity mirage

2 dark grepher

1 tour guide

1 infernity avenger

1 infernity beetle



2 pot of duality

2 mst

1 rota

1 allure

1 trunade

1 dark hole

1 one for one

1 reborn

1 infernity launcher

1 book of moon



3 infernity inferno

2 infernity break

2 solemn warning

2 dimensional prison

2 bottomless trap hole

1 torrential

1 mirror force

1 solemn judgment

1 call of the haunted





3 fabled chawa

3 fabled ganashia

3 fabled grimro

3 reborn tengu

3 fabled cerburrel

2 fabled krus

2 the tricky

1 bw - zephyros the elite

1 glow up bulb

1 snipe hunter

1 gorz



3 pot of avarice

3 dark world dealings

2 mst

1 card destruction

1 one for one

1 trunade

1 reborn

1 dark hole



2 solemn warning

1 solemn judgment

1 torrential tribute

1 mirror force




KMP was posted a couple of times early on in the thread. search back for it.

cool seph. reps to you.

Watching live stream of mlg, teammates are in columbus at it right now.

Decklist will be and i am actually trying to find a KMP and a KM deck. I want to play the better one because i have all the cards for it. I just need to buy the sycnhros.

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This is a big ask. A Really big ask. Could someone post an X-Saber FTK decklist with no Duality and max 1 Warning. Abdul (guy who runs UkayPro) has kept the FTK a secret but it has been leaked a bit and I want to know if anyone here knows it. Two people at my locals know it, but promised Abdul not to tell anyone. Apparently Scraps have an FTK as well, but I'm not sure. If anyone knows either of them, that would be great.

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Countdown. Presuming it's low budget.



3 Fader

3 Valley

3 Scarecrow

2 Reaper

2 Fool

1 Marshmallon



3 Countdown

3 Sarc

3 Upstart

1 Dark Hole

3 Steelcage

1 Swords

1 Book



3 Waboku

3 T-Roar

1 Torrential

1 Mirror Force

3 D-Prison



or something like that...

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Budget: under $100 Deck: Fabled OR Tech Genus, whichever turns out cheaper.I live in the US.


Fabled most likely, but it will be a really budget version provided you can find cards cheaply enough.

either will be expensive because both require a full extra deck


100 is the maximum?


both will hit more than 100 because they need an extra deck you know...


do you have any synchros at all?


March '11 TeleDAD with playbook, must be able to be used on DN. Please and thank you.


2 caius the shadow monarch

2 destiny hero - malicious

1 gorz

1 dark armed dragon

1 tragoedia


2 genex ally birdman

2 krebons

2 destiny hero - diamond dude

2 gravekeeper's spy

1 gravekeeper's guard

1 destiny hero - fear monger

1 elemental hero - statos

1 mind master

1 blackwing - zephyros the elite

1 plaguespreader



2 pot of duality

2 mystical space typhoon

1 reinforcement of the army

1 book of moon

1 destiny draw

1 e-teleport

1 allure of darkness

1 foolish burial

1 monster reborn

1 dark hole

1 giant trunade



2 solemn warning

1 solemn judgment

1 torrential tribute

1 mirror force

1 call of the haunted



should work. it'll be a little slower with only 1 d-draw and 1 allure though.



I need a build for Crystal Beasts.




i'd look for this guy named Red W Mage. his builds are usually quite good for CB's.


This is a big ask. A Really big ask. Could someone post an X-Saber FTK decklist with no Duality and max 1 Warning. Abdul (guy who runs UkayPro) has kept the FTK a secret but it has been leaked a bit and I want to know if anyone here knows it. Two people at my locals know it, but promised Abdul not to tell anyone. Apparently Scraps have an FTK as well, but I'm not sure. If anyone knows either of them, that would be great.


the Mass Driver FTK is the only FTK i know of. Unless your referring to the Gottom's Discard Loop. Which is old and extremely insconsitent.


I need a good Dark Magician Deck please ^^ and if you have time, a good E-Hero Deck too


3 dark magician

3 skilled dark magician

3 elemental hero prisma

2 royal magical library

2 breaker the magical warrior

1 summoner monk

1 elemental hero stratos



3 magical citadel of endymion

3 terraforming

3 spell power grasp

2 dark magic attack

2 mst

1 book

1 allure of darkness

1 dark hole

1 reborn

1 pot of avarice

1 dark magic curtain



2 solemn warning

2 dimensional prison

1 call of the haunted

1 solemn judgment


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