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YCM's Official Deck Request Thread

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I'll try making a batteryman build from scratch



3 AA

2 Industrial

3 Fuel Cell

3 Charger

3 Micro Cell

1 Honest

1 Veiler

2 Rai-oh

1 Morphing Jar

1 Sangan

1 Debris Dragon


3 Short Circuit

1 Reborn

1 Trunade

1 Dark hole

1 makiu

1 Book of Moon


1 Portable Battery pack

3 Seven Tools of the Bandit

1 Trap Stun

1 Solemn Judgment

1 Torrential Tribute

1 Mirror Force

2 Dimensional Prison

1 Call of the Haunted

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Question to all people who request laval, yubel, etc... decks


What's the point of playing "original" decks if you are going to copy someone else's list?


Just wondering.

Now adays, original just can mean u will have a custom deck or it means you Will add interesting Tech Cards to the Deck...

But people who are all for winning will typically just Net Deck as they find it easier

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Hello, again, everybody.

I need a simple, cheap deck costing around 30 to 50 bucks while still retaining its tournament playability.

Please, no Dragnuities or Machinas.

I thank the previous person from my Gravekeeper's deck again, yet I need a backup deck. ^^


Anyone for it?

If you need some more information, I'd be glad to give it to you.

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Posted · Hidden by Big Mac, May 28, 2011 - Dont need the help. Managed to figure it out myself
Hidden by Big Mac, May 28, 2011 - Dont need the help. Managed to figure it out myself

Hey guys. I need a Dark Magician build for kick and giggles. Any variant will work, just try to keep it under $50. Thanks :)

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Let's try this again

Synchro Frogs(For a friend), He wants the main tuner to be Junk synchron and Quickdraw.

$50-70 Budget


x3 of every frog and Support, except treeborn and Tradetoad,of each he has 1.

x3 Junk Synchron

x3 Quickdraw synchron


Moray of greed

Des Croaking

x3 Inferno Reckless Summon

Water Hazard

x2 MST


Mirror Force

x2 Trap Stun

x3 Aegis of the ocean dragon lord

x1 X-Saber Wane

x2 Junk Warrior

x1 Junk Destroyer

x1 Dewloren

x1 X-Saber Urbellum

x1 Gaia Knight

x1 Turbo Warrior


No Trishula, No brio, no Armory arm, no Gungnier, no card above $10 except some synchros.

Almost 100% sure I'll have to make this MYSELF.
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can anyones help me make a Konami Deck?

i have a version 1 but im sure it can be impoved



Victory Viper 3

FalchionB 2

Lord British Space Fighter 3

Jade Knight 2

Blue Thunder T-45 2

DUCKER mobile cannon 3


Cyber Eltanin




Solidarity 2


Shrink 2



Limiter Removal


Lightwave Tuning 3



Prideful Roar 3

Threatining roar

Ojama Trio 2

Miracle Locus 3



generic 8 star synchros


best i could think of as a start

how to make it more anti meta but still centralized around the konami cards?

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mmm, seems like a few have backlogged....


let me try some out..


Anyone for it?If you need some more information, I'd be glad to give it to you.


without using Drags or Machina, your only option for a decently cheap Deck is either GK's or Worms.


Obviously you can't play Warnings or Duality which are staples latlely in control. But either one of these should suffice.




Almost 100% sure I'll have to make this MYSELF.


The Deck is viable, but your budget is not. The extra Deck will be terrible, thus making it useless to even bother with a Synchro variant.

If you can't afford extra Deck staples like Brionac and Trishula. Don't bother with it.


Full Junk Deck any variants (if there any)infinite budget


best one i've seen


3 armageddon knight

3 the immortal bushi

3 junk synchron

3 doppelwarrior

1 necro gardna



3 pot of duality

3 upstart goblin

2 solidarity

2 mst

1 rota

1 foolish burial

1 allure of darkness

1 dark hole

1 reborn

1 trunade

1 book of moon



2 solemn warning

2 bottomless

2 dimensional prison

1 torrential

1 mirror force

1 call of the haunted

1 solemn judgment





3 junk destroyer

2 junk beserker

2 junk archer

3 gaia knight

2 x-saber wayne

2 junk warrior

1 colossal fighter



Gravekeeper's: Infinite Budget


3 gk spy

3 gk commandant

3 gk descendant

3 gk recruiter

1 gk assailant

1 bw - gale the whirlwind

1 gk guard



3 pot of duality

3 necrovalley

2 royal tribute

2 gk stele

2 mst

1 trunade

1 allure

1 dark hole



2 solemn warning

2 dimensional prison

2 seven tools of the bandit

1 torrential tribute

1 solemn judgment

1 mirror force

1 bottomless trap hole


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The Deck is viable, but your budget is not. The extra Deck will be terrible, thus making it useless to even bother with a Synchro variant.

If you can't afford extra Deck staples like Brionac and Trishula. Don't bother with it.



Alright, just give me the main, and I'll work from there...

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@Seprioth_the_Legend: Thanks! Liked it well expecting more Junk but fine by me


How about a deck that summons Quasar quickly? Infinite budget.

Here you go


Monsters : 25


3x Junk Synchron

3x Doppelwarrior

2x Quickdraw Synchron

2x Card Trooper

1x Level Eater

1x Spore

1x Glow-up Bulb

2x Lonefire Blossom

1x Dandylion

1x Sangan

2x Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter

1x Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress

2x Chaos Sorcerer

1x Effect Veiler

2x Debris Dragon


Spell : 13


2x Mystical Space Typhoon

1x Charge of the Light Brigade

2x Tuning

1x Dark Hole

1x Monster Reborn

1x Foolish Burial

1x Giant Trunade

1x Allure of Darkness

1x Reinforcements of the Army

2x Pot of avarice


Traps : 2


2x Royal Decree


Extra Deck - 15


3x Formula Synchron

1x Armory Arm

3x Tech Genus Hyper Librarian

1x Black Rose Dragon

1x Scrap Dragon

1x Stardust Dragon

1x Junk Berserker

1x Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier

1x Shooting Star Dragon

1x Shooting Quasar Dragon

1x T.G. Halbred Cannon


I bet your using this in DN lol me 2

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if u please, i want a warrior type deck ( no gemini ), witch aimes to just attack as many as possible meanining, cards that doubles the attack chances, effects inflicting dmg, high attack and versatile monsters, cards that destroy other cards ...

unlimited budget


thank you for your effort

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