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The ANBU of YCM (LOCK Please)

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[center][center][size=5]The ANBU of YCM[/size][/center][/center]

Welcome to the ANBU of YCM,
Here you can
Talk about anything to do with Naruto (Anime, Manga, Yu-Gi-Oh decks etc.)
You can challenge other members to a 1 on 1 contest, or even host your own contest and invite members to participate.
You can ask members to vote in a 1 on 1 contest you are in (fairly of course).
You can ask help for pics or other card advice for making cards.
You can make banners or other GFX stuff and show them here!
You can promote your fan fictions here as well.

In The ANBU of YCM there are a few ranks, these are:
Reserve ANBU
Recruit ANBU
Veteran ANBU
Tactical Leader

Veteran ANBU and Tactical Leader have a few powers that other ranks don´t have.

Veteran´s can:
Give warnings and judge competitions
Tactical Leader´s can:
Give warnings, ban members and judge competitions.

Here is the joining form:

What you can do:

Thats all now sign up!

DARK RIDER99 (SHADOW) Village: Leaf Rank: Tactical Leader
General Blaze (Blaze) Village: Leaf Rank: Veteran Anbu
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