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[REQ] Overlay card zones to image


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[b]What the item(s) is you wish to request.[/b]

Please add the card zones to this image below:


In a manner similar to this image:


Please fade the zones in a manner similar to how the zones over top of FL Dark are in the image above -

[b]Size [/b]

Relative to the image

[b]Render/Stock [/b]

Please follow link above - I will be glad to email the image as an attachment if you like.

[b]How much [/b]

Due to the fact this project is already halfway done I will reduce how much I normally pay for a custom image. I normally pay 15. I will pay 10 using PayPal for this request.

[b]Other:[/b] Please put the card zones in the upper part of the mat similar to the location they are on the FL Dark mat.
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