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YCM's Official Deck Request Thread

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Let's try this again

Synchro Frogs(For a friend), He wants the main tuner to be Junk synchron and Quickdraw.

$50-70 Budget


x3 of every frog and Support, except treeborn and Tradetoad,of each he has 1.

x3 Junk Synchron

x3 Quickdraw synchron


Moray of greed

Des Croaking

x3 Inferno Reckless Summon

Water Hazard

x2 MST


Mirror Force

x2 Trap Stun

x3 Aegis of the ocean dragon lord

x1 X-Saber Wane

x2 Junk Warrior

x1 Junk Destroyer

x1 Dewloren

x1 X-Saber Urbellum

x1 Gaia Knight

x1 Turbo Warrior


No Trishula, No brio, no Armory arm, no Gungnier, no card above $10 except some synchros.

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Lightworns? Infinite budget. Thanks.


Monsters: 23


Celestia x2

Gorz x1

JD x2


Aurkus x1

Ehren x1

Garoth x1

Jain x1

Lumina x1

Lyla x2

Ryko x2

Wulf x3


Card Trooper x2

Glow-Up Bulb x1

Honest x1

Plaguespreader Zombie x1

Thunder Kng Rai-Oh x1


Spells: 13


Charge of the Light Brigade x1

Dark Hole x1

Foolish Burial x1

Giant Trunade x1

Gold Sarcophagus x1

Monster Reborn x1

Monster Reincarnation x2

Mystical Space Typhoon x2

Solar Recharge x3


Traps: 5


Beckoning Light x1

Phoenix Wing Wind Blast x2

Solemn Judgment x1

Torrential Tribute x1


Extra Deck: 15


Armory Arm x1

Ally of Justice Catastor x1

Magical Android x1

Brionac x1

Flamvell Urquizas/Tempest Magician x1

Black Rose Dragon x1

Scrap Archfiend x1

Avenging Knight Parshath x1

Colossal Fighter x1

Scrap Dragon x1

Stardust Dragon x1

Thought Ruler Archfiend x1

Mist Wurm x1

Trishula x1

Chimeratech Fortress x1


PM me if you also want a Side.

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Is there a Laval deck besides Laval 200 that actually works?

If so, it would be nice if someone could give me an idea how it looks like... if not, just give me Laval 200 :lol:

Meant for DN, so yeah, no restrictions.

Somebody :unsure:

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3 Laval Lancelord

3 Tender of the Laval Volcano

2 Card Trooper

2 Debris Dragon

2 Laval Gunner

2 Laval Miller

1 Danylion

1 Flamvell Firedog

1 Flamvell Poun

1 Glow-Up Bulb

1 Laval Forest Sprite

1 Laval Lady of the Burning Lake



3 Gold Sarcophagus

3 Pot of Duality

3 Rekindling

2 Pot of Avarice

1 Dark Hole

1 Foolish Burial

1 Giant Trunade

1 Monster Reborn



2 Solemn Warning

1 Mirror Force

1 Solemn Judgment

1 Torrential Tribute



2 Formula Synchron

2 T.G. Hyper Librarian

1 Armory Arm

1 Black Rose Dragon

1 Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier

1 Lavalval Dragoon

1 Lavalval Dragon

1 Laval Stannon

1 Laval the Greater

1 Scrap Dragon

1 Shooting Star Dragon

1 Stardust Dragon

1 Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier

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Monsters: 23


Celestia x2

Gorz x1

JD x2


Aurkus x1

Ehren x1

Garoth x1

Jain x1

Lumina x1

Lyla x2

Ryko x2

Wulf x3


Card Trooper x2

Glow-Up Bulb x1

Honest x1

Plaguespreader Zombie x1

Thunder Kng Rai-Oh x1


Spells: 13


Charge of the Light Brigade x1

Dark Hole x1

Foolish Burial x1

Giant Trunade x1

Gold Sarcophagus x1

Monster Reborn x1

Monster Reincarnation x2

Mystical Space Typhoon x2

Solar Recharge x3


Traps: 5


Beckoning Light x1

Phoenix Wing Wind Blast x2

Solemn Judgment x1

Torrential Tribute x1


Extra Deck: 15


Armory Arm x1

Ally of Justice Catastor x1

Magical Android x1

Brionac x1

Flamvell Urquizas/Tempest Magician x1

Black Rose Dragon x1

Scrap Archfiend x1

Avenging Knight Parshath x1

Colossal Fighter x1

Scrap Dragon x1

Stardust Dragon x1

Thought Ruler Archfiend x1

Mist Wurm x1

Trishula x1

Chimeratech Fortress x1


PM me if you also want a Side.


Thank you. I don't need a side.

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Need FishOTK.Dek



My Budget is infinite.




3 Superancient Deepsea King Coelacanth

3 Light and Darkness Dragon

3 Oyster Meister

3 Fishborg Blaster

3 Swap Frog

3 Dupe Frog

2 Treeborn Frog

1 Snowman Eater

1 Tragoedia

1 Gorz the Emissary of Darkness

1 Ronintoadin


3 Pot of Duality

3 Moray of Greed

3 Enemy Controller

2 Gold Sarcophagus

1 Giant Trunade

1 Dark Hole

1 Monster Reborn


2 Trap Stun


Hasn't been updated in a while but should still work.








Anyone good at morphtronics? I would like the burn effect version please.....


PM Burnpsy but expect to get a normal Morph deck because burn sucks.

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Well, here's the deal- I want to go to a tournament with a deck that can hold its own without breaking my wallet.

No Dragnuity or Machina, please.

Gravekeepers is favorable, but go nuts if you have another idea.

My budget? around 40 to 50 bucks. 60 if it's really worth it.

Thanks! ^^


I'm sorry, but anyone for mine?

It kinda got stuffed in the back with the other requests.

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3 Superancient Deepsea King Coelacanth

3 Light and Darkness Dragon

3 Oyster Meister

3 Fishborg Blaster

3 Swap Frog

3 Dupe Frog

2 Treeborn Frog

1 Snowman Eater

1 Tragoedia

1 Gorz the Emissary of Darkness

1 Ronintoadin


3 Pot of Duality

3 Moray of Greed

3 Enemy Controller

2 Gold Sarcophagus

1 Giant Trunade

1 Dark Hole

1 Monster Reborn


2 Trap Stun


Hasn't been updated in a while but should still work.










PM Burnpsy but expect to get a normal Morph deck because burn sucks.


Thanks ;)


Is Trag Legal for play in UK? It's in TU04 so I don't see why not...

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3 Spy

3 Commandant

3 Descendant

3 Recruiter

2 Veiler

1 Assailant



3 Necrovalley

2 Royal Tribute

2 Stele

1 Reborn

1 Dark Hole

1 Book

1 Trunade




1 Oppression

1 Judgment

1 Mirror Force

1 Torrnetial


3 D-Prison

1 Mind Crush

1 Dustshoot

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Let's try this again

Synchro Frogs(For a friend), He wants the main tuner to be Junk synchron and Quickdraw.

$50-70 Budget


x3 of every frog and Support, except treeborn and Tradetoad,of each he has 1.

x3 Junk Synchron

x3 Quickdraw synchron


Moray of greed

Des Croaking

x3 Inferno Reckless Summon

Water Hazard

x2 MST


Mirror Force

x2 Trap Stun

x3 Aegis of the ocean dragon lord

x1 X-Saber Wane

x2 Junk Warrior

x1 Junk Destroyer

x1 Dewloren

x1 X-Saber Urbellum

x1 Gaia Knight

x1 Turbo Warrior


No Trishula, No brio, no Armory arm, no Gungnier, no card above $10 except some synchros.

Any luck?

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