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Mah Brushes!


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On my deviantART account, I've made a bunch of CS3 brushes. I may convert them to GIMP, although the chances are I probably won't. I'll provide a link to my DA gallery, so you can look at all of the brushes, and download, comment, fav etc. So far I have my Fractal Set (I like it), my Swirl Set (My favorite), my Sea Brushes set (not too fond of it), and my Splatter Set (I like it). That's also the order I made them. I just need to say one last thing.

Click here or die! :P

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I never knew you had CS3 either...

BTW, could you post any links to stuff you've made with these brush sets? I'd love to see these used for banners...

Oh, and if anyone would be kind enough to convert these to GIMP/Paint.net/PSP etc... brushes, feel free. But if you post them on DA/YCM, CREDIT ME OR YOU WILL DIE!

My DA account is Phoenix-08, for people that hadn't guessed.

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Well it's brushes' date=' and those are good for the whole community. I might even use them, and it would be good for everyone if you could keep supplying them :/


Plus, I can't critique brushes


Okay. I'm waiting for my splatter brushes to dry... ;)


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